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scinews (Feb 2024)

  1. Unique Fossil Site Discovered in France Provides Insights into Ordovician Polar Ecosystems

    0 scinews score • feb 12, 2024

  2. Sagittarius C Region Contains Hundreds of Thousands of Solar Masses of Young Stars: Study

    0 scinews score • feb 20, 2024

  3. Milky Way’s Supermassive Black Hole is Spinning Very Rapidly, New Research Shows

    0 scinews score • feb 27, 2024

  4. Small Feathered Dinosaurs Flapped Their Proto-Wings to Scare Hiding Prey: Study

    0 scinews score • feb 02, 2024

  5. New Research Sheds Light on Evolutionary History of Tardigrade Extremotolerance

    0 scinews score • feb 06, 2024

  6. Fossil of Giant Triassic Amphibian Unearthed in Brazil

    0 scinews score • feb 09, 2024

  7. NASA’s Juno Orbiter Captures Stunning Images of Jupiter’s Moon Io

    0 scinews score • feb 12, 2024

  8. Early Mars was Tectonically and Volcanically Active, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • feb 20, 2024

  9. Extinct Shark’s Teeth Had Their Own Needle-Like Fangs

    0 scinews score • feb 27, 2024

  10. NASA Announces End of Ingenuity Mission

    0 scinews score • feb 02, 2024

  11. Hubble Spots 250,000-Light-Year-Long Bridge of Stars in Arp 295

    0 scinews score • feb 06, 2024

  12. Kiwifruit Consumption Can Improve Vitality and Mood in As Little As Four Days, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • feb 09, 2024

  13. Hubble Finds Clusters of Newborn Stars in Tidal Tails of Merging Galaxy Systems

    0 scinews score • feb 12, 2024

  14. Milky Way’s Supermassive Black Hole is Spinning Very Rapidly, New Research Shows

    0 scinews score • feb 20, 2024

  15. Hubble Looks at Little-Known Spiral Galaxy

    0 scinews score • feb 02, 2024

  16. Meet Bustingorrytitan shiva, New Gigantic Titanosaur from Argentina

    0 scinews score • feb 06, 2024

  17. Paleontologists Discover New Species of Oviraptorosaur in South Dakota

    0 scinews score • feb 09, 2024

  18. Locomotor Advances in Early Dinosaurs Aided Their Survival and Success, Scientists Say

    0 scinews score • feb 12, 2024

  19. Extinct Shark’s Teeth Had Their Own Needle-Like Fangs

    0 scinews score • feb 20, 2024

  20. Fossil of Giant Triassic Amphibian Unearthed in Brazil

    0 scinews score • feb 02, 2024

  21. Earth’s Moon is Shrinking, New Modeling Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • feb 06, 2024

  22. Hubble Captures Stunning Galaxy Collision: LEDA 60847

    0 scinews score • feb 09, 2024

  23. Hubble Spots Luminous Blue Compact Galaxy

    0 scinews score • feb 12, 2024

  24. Hubble Snaps Stunning Image of Nearby Star-Forming Region

    0 scinews score • feb 20, 2024

  25. Kiwifruit Consumption Can Improve Vitality and Mood in As Little As Four Days, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • feb 02, 2024

  26. Small Feathered Dinosaurs Flapped Their Proto-Wings to Scare Hiding Prey: Study

    0 scinews score • feb 06, 2024

  27. Hubble Detects Water Vapor in Atmosphere of Gliese 9827d

    0 scinews score • feb 09, 2024

  28. Low Volcanic Carbon Dioxide Emissions Triggered Sturtian ‘Snowball Earth’ Glaciation: Study

    0 scinews score • feb 12, 2024

  29. Unique Fossil Site Discovered in France Provides Insights into Ordovician Polar Ecosystems

    0 scinews score • feb 20, 2024

  30. Paleontologists Discover New Species of Oviraptorosaur in South Dakota

    0 scinews score • feb 02, 2024

  31. NASA Announces End of Ingenuity Mission

    0 scinews score • feb 06, 2024

  32. Hubble Space Telescope Captures Dance of Two Spiral Galaxies

    0 scinews score • feb 09, 2024

  33. Study: Tiny Structures in Wax Coating of Blue-Pigmented Fruits Give Them Their Blue Color

    0 scinews score • feb 12, 2024

  34. NASA’s Juno Orbiter Captures Stunning Images of Jupiter’s Moon Io

    0 scinews score • feb 20, 2024

  35. Hubble Captures Stunning Galaxy Collision: LEDA 60847

    0 scinews score • feb 02, 2024

  36. Hubble Looks at Little-Known Spiral Galaxy

    0 scinews score • feb 06, 2024

  37. Novel Camera System and Software Records Natural Animal-View Videos with Over 90% Accuracy

    0 scinews score • feb 09, 2024

  38. Saturn’s Moon Mimas Harbors Global Ocean beneath Its Icy Shell, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • feb 12, 2024

  39. Hubble Finds Clusters of Newborn Stars in Tidal Tails of Merging Galaxy Systems

    0 scinews score • feb 20, 2024

  40. Ornithologists Capture First-Ever Photos of Elusive Yellow-Crested Helmetshrike

    0 scinews score • feb 21, 2024

  41. Hubble Detects Water Vapor in Atmosphere of Gliese 9827d

    0 scinews score • feb 02, 2024

  42. Fossil of Giant Triassic Amphibian Unearthed in Brazil

    0 scinews score • feb 06, 2024

  43. Physicists Determine Distribution of Strong Force inside Proton

    0 scinews score • feb 09, 2024

  44. Two New Species of Carboniferous Ctenacanth Sharks Identified in the United States

    0 scinews score • feb 12, 2024

  45. Webb Finds Evidence of Hydrothermal Processes in Interiors of Eris and Makemake

    0 scinews score • feb 16, 2024

  46. Locomotor Advances in Early Dinosaurs Aided Their Survival and Success, Scientists Say

    0 scinews score • feb 20, 2024

  47. Hubble Space Telescope Captures Dance of Two Spiral Galaxies

    0 scinews score • feb 02, 2024

  48. Kiwifruit Consumption Can Improve Vitality and Mood in As Little As Four Days, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • feb 06, 2024

  49. Scientists Produce Chromosome-Scale Genome Sequence for Arabica Coffee

    0 scinews score • feb 09, 2024

  50. Hubble Space Telescope Looks at Distorted Spiral Galaxy

    0 scinews score • feb 12, 2024

  51. New Species of Small Duckbilled Dinosaur Identified in Morocco

    0 scinews score • feb 16, 2024

  52. Hubble Spots Luminous Blue Compact Galaxy

    0 scinews score • feb 20, 2024

  53. Study: Sea Lamprey’s Brain Development is Remarkably Similar to That of Humans

    0 scinews score • feb 21, 2024

  54. Novel Camera System and Software Records Natural Animal-View Videos with Over 90% Accuracy

    0 scinews score • feb 02, 2024

  55. Paleontologists Discover New Species of Oviraptorosaur in South Dakota

    0 scinews score • feb 06, 2024

  56. New Cretaceous-Era Titanosaur Species Discovered in Argentina

    0 scinews score • feb 12, 2024

  57. Physicists Determine Gluonic Gravitational Form Factors of Proton

    0 scinews score • feb 16, 2024

  58. Low Volcanic Carbon Dioxide Emissions Triggered Sturtian ‘Snowball Earth’ Glaciation: Study

    0 scinews score • feb 20, 2024

  59. Miniature Cyprinid Fish Can Produce Sounds over 140 dB, Ichthyologists Say

    0 scinews score • feb 27, 2024

  60. Physicists Determine Distribution of Strong Force inside Proton

    0 scinews score • feb 02, 2024

  61. Hubble Captures Stunning Galaxy Collision: LEDA 60847

    0 scinews score • feb 06, 2024

  62. Which Came First: Supermassive Black Holes or Galaxies? New Insights from Webb

    0 scinews score • feb 12, 2024

  63. Researchers One Step Closer to True One-Way Glass

    0 scinews score • feb 16, 2024

  64. Study: Tiny Structures in Wax Coating of Blue-Pigmented Fruits Give Them Their Blue Color

    0 scinews score • feb 20, 2024

  65. Scientists Produce Chromosome-Scale Genome Sequence for Arabica Coffee

    0 scinews score • feb 02, 2024

  66. Hubble Detects Water Vapor in Atmosphere of Gliese 9827d

    0 scinews score • feb 06, 2024

  67. Hubble Space Telescope Captures Collision of Two Small Galaxies

    0 scinews score • feb 12, 2024

  68. Astronomers Discover Binary System of Free-Floating Planetary-Mass Objects

    0 scinews score • feb 16, 2024

  69. Saturn’s Moon Mimas Harbors Global Ocean beneath Its Icy Shell, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • feb 20, 2024

  70. Study: Multicellularity Emerged in Streptophyte Plants about One Billion Years Ago

    0 scinews score • feb 02, 2024

  71. Hubble Space Telescope Captures Dance of Two Spiral Galaxies

    0 scinews score • feb 06, 2024

  72. 380-Million-Year-Old Fossils of Air-Breathing Tetrapod Fish Found in Australia

    0 scinews score • feb 12, 2024

  73. SOFIA Detects Molecular Water on Nominally Dry Asteroids

    0 scinews score • feb 13, 2024

  74. Stone Age Hunting Megastructure Discovered in Baltic Sea

    0 scinews score • feb 16, 2024

  75. Two New Species of Carboniferous Ctenacanth Sharks Identified in the United States

    0 scinews score • feb 20, 2024

  76. Webb Looks at Massive Star-Forming Complex in Large Magellanic Cloud

    0 scinews score • feb 02, 2024

  77. Novel Camera System and Software Records Natural Animal-View Videos with Over 90% Accuracy

    0 scinews score • feb 06, 2024

  78. Gemini South Telescope Focuses on Peculiar Lenticular Galaxy NGC 4753

    0 scinews score • feb 12, 2024

  79. Scientists Sequence Genome of Elusive Night Parrot

    0 scinews score • feb 16, 2024

  80. Hubble Space Telescope Looks at Distorted Spiral Galaxy

    0 scinews score • feb 20, 2024

  81. New Observations of Messier 87’s Black Hole Support Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity

    0 scinews score • feb 02, 2024

  82. Physicists Determine Distribution of Strong Force inside Proton

    0 scinews score • feb 06, 2024

  83. New Pterosaur Species Identified from Skye Fossils

    0 scinews score • feb 12, 2024

  84. New Species of Titanosaur Unearthed in China

    0 scinews score • feb 16, 2024

  85. New Cretaceous-Era Titanosaur Species Discovered in Argentina

    0 scinews score • feb 20, 2024

  86. Physicists Create One-Dimensional Noble Gas

    0 scinews score • feb 02, 2024

  87. Scientists Produce Chromosome-Scale Genome Sequence for Arabica Coffee

    0 scinews score • feb 06, 2024

  88. Astronomers Find Super-Earth Exoplanet in Habitable Zone of TOI-715

    0 scinews score • feb 12, 2024

  89. SOFIA Detects Molecular Water on Nominally Dry Asteroids

    0 scinews score • feb 16, 2024

  90. Which Came First: Supermassive Black Holes or Galaxies? New Insights from Webb

    0 scinews score • feb 20, 2024

  91. Megalodon May Have Been More Slender than Previously Thought

    0 scinews score • feb 02, 2024

  92. Study: Multicellularity Emerged in Streptophyte Plants about One Billion Years Ago

    0 scinews score • feb 06, 2024

  93. Hubble Space Telescope Snaps Close-Up of Arp 140

    0 scinews score • feb 12, 2024

  94. 12,940-Year-Old Bone Bead Found in Wyoming

    0 scinews score • feb 16, 2024

  95. Hubble Space Telescope Captures Collision of Two Small Galaxies

    0 scinews score • feb 20, 2024

  96. Archaeologists Discover 2,500-Year-Old System of Urban Centers in Amazonian Ecuador

    0 scinews score • feb 02, 2024

  97. Webb Looks at Massive Star-Forming Complex in Large Magellanic Cloud

    0 scinews score • feb 06, 2024

  98. Early Carboniferous Tree Species Had Unique Crown Shape

    0 scinews score • feb 12, 2024

  99. Sagittarius C Region Contains Hundreds of Thousands of Solar Masses of Young Stars: Study

    0 scinews score • feb 13, 2024

  100. Astronomers Employ Novel Technique for Searching for Alien Technosignatures

    0 scinews score • feb 16, 2024