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scinews (14 May 2024)

  1. Webb Maps Weather on Hot Jupiter WASP-43b

    0 scinews score • may 14, 2024

  2. New Computer Simulations Support Dark Matter Theory

    0 scinews score • may 14, 2024

  3. Webb Captures Best Ever Images of Horsehead Nebula

    0 scinews score • may 14, 2024

  4. New Study Provides Estimates of How Much Water Courses through Earth’s Rivers

    0 scinews score • may 14, 2024

  5. Paleontologists Discover Two New Species of Pachycephalosaurine Dinosaurs

    0 scinews score • may 14, 2024

  6. CERN Physicists Zero In On Hypothetical Magnetic Monopoles

    0 scinews score • may 14, 2024

  7. Researchers Find Traces of Psychoactive and Other Ceremonial Plants beneath Ancient Maya Ballcourt

    0 scinews score • may 14, 2024

  8. Hubble Space Telescope Finds ‘Complex’ Galaxy in Virgo Cluster

    0 scinews score • may 14, 2024

  9. How Smart Were Tyrannosaurus rex and Other Large Theropod Dinosaurs?

    0 scinews score • may 14, 2024

  10. Researchers Construct New Family Tree for Flowering Plants

    0 scinews score • may 14, 2024

  11. Footprints of Giant Troodontid Dinosaur Found in China

    0 scinews score • may 14, 2024

  12. Astronomers Detect Giant Flare from Magnetar in Messier 82

    0 scinews score • may 14, 2024