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scinews (May 2024)

  1. Astronomers Find 12- to 13-Billion-Year-Old Stars in Milky Way’s Halo

    0 scinews score • may 21, 2024

  2. Hunter-Gatherers Settled in Cyprus Thousands of Years Earlier than Previously Thought

    0 scinews score • may 29, 2024

  3. Astronomers Discover 454 New Asteroids in Main Belt

    0 scinews score • may 01, 2024

  4. Astronomers Detect Enormous Bipolar Outflow from NGC 4383

    0 scinews score • may 07, 2024

  5. South America’s Giant Hummingbird is Actually Two Species

    0 scinews score • may 15, 2024

  6. Earth-Sized Exoplanet Found Orbiting Nearby Ultracool Red Dwarf

    0 scinews score • may 21, 2024

  7. Fossils from New Species of Carnivorous Dinosaur Discovered in Argentina

    0 scinews score • may 22, 2024

  8. Hubble Snaps Incredible Image of NGC 4689

    0 scinews score • may 29, 2024

  9. Paleontologists Identify New Species of Giant Triassic Ichthyosaur

    0 scinews score • may 01, 2024

  10. Biologists Find Mutated and Genetically Distinct Strains of Multi-Drug Resistant Bacterium on ISS

    0 scinews score • may 07, 2024

  11. Planetary Scientists Create Map of Ceres’ Cold Traps

    0 scinews score • may 15, 2024

  12. Paleontologists Discover New Species of Ornithopod Dinosaur in Argentina

    0 scinews score • may 21, 2024

  13. Milky Way’s Center is Venting, Astronomers Say

    0 scinews score • may 29, 2024

  14. Humans Occupied Lava Tube Cave in Saudi Arabia for 7,000 Years, Archaeologists Find

    0 scinews score • may 01, 2024

  15. Uninhabitable Venus Offers Lessons about Potential for Extraterrestrial Life

    0 scinews score • may 07, 2024

  16. Very Large Telescope Spots Pink Nebula: Gum 46

    0 scinews score • may 15, 2024

  17. Would You Trust Robot to Look After Your Cat?

    0 scinews score • may 21, 2024

  18. Hubble Space Telescope Spots Triple-Star System in Taurus

    0 scinews score • may 29, 2024

  19. Webb Detects Methane Emission from Cool Brown Dwarf

    0 scinews score • may 01, 2024

  20. Scientists Create Single-Atom-Thick Gold: Goldene

    0 scinews score • may 07, 2024

  21. Paleontologists Find New Fossil Bovids at Cradle of Humankind Site

    0 scinews score • may 15, 2024

  22. 478-Million-Year-Old Fossil Sheds Light on Diversity and Evolution of Early Euchelicerates

    0 scinews score • may 21, 2024

  23. Killer Whales Take Single Breath between Dives, Marine Scientists Confirm

    0 scinews score • may 29, 2024

  24. Interspecific Competition Played Key Role in Rise and Fall of Hominins, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • may 01, 2024

  25. Terrifyingly Large Snakes Once Lived in India

    0 scinews score • may 07, 2024

  26. Hubble Space Telescope Focuses on Center of NGC 4753

    0 scinews score • may 15, 2024

  27. Study: Warm-Bloodedness in Theropod and Ornithischian Dinosaurs Evolved by Early Jurassic

    0 scinews score • may 16, 2024

  28. Large Language Models and Other AI Systems are Already Capable of Deceiving Humans, Scientists Say

    0 scinews score • may 21, 2024

  29. Webb Detects Ongoing Merger of Two Supermassive Black Holes in Early Universe

    0 scinews score • may 29, 2024

  30. Purple is the New Green: Purple Bacteria Could Dominate Wide Range of Exoplanetary Environments

    0 scinews score • may 01, 2024

  31. Hubble Snaps Stunning Image of Small Spiral Galaxy

    0 scinews score • may 07, 2024

  32. Near-Collapse of Geomagnetic Field May Have Contributed to Diversification of Life on Earth

    0 scinews score • may 15, 2024

  33. Astronomers Discover New Cotton-Candy Exoplanet: WASP-193b

    0 scinews score • may 21, 2024

  34. Study: Warm-Bloodedness in Theropod and Ornithischian Dinosaurs Evolved by Early Jurassic

    0 scinews score • may 29, 2024

  35. CERN Physicists Release Higgs Boson Discovery Data

    0 scinews score • may 01, 2024

  36. NASA’s Juno Mission Provides Close-Ups of Intriguing Features on Io

    0 scinews score • may 07, 2024

  37. Cassini Observations Suggest Underground Ocean on Titan

    0 scinews score • may 15, 2024

  38. South America’s Giant Hummingbird is Actually Two Species

    0 scinews score • may 21, 2024

  39. New Research Provides Insights into Evolutionary History of Baobabs

    0 scinews score • may 29, 2024

  40. Planetary Researchers Solve Mystery of How Pluto Got Its Pear-Shaped Feature

    0 scinews score • may 01, 2024

  41. Astronomers Discover 454 New Asteroids in Main Belt

    0 scinews score • may 07, 2024

  42. New Species of Pseudoscorpion Found Preserved in 50-Million-Year-Old Amber

    0 scinews score • may 15, 2024

  43. Planetary Scientists Create Map of Ceres’ Cold Traps

    0 scinews score • may 21, 2024

  44. Researchers Demonstrate Thermal Trapping of Solar Radiation at 1,922 Degrees Fahrenheit

    0 scinews score • may 29, 2024

  45. Tardigrades Have Unusual Response to Ionizing Radiation, Study Reveals

    0 scinews score • may 01, 2024

  46. Paleontologists Identify New Species of Giant Triassic Ichthyosaur

    0 scinews score • may 07, 2024

  47. New NASA Visualization Shows Supermassive Black Hole’s Event Horizon

    0 scinews score • may 15, 2024

  48. Very Large Telescope Spots Pink Nebula: Gum 46

    0 scinews score • may 21, 2024

  49. Amalthea: Juno Captures Solar System’s Reddest Object

    0 scinews score • may 29, 2024

  50. Arabica Coffee Originated More Than 600,000 Years Ago in Ethiopia: Study

    0 scinews score • may 01, 2024

  51. Humans Occupied Lava Tube Cave in Saudi Arabia for 7,000 Years, Archaeologists Find

    0 scinews score • may 07, 2024

  52. XRISM Detects Iron in Accretion Disk around NGC 4151’s Supermassive Black Hole

    0 scinews score • may 15, 2024

  53. Paleontologists Find New Fossil Bovids at Cradle of Humankind Site

    0 scinews score • may 21, 2024

  54. Physicists Searching for Heaviest and Smallest QED Atom: True Tauonium

    0 scinews score • may 29, 2024

  55. Surprisingly Massive Stellar-Mass Black Hole Detected in Nearby Binary System

    0 scinews score • may 01, 2024

  56. Manganese-Rich Sandstones Point to Earth-Like Environment on Ancient Mars

    0 scinews score • may 02, 2024

  57. Webb Detects Methane Emission from Cool Brown Dwarf

    0 scinews score • may 07, 2024

  58. Webb Detects Secondary Atmosphere on 55 Cancri e

    0 scinews score • may 15, 2024

  59. Hubble Space Telescope Focuses on Center of NGC 4753

    0 scinews score • may 21, 2024

  60. Astronomers Find 12- to 13-Billion-Year-Old Stars in Milky Way’s Halo

    0 scinews score • may 29, 2024

  61. Strong Winds Drive Formation of Colossal Rogue Waves, Scientists Say

    0 scinews score • may 01, 2024

  62. New Research Sheds Light on Origin of Chemical Differences in Giant Binary Stars

    0 scinews score • may 01, 2024

  63. Interspecific Competition Played Key Role in Rise and Fall of Hominins, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • may 07, 2024

  64. New Rock Art Sites Discovered in Sudanese Eastern Desert

    0 scinews score • may 15, 2024

  65. Near-Collapse of Geomagnetic Field May Have Contributed to Diversification of Life on Earth

    0 scinews score • may 21, 2024

  66. Earth-Sized Exoplanet Found Orbiting Nearby Ultracool Red Dwarf

    0 scinews score • may 29, 2024

  67. 8,600-Year-Old Bread Found in Türkiye

    0 scinews score • may 01, 2024

  68. Purple is the New Green: Purple Bacteria Could Dominate Wide Range of Exoplanetary Environments

    0 scinews score • may 07, 2024

  69. Physicists Observe Rare Nuclear Decay of Potassium Isotope

    0 scinews score • may 15, 2024

  70. Cassini Observations Suggest Underground Ocean on Titan

    0 scinews score • may 21, 2024

  71. Paleontologists Discover New Species of Ornithopod Dinosaur in Argentina

    0 scinews score • may 29, 2024

  72. Three New Species of Fossil Kangaroos Discovered in Australia and New Guinea

    0 scinews score • may 01, 2024

  73. Sperm Whale Communication is More Complex than Previously Thought

    0 scinews score • may 15, 2024

  74. New Species of Pseudoscorpion Found Preserved in 50-Million-Year-Old Amber

    0 scinews score • may 21, 2024

  75. Would You Trust Robot to Look After Your Cat?

    0 scinews score • may 29, 2024

  76. BepiColombo Detects Oxygen and Carbon Ions in Magnetosphere of Venus

    0 scinews score • may 01, 2024

  77. 7,000-Year-Old Settlement Discovered in Serbia

    0 scinews score • may 06, 2024

  78. Researchers Discover First Effective Treatment for Spitting Cobra Snakebite

    0 scinews score • may 15, 2024

  79. New NASA Visualization Shows Supermassive Black Hole’s Event Horizon

    0 scinews score • may 21, 2024

  80. 478-Million-Year-Old Fossil Sheds Light on Diversity and Evolution of Early Euchelicerates

    0 scinews score • may 29, 2024

  81. Scientists Translate Vocal Muscle Activity of Birds during Sleep into Synthetic Songs

    0 scinews score • may 01, 2024

  82. Sumatran Orangutan Spotted Treating Wound with Medicinal Plant

    0 scinews score • may 06, 2024

  83. DECam Spots Cometary Globule in Gum Nebula

    0 scinews score • may 15, 2024

  84. XRISM Detects Iron in Accretion Disk around NGC 4151’s Supermassive Black Hole

    0 scinews score • may 21, 2024

  85. Large Language Models and Other AI Systems are Already Capable of Deceiving Humans, Scientists Say

    0 scinews score • may 29, 2024

  86. Hubble Sees Beautiful Barred Spiral Galaxy: NGC 3783

    0 scinews score • may 01, 2024

  87. Webb Probably Didn’t Detect Biosignature Gas on K2-18b

    0 scinews score • may 06, 2024

  88. Scientists Discover New Property of Light

    0 scinews score • may 15, 2024

  89. Webb Detects Secondary Atmosphere on 55 Cancri e

    0 scinews score • may 21, 2024

  90. Astronomers Discover New Cotton-Candy Exoplanet: WASP-193b

    0 scinews score • may 29, 2024

  91. New Titanosaur Species Identified in Argentina

    0 scinews score • may 01, 2024

  92. Manganese-Rich Sandstones Point to Earth-Like Environment on Ancient Mars

    0 scinews score • may 06, 2024

  93. New Study Explains Why Venus is Extremely Dry

    0 scinews score • may 15, 2024

  94. New Rock Art Sites Discovered in Sudanese Eastern Desert

    0 scinews score • may 21, 2024

  95. Webb Explores Stellar Population of NGC 6440

    0 scinews score • may 06, 2024

  96. NGC 4951: Hubble Space Telescope Captures Active Seyfert Galaxy

    0 scinews score • may 15, 2024

  97. Physicists Observe Rare Nuclear Decay of Potassium Isotope

    0 scinews score • may 21, 2024

  98. Webb Zooms In on Irregular Galaxy NGC 4449

    0 scinews score • may 30, 2024

  99. Researchers Focus on Potential ‘Cosmic Glitch’ in Gravity

    0 scinews score • may 06, 2024

  100. Webb Detects Secondary Atmosphere on 55 Cancri e

    0 scinews score • may 08, 2024