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scinews (Sep 2024)

  1. 5,600-Year-Old Stone Bridge Indicates Early Human Arrival in Spain’s Mallorca

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  2. Hubble Observes Emission Nebula in Small Magellanic Cloud: NGC 261

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  3. 2,700-Year-Old Stone Seal Unearthed in Israel

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  4. Miocene-Period Dugong Was Eaten by Crocodile and Tiger Sharks, Paleontologists Say

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  5. NASA’s Endurance Mission Measures Earth’s Ambipolar Electric Field for First Time

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  6. Study: Crowded Groups of Mutually Shading Plants ‘Dance’ Together to Share Sunlight

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  7. Landscape of Fear: Fear of Violent Conflicts Influenced Development of Non-State Societies in Ancient Europe

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  8. Hubble Sees Central Region of Triangulum Galaxy

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  9. Scientists Discover New Sensor for DNA Methylation

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  10. New Abelisaurid Dinosaur Species Discovered in France

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  11. Hubble Zooms In On Pegasus Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  12. EHT Makes Highest-Resolution Black Hole Detections Yet from Earth

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  13. Webb Discovers Six Free-Floating Exoplanets in NGC 1333

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  14. Planetary Reseachers Create 3D Radiation Map of Jovian System

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  15. Murchison Widefield Array Searches for Extragalactic Alien Technosignatures

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  16. Early Galaxies Were Less Massive than Previously Thought

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  17. Venus Express Detects Unexpected Increase of Deuterium to Hydrogen Ratio in Venusian Mesosphere

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  18. Hubble Space Telescope Gazes at UGC 3478

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  19. Paleontologists Discover Matching Sets of Dinosaur Footprints in Africa and South America

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  20. Cretaceous Amber Fossils Shed New Light on Evolutionary Origin of Tardigrades

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  21. Super-Earths and Sub-Neptunes Contain Much More Water than Previously Thought

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  22. New Carnivorous Dinosaur Species Unearthed in Kyrgyzstan

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  23. Physicists Observe Antihyperhydrogen-4 for First Time

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  24. Study: Clovis People Used Planted Pikes for Hunting of Megaherbivores

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  25. TRAPPIST-1 System Was Formed in Two Steps, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  26. Humpback Whales Wield and Manufacture Their Own Tools

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  27. Hubble Space Telescope Snaps New Image of UGC 4879

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  28. Ancient mtDNA Reveals Presence of Indigenous Dogs at Jamestown Colony in Early 17th Century

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  29. Astronomers Find Spots on Surface of Polaris

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  30. Marine Biologists Discover New Species of Fish in Mauritanian Waters

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  31. Air Pollution Can Increase Severity of Summertime Thunderstorms, Study Says

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  32. Climate Change Influenced Demography of Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers, New Research Reveals

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  33. Prehistoric Lovebirds Lived in Cradle of Humankind 2.5 Million Years Ago

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  34. South American Lungfish Has Largest Animal Genome Sequenced So Far

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  35. Denser Molecular Clouds Are Not More Efficient at Forming Stars, Astrophysicists Say

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  36. Exposure to Higher UV Levels Boosts Health in Low-Sunlight Countries, New Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  37. Hubble Space Telescope Captures Image of Little-Known Barred Spiral Galaxy

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  38. Dinosaur-Killing Chicxulub Asteroid Came from beyond Jupiter: Study

    0 scinews score • sep 03, 2024

  39. Hubble Spots Active Spiral Galaxy in Telescopium

    0 scinews score • sep 02, 2024

  40. Marmoset Monkeys Use Names to Communicate with Each Other

    0 scinews score • sep 02, 2024