Barkers' Crawler v3.2 

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Hacker News (29 Nov 2023)

  1. Llamafile lets you distribute and run LLMs with a single file

    983 points • 258 comments • nov 29, 2023

  2. The 1988 shooting down of Flight 655 as a user interface disaster

    759 points • 598 comments • nov 29, 2023

  3. Rust std fs slower than Python? No, it's hardware

    656 points • 225 comments • nov 29, 2023

  4. Who makes the most reliable new cars?

    504 points • 1027 comments • nov 29, 2023

  5. Jaq โ€“ A jq clone focused on correctness, speed, and simplicity

    408 points • 222 comments • nov 29, 2023

  6. Freetar โ€“ an alternative front end for

    387 points • 119 comments • nov 29, 2023

  7. Write shaders for the (sim) Vegas sphere

    348 points • 75 comments • nov 29, 2023

  8. Roundcube open-source webmail software merges with Nextcloud

    328 points • 234 comments • nov 29, 2023

  9. Travle: A daily game โ€“ get between countries in as few guesses as possible

    279 points • 67 comments • nov 29, 2023

  10. Deno Cron

    249 points • 173 comments • nov 29, 2023

  11. How to Work Effectively with Someone You Don't Like

    245 points • 278 comments • nov 29, 2023

  12. Massachusetts becomes fifth state to make prison calls free

    232 points • 99 comments • nov 29, 2023