Barkers' Crawler v3.2 

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Hacker News (07 Dec 2023)

  1. Gemini "duck" demo was not done in realtime or with voice

    938 points • 574 comments • dec 07, 2023

  2. Making noisy SVGs

    464 points • 86 comments • dec 07, 2023

  3. Fairphone 5: Keeping it 10/10?

    455 points • 453 comments • dec 07, 2023

  4. SVG Tutorial

    428 points • 99 comments • dec 07, 2023

  5. A lost X-Files song

    423 points • 155 comments • dec 07, 2023

  6. A genetically modified bacterium that outcompetes bacteria causing tooth decay

    356 points • 142 comments • dec 07, 2023

  7. 23andMe updates their TOS to force binding arbitration

    331 points • 196 comments • dec 07, 2023

  8. Google calls Drive data loss "fixed," locks forum threads saying otherwise

    328 points • 139 comments • dec 07, 2023

  9. Purple Llama: Towards open trust and safety in generative AI

    326 points • 298 comments • dec 07, 2023

  10. Why a spritz of water before grinding coffee yields better results

    324 points • 244 comments • dec 07, 2023

  11. Meta's new AI image generator was trained on 1.1B Instagram and FB photos

    320 points • 201 comments • dec 07, 2023

  12. Lithium “shortage” bubble implodes again

    312 points • 156 comments • dec 07, 2023