Barkers' Crawler v3.2 

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Hacker News (15 Feb 2024)

  1. Sora: Creating video from text

    3574 points • 2183 comments • feb 15, 2024

  2. Our next-generation model: Gemini 1.5

    1191 points • 553 comments • feb 15, 2024

  3. Apple confirms it's breaking iPhone web apps in the EU on purpose

    753 points • 670 comments • feb 15, 2024

  4. Observable 2.0, a static site generator for data apps

    620 points • 147 comments • feb 15, 2024

  5. Uv: Python packaging in Rust

    585 points • 188 comments • feb 15, 2024

  6. OpenAI – Application for US trademark “GPT” has failed

    561 points • 245 comments • feb 15, 2024

  7. Every default macOS wallpaper

    520 points • 169 comments • feb 15, 2024

  8. Happy Birthday Lemmings

    414 points • 125 comments • feb 15, 2024

  9. Show HN: Gitlab Meeting Simulator 2024

    334 points • 73 comments • feb 15, 2024

  10. Building an LLM from Scratch: Automatic Differentiation (2023)

    330 points • 16 comments • feb 15, 2024

  11. Asahi Linux project's OpenGL support on Apple Silicon officially surpasses Apple

    329 points • 130 comments • feb 15, 2024

  12. The existence of a new kind of magnet has been confirmed

    318 points • 93 comments • feb 15, 2024