Barkers' Crawler v3.2 

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Hacker News (Feb 2024)

  1. Ask HN: Are there any websites for SQL puzzle games?

    133 points • 39 comments • feb 29, 2024

  2. Extending Rust's Effect System

    133 points • 19 comments • feb 10, 2024

  3. The game theory of seduction and marriage with Jane Austen

    133 points • 94 comments • feb 17, 2024

  4. Moving a billion Postgres rows on a $100 budget

    133 points • 60 comments • feb 21, 2024

  5. Mozilla downsizes as it refocuses on Firefox and AI

    133 points • 111 comments • feb 13, 2024

  6. Hyrum's Law

    133 points • 60 comments • feb 16, 2024

  7. WASM Instructions

    133 points • 79 comments • feb 18, 2024

  8. How QUIC is displacing TCP for speed

    132 points • 132 comments • feb 08, 2024

  9. Gemini 1.5 Pro

    132 points • 51 comments • feb 15, 2024

  10. I was infected with Zika to test a vaccine

    132 points • 87 comments • feb 20, 2024

  11. Starlink terminal revision 4: overview and tests

    132 points • 108 comments • feb 29, 2024

  12. Slimming Down Windows 3.1/3.11 (2002)

    132 points • 72 comments • feb 24, 2024

  13. Moore's Scofflaws

    132 points • 78 comments • feb 20, 2024

  14. We were not accepted into Google Summer of Code. So, we started our own

    132 points • 45 comments • feb 24, 2024

  15. OLMo: Accelerating the Science of Language Models [pdf]

    132 points • 45 comments • feb 02, 2024

  16. A man who invented VR goggles 50 years too soon (2016)

    131 points • 97 comments • feb 01, 2024

  17. Zero-rupee note

    131 points • 59 comments • feb 25, 2024

  18. Go(lang): Robust generic functions on slices

    131 points • 68 comments • feb 23, 2024

  19. ZX – A tool for writing better scripts

    131 points • 101 comments • feb 10, 2024

  20. Tech has graduated from the Star Trek era to the Douglas Adams age

    131 points • 117 comments • feb 21, 2024

  21. All Aboard the Bureaucracy Train

    131 points • 83 comments • feb 26, 2024

  22. Klarna says its AI assistant does the work of 700 people

    131 points • 232 comments • feb 27, 2024

  23. How China Built BYD

    131 points • 352 comments • feb 18, 2024

  24. Walter Shawlee, the sovereign of slide rules, has died

    131 points • 44 comments • feb 08, 2024

  25. Porting to GCC 14: C language issues

    130 points • 110 comments • feb 19, 2024

  26. NVK is now ready for prime time

    130 points • 37 comments • feb 29, 2024

  27. Dijkstra's interview on Dutch TV (2000)

    130 points • 77 comments • feb 04, 2024

  28. Chronic stress spreads cancer

    130 points • 55 comments • feb 24, 2024

  29. The Emacsen family, the design of an Emacs and the importance of Lisp (2023)

    130 points • 121 comments • feb 16, 2024

  30. Paintings reveal how the Dutch adapted to extreme weather in the little Ice Age

    130 points • 40 comments • feb 02, 2024

  31. LongRoPE: Extending LLM Context Window Beyond 2M Tokens

    130 points • 43 comments • feb 22, 2024

  32. Video Game Module for Flipper Zero

    130 points • 65 comments • feb 20, 2024

  33. PhotoPea: Advanced Image Editor

    130 points • 39 comments • feb 18, 2024

  34. DVD's New Cousin Can Store More Than a Petabit

    129 points • 82 comments • feb 24, 2024

  35. Neal Stephenson was prescient about our AI age

    129 points • 296 comments • feb 07, 2024

  36. Demoscene and video game music streaming radio links

    129 points • 31 comments • feb 10, 2024

  37. A Plea for Lean Software (1995)

    129 points • 114 comments • feb 19, 2024

  38. Is Tableau Dead?

    128 points • 111 comments • feb 27, 2024

  39. Show HN: – A zero-install static site hosting service for hackers

    128 points • 36 comments • feb 28, 2024

  40. The case against caffeine

    128 points • 183 comments • feb 19, 2024

  41. Shell scripting with Elixir

    128 points • 39 comments • feb 12, 2024

  42. The code worked differently when the moon was full (2021)

    128 points • 28 comments • feb 21, 2024

  43. Show me the prompt

    128 points • 28 comments • feb 14, 2024

  44. Ask HN: Why is HN so often down?

    128 points • 87 comments • feb 29, 2024

  45. Aerugo – RTOS for aerospace uses written in Rust

    128 points • 39 comments • feb 01, 2024

  46. JSTOR is Now Available in 1k Prisons

    128 points • 86 comments • feb 26, 2024

  47. Google Secures $60M Deal for Real-Time Access to Reddit Data

    128 points • 86 comments • feb 22, 2024

  48. Show HN: – Code Review as Interview

    127 points • 45 comments • feb 19, 2024

  49. How the codpiece flopped

    127 points • 55 comments • feb 04, 2024

  50. Researchers use electron beams to eradicate forever chemicals in water

    127 points • 81 comments • feb 22, 2024

  51. Microsoft bets on Germany in €3.2B AI push

    127 points • 99 comments • feb 17, 2024

  52. The Eagle Never Sleeps: one Kentucky newspaper still screams for press freedom

    127 points • 31 comments • feb 08, 2024

  53. Encoding tic-tac-toe in 15 bits

    127 points • 93 comments • feb 21, 2024

  54. Pure Programming Language

    127 points • 19 comments • feb 27, 2024

  55. Math, Physics, and Engineering Applets

    127 points • 18 comments • feb 22, 2024

  56. A reasonable configuration language

    127 points • 85 comments • feb 04, 2024

  57. A Face Is Exposed for AOL Searcher No. 4417749 (2006)

    126 points • 36 comments • feb 25, 2024

  58. Ancient Rome's failed building projects

    126 points • 79 comments • feb 16, 2024

  59. Managing mutable data in Elixir with Rust

    126 points • 50 comments • feb 15, 2024

  60. Orgzly Revived: a community-maintained version of Orgzly

    126 points • 61 comments • feb 16, 2024

  61. It's OK to abandon your side-project

    126 points • 71 comments • feb 25, 2024

  62. Scientists find genetic signature of Down syndrome in ancient bones

    126 points • 84 comments • feb 28, 2024

  63. The unwritten rules of negotiating with Meta

    126 points • 118 comments • feb 27, 2024

  64. New Zealand set to be first country to ban PFAS in cosmetic products

    126 points • 23 comments • feb 08, 2024

  65. Final images of Ingenuity reveal an entire blade broke off the helicopter

    126 points • 53 comments • feb 26, 2024

  66. The power of two random choices

    126 points • 30 comments • feb 07, 2024

  67. Game Font Forensics

    125 points • 19 comments • feb 18, 2024

  68. Unicomp's "New" Model M Keyboard

    125 points • 157 comments • feb 13, 2024

  69. Show HN: Pika – Simple blogging software

    125 points • 41 comments • feb 06, 2024

  70. Microsoft Joins the MapLibre Sponsorship Program

    125 points • 15 comments • feb 24, 2024

  71. Apple Vision Pro users reporting cracked outer surfaces

    124 points • 74 comments • feb 23, 2024

  72. Apple Is Lobbying Against Right to Repair 6 Months After Supporting It

    124 points • 29 comments • feb 09, 2024

  73. Nuclear power saved Armenia

    124 points • 57 comments • feb 04, 2024

  74. Floats Are Weird

    124 points • 97 comments • feb 19, 2024

  75. Tai chi reduces blood pressure better than aerobic exercise

    124 points • 118 comments • feb 14, 2024

  76. MAME Debugging

    123 points • 19 comments • feb 03, 2024

  77. How does the sky turn dark at night?

    123 points • 44 comments • feb 29, 2024

  78. Saturn's largest moon most likely uninhabitable

    123 points • 97 comments • feb 20, 2024

  79. SN Pro Typeface

    123 points • 47 comments • feb 22, 2024

  80. A Distributed File System in Go Cut Average Metadata Memory Usage to 100 Bytes

    123 points • 55 comments • feb 23, 2024

  81. jj init – getting serious about replacing Git with Jujutsu

    123 points • 77 comments • feb 02, 2024

  82. Ledger: Stripe's system for tracking and validating money movement

    123 points • 32 comments • feb 16, 2024

  83. Nobel Prize winner Gregg Semenza tallies tenth retraction (2023)

    123 points • 65 comments • feb 15, 2024

  84. Your AI Girlfriend Is a Data-Harvesting Horror Show

    123 points • 154 comments • feb 14, 2024

  85. FreeBSD 4 Bug may be present in Playstation 4/5

    123 points • 60 comments • feb 01, 2024

  86. Ask HN: What are some actual use cases of AI Agents right now?

    122 points • 124 comments • feb 14, 2024

  87. Destruction of nuclear bombs using ultra-high energy neutrino beam (2003) [pdf]

    122 points • 113 comments • feb 06, 2024

  88. An accessible one-handed keyboard, inspired by FrogPad

    122 points • 54 comments • feb 18, 2024

  89. Show HN: Mountaineer – Webapps in Python and React

    122 points • 45 comments • feb 27, 2024

  90. Pure Bash Web Server

    122 points • 64 comments • feb 14, 2024

  91. The Linux Kernel Prepares for Rust 1.77 Upgrade

    122 points • 89 comments • feb 18, 2024

  92. Show HN: NeuralFlow – Visualize the intermediate output of Mistral 7B

    122 points • 19 comments • feb 15, 2024

  93. A retrospective on Requests

    121 points • 36 comments • feb 25, 2024

  94. Launch HN: Zenfetch (YC W23) – Turn notes/browser history into an AI assistant

    121 points • 84 comments • feb 15, 2024

  95. Will satellite megaconstellations weaken earth's magnetic field?

    121 points • 85 comments • feb 06, 2024

  96. The story behind the NeuralRad organ and tumor segmentation cloud service

    121 points • 43 comments • feb 12, 2024

  97. Fingerprints can be recreated from the sounds made when you swipe a screen

    121 points • 65 comments • feb 20, 2024

  98. vDPA: Support for block devices in Linux and QEMU

    121 points • 18 comments • feb 12, 2024

  99. "PayPal took $80k from me and banned me"

    121 points • 107 comments • feb 13, 2024

  100. Why is no one making a new version of old Facebook?

    121 points • 156 comments • feb 20, 2024