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scinews (2022)

  1. Dietary Sugar Disrupts Gut Microbiome, Says New Study

    0 scinews score • sep 06, 2022

  2. Webb Detects Silicate Clouds on Nearby Brown Dwarf

    0 scinews score • sep 09, 2022

  3. ‘Diamond Factory’ May Have Existed in Earth’s Interior for Billions of Years: Study

    0 scinews score • sep 13, 2022

  4. Study: Five-Minute Walk Promotes Sleep for Crying Infants

    0 scinews score • sep 25, 2022

  5. Asteroid Ryugu’s Parent Body Formed in Outer Solar System, New Analysis Suggests

    0 scinews score • sep 29, 2022

  6. All Bears are Omnivores Like Humans, New Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • oct 10, 2022

  7. Seismic Activity after Dinosaur-Killing Chicxulub Impact Lasted Weeks to Months: Study

    0 scinews score • oct 15, 2022

  8. IXPE Maps Polarized X-Rays from Cassiopeia A

    0 scinews score • oct 20, 2022

  9. TESS Spots Giant Exoplanet around 11-Billion-Year-Old Star

    0 scinews score • oct 24, 2022

  10. Mars Express Observes Rare Celestial Alignments in Solar System

    0 scinews score • oct 27, 2022

  11. Technosignatures Could Be How We First Find Extraterrestrial Life, Astronomers Say

    0 scinews score • oct 30, 2022

  12. New Evidence for Northern Ocean on Early Mars

    0 scinews score • oct 31, 2022

  13. Modeling Study Sheds New Light on Quantum Properties of Black Holes

    0 scinews score • nov 02, 2022

  14. Cretaceous-Period Land Snail Had Hairy Shell

    0 scinews score • nov 05, 2022

  15. Pearl Oyster Genome Successfully Sequenced

    0 scinews score • nov 11, 2022

  16. Martian Springtime Dust Storms Churn Up Surprisingly Earth-Like Cloud Patterns: Study

    0 scinews score • nov 23, 2022

  17. CERN Physicists Discover Three New Exotic Particles

    0 scinews score • jul 17, 2022

  18. New Research Sheds More Light on Lungfish Brain Evolution

    0 scinews score • jul 18, 2022

  19. New Tardigrade Species Discovered in Kyrgyzstan

    0 scinews score • jul 22, 2022

  20. Mars Express Spots Two Huge Canyons in Valles Marineris

    0 scinews score • jul 28, 2022

  21. Scientists Create Global Map of Hydrogen Abundances across Moon

    0 scinews score • aug 04, 2022

  22. Carnivorous Pitcher Plant from Asia Uses Rain Energy to Power Its Traps

    0 scinews score • aug 05, 2022

  23. Scientists Create Chameleon-Like, Color-Shifting Materials

    0 scinews score • aug 13, 2022

  24. Early Cretaceous Birds Ate Whole Fruits

    0 scinews score • aug 20, 2022

  25. Daily Consumption of 85% Dark Chocolate May Improve Your Mood

    0 scinews score • jan 03, 2022

  26. Webb Launches to Study Universe in Infrared

    0 scinews score • jan 06, 2022

  27. Ultrasound Exposure Improves Depressive-Like Behavior in Rats, New Study Shows

    0 scinews score • aug 29, 2022

  28. Caffeine Metabolite Slows Myopia Progression in Children, New Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • sep 02, 2022

  29. We Must Consider Benefits of Sending Life Outside of Solar System, Researchers Say

    0 scinews score • jan 14, 2022

  30. Massive Galaxy Strips Star-Forming Gas from Smaller Galaxy during Encounter

    0 scinews score • sep 06, 2022

  31. Scientists Demonstrate Novel Method of Direct Hydrogen Production from Air

    0 scinews score • sep 06, 2022

  32. NASA’s DART Spacecraft Gets First Look at Binary Asteroid Didymos

    0 scinews score • sep 09, 2022

  33. Dietary Sugar Disrupts Gut Microbiome, Says New Study

    0 scinews score • sep 13, 2022

  34. Dark Energy Camera Celebrates Its 10th Birthday with Stunning Photo of Lobster Nebula

    0 scinews score • sep 25, 2022

  35. ALMA Spots Bubble of Hot Gas in Orbit around Milky Way’s Central Black Hole

    0 scinews score • sep 29, 2022

  36. Wood-Eating Cockroach Missing for Over 80 Years Rediscovered

    0 scinews score • oct 10, 2022

  37. Falcon Shrine Unearthed at Ptolemaic-Roman Port of Berenike

    0 scinews score • oct 15, 2022

  38. Neolithic European Farmers Used Milk as Early as 7,400 Years Ago

    0 scinews score • oct 17, 2022

  39. Astronomers Measure Change in Rotation Period of Near-Earth Asteroid Phaethon

    0 scinews score • oct 20, 2022

  40. Women are Better at Verbal Fluency and Verbal-Episodic Memory than Men, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • oct 24, 2022

  41. Eocene-Period Mammal Was Hypercarnivore with Serrated Teeth

    0 scinews score • oct 27, 2022

  42. ESO Releases Incredible Image of Messier 99

    0 scinews score • oct 30, 2022

  43. Antarctic Ozone Hole Continues to Shrink, Researchers Say

    0 scinews score • oct 31, 2022

  44. Aye-Ayes Use Their Elongated Fingers to Pick Their Nose, Scientists Say

    0 scinews score • nov 02, 2022

  45. Webb Spots Possible Galaxy Merger in Early Universe

    0 scinews score • nov 05, 2022

  46. New Species of Jurassic Sauropod Dinosaur Uncovered in China

    0 scinews score • nov 23, 2022

  47. Astronomers Find Evidence for Unusual Particle Acceleration in Manatee Nebula

    0 scinews score • jul 17, 2022

  48. Webb Reveals Deepest View of Universe Yet

    0 scinews score • jul 18, 2022

  49. Heads of Woodpeckers Function as Stiff Hammers during Pecking, Says New Study

    0 scinews score • jul 22, 2022

  50. Scientists Create Global Map of Hydrogen Abundances across Moon

    0 scinews score • jul 28, 2022

  51. Serotonin Theory of Depression Debunked

    0 scinews score • aug 04, 2022

  52. ALMA Looks at Neutron Star Merger in Millimeter Light

    0 scinews score • aug 05, 2022

  53. Scientists Use CT Scanner to Examine Two-Meter-Long Tusk of Woolly Mammoth

    0 scinews score • aug 10, 2022

  54. Hemisphere-Scale Instabilities Explain Many Puzzling Features on Dwarf Planet Ceres

    0 scinews score • aug 13, 2022

  55. Extract from Rhodiola rosea Roots Might Be Effective for Helping Manage Type 2 Diabetes

    0 scinews score • aug 20, 2022

  56. Clouds of Venus May Be More Habitable than Previously Thought

    0 scinews score • jan 03, 2022

  57. Astronomers Snap New Radio Image of Small Magellanic Cloud

    0 scinews score • jan 06, 2022

  58. NameExoWorlds 2022: Here’s Your Chance to Name One of Webb’s Exoplanet Targets

    0 scinews score • aug 29, 2022

  59. New Species of Horned Dinosaur Discovered

    0 scinews score • sep 02, 2022

  60. Study: Aggressive Interactions Induce Rapid Temperature Changes in Pheasants

    0 scinews score • jan 11, 2022

  61. Cretaceous-Period Crab Had Remarkable Visual System

    0 scinews score • jan 14, 2022

  62. Giant Sauropod Dinosaur Skeleton Unearthed in Portugal

    0 scinews score • sep 06, 2022

  63. Two Temperate Super-Earths Found Circling Ancient Red Dwarf Star

    0 scinews score • sep 09, 2022

  64. Massive Galaxy Strips Star-Forming Gas from Smaller Galaxy during Encounter

    0 scinews score • sep 13, 2022

  65. Study: Distressing Dreams Predict Cognitive Decline and Dementia in Middle-Aged and Older Adults

    0 scinews score • sep 22, 2022

  66. Asteroid Ryugu’s Parent Body Formed in Outer Solar System, New Analysis Suggests

    0 scinews score • sep 23, 2022

  67. VST Spots Prominent Dark Nebulae in Messier 24

    0 scinews score • sep 25, 2022

  68. Juno Spots ‘Frosted Cupcake’ Clouds on Jupiter

    0 scinews score • sep 29, 2022

  69. Astronomers Detect Powerful Blast in Early Universe

    0 scinews score • oct 10, 2022

  70. Juno Team Releases New Close-Up of Europa

    0 scinews score • oct 15, 2022

  71. Study Confirms High Level of Carnivory in Iberian Neanderthals

    0 scinews score • oct 20, 2022

  72. Neolithic European Farmers Used Milk as Early as 7,400 Years Ago

    0 scinews score • oct 24, 2022

  73. Hubble Observes Ultra-Relativistic Jet from Neutron-Star Merger

    0 scinews score • oct 27, 2022

  74. Plant Water Stress Causes Fairy Circles in Namib Desert, Study Says

    0 scinews score • oct 30, 2022

  75. Lucy Captures Stunning New Images of the Moon

    0 scinews score • oct 31, 2022

  76. Mars Express Sees Craters and Fractures in Terra Sirenum

    0 scinews score • nov 02, 2022

  77. Acoustic Communication May Have Appeared as Early as 407 Million Years Ago

    0 scinews score • nov 05, 2022

  78. Breathing Impacts Our Emotions, Attention and Cognition, Scientists Say

    0 scinews score • nov 09, 2022

  79. Theoretical Study Sheds More Light on Internal Properties of Neutron Stars

    0 scinews score • nov 23, 2022

  80. New Species of Giant Waterlily Identified

    0 scinews score • jul 17, 2022

  81. Three-Eyed Cambrian Animal Sheds Light on Origin of Arthropod Head and Segmentation

    0 scinews score • jul 18, 2022

  82. High-Energy Astrophysical Neutrinos are Coming from Blazars: Study

    0 scinews score • jul 22, 2022

  83. Serotonin Theory of Depression Debunked

    0 scinews score • jul 28, 2022

  84. Study: 6,000-Year-Old Watermelon from Libya Was Used for Its Nutritious Seeds, Not Its Flesh

    0 scinews score • aug 01, 2022

  85. Soccer’s VAR Technology Is Not Precise Enough to Make Accurate Offside Decisions, Study Says

    0 scinews score • aug 04, 2022

  86. Webb Captures Incredible Images of Cartwheel Galaxy

    0 scinews score • aug 05, 2022

  87. Bumblebees Can Experience Pain, New Study Claims

    0 scinews score • aug 13, 2022

  88. Cambrian Animal with Mouth but No Anus Is Not Earliest Human Ancestor, Paleontologists Say

    0 scinews score • aug 20, 2022

  89. Fossil of Giant Millipede Unearthed in England

    0 scinews score • jan 03, 2022

  90. Physicists Create New Isotope of Magnesium

    0 scinews score • jan 06, 2022

  91. New Species of Orchid Discovered in Tanzania

    0 scinews score • aug 29, 2022

  92. Giant Sauropod Dinosaur Skeleton Unearthed in Portugal

    0 scinews score • aug 30, 2022

  93. Study: Look-Alike Humans Have Similar DNA

    0 scinews score • sep 02, 2022

  94. Two Medieval Artifacts with Runic Inscriptions Found in Norway

    0 scinews score • jan 11, 2022

  95. Antimatter Responds to Gravity in Same Way as Regular Matter, New Experiments Suggest

    0 scinews score • jan 14, 2022

  96. Tea, Even at Higher Levels of Intake, Can Be Part of Healthy Diet, New Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • sep 06, 2022

  97. Archaeologists Detect Cereal-Specific Biomarkers in Neolithic Pottery from Scottish ‘Crannogs’

    0 scinews score • sep 09, 2022

  98. Giant Sauropod Dinosaur Skeleton Unearthed in Portugal

    0 scinews score • sep 13, 2022

  99. Study: Frequency of Asteroid Impacts in Inner Solar System Constant over Past 600 Million Years

    0 scinews score • jan 22, 2022

  100. Strange Meteoritic Diamonds Came from Mantle of Destroyed Dwarf Planet, Study Says

    0 scinews score • sep 25, 2022