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scinews (2022)

  1. NASA’s DART Spacecraft Successfully Impacts Asteroid Moonlet Dimorphos

    0 scinews score • sep 28, 2022

  2. eROSITA Detects X-rays from Nova in Fireball Phase

    0 scinews score • oct 01, 2022

  3. Webb and Hubble Simultaneously Observe DART Impact

    0 scinews score • oct 08, 2022

  4. Mars was Habitable for Methanogenic Microorganisms 3.7 Billion Years Ago, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • oct 14, 2022

  5. IXPE Maps Polarized X-Rays from Cassiopeia A

    0 scinews score • oct 19, 2022

  6. New Deep-Sea Snailfish Species Discovered in Atacama Trench

    0 scinews score • oct 22, 2022

  7. Shallow Lakes in Europa’s Crust Could Erupt, Planetary Scientists Say

    0 scinews score • oct 26, 2022

  8. Acoustic Communication May Have Appeared as Early as 407 Million Years Ago

    0 scinews score • nov 04, 2022

  9. Antarctic Ozone Hole Continues to Shrink, Researchers Say

    0 scinews score • nov 10, 2022

  10. New Species of Orchid Bee Discovered

    0 scinews score • nov 18, 2022

  11. 296,000-Year-Old Hominin Footprints Found in Spain

    0 scinews score • nov 22, 2022

  12. New Species of Sand Dune-Dwelling Tardigrade Discovered in Finland

    0 scinews score • nov 25, 2022

  13. Scientists Identify Neural Mechanisms Through Which Sound Induces Analgesia in Mice

    0 scinews score • jul 15, 2022

  14. Mysterious Repeating Fast Radio Burst Has ‘Heartbeat’ Pattern

    0 scinews score • jul 21, 2022

  15. Dormant Stellar-Mass Black Hole Detected in Tarantula Nebula

    0 scinews score • jul 30, 2022

  16. Lunar Pits Stay Warmer than Surface During Night, Finds New Study

    0 scinews score • aug 12, 2022

  17. Ingenuity Helicopter Completes Its Seventeenth Flight on Mars

    0 scinews score • jan 01, 2022

  18. New Caledonian Crows Prefer Hooked Stick Tools, Safely Store Them Underfoot or in Holes

    0 scinews score • jan 04, 2022

  19. Gemini South Telescope Captures Best Ever Images of Most Massive Known Star

    0 scinews score • aug 27, 2022

  20. High-Sucrose Diet during Adolescence May Contribute to Pathogenesis of Psychiatric Disorders

    0 scinews score • jan 05, 2022

  21. Norwegian Archaeologists Find 800-Year-Old Arabic-Inspired Chess Piece

    0 scinews score • jan 06, 2022

  22. Astronomers Detect Excess of Young Stars in Sagittarius B1

    0 scinews score • aug 29, 2022

  23. European Wine Grapes Originated in Western Asia, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • jan 09, 2022

  24. Study: Rapid Eye Movements during REM Sleep Mimic Gazes in Dream World

    0 scinews score • sep 01, 2022

  25. Ancient Lions and Bears Colonized North America in Multiple Waves, DNA Study Says

    0 scinews score • jan 13, 2022

  26. Study: Rapid Eye Movements during REM Sleep Mimic Gazes in Dream World

    0 scinews score • sep 05, 2022

  27. Massive Galaxy Strips Star-Forming Gas from Smaller Galaxy during Encounter

    0 scinews score • sep 08, 2022

  28. Ultralow-Velocity Zones are Leftovers from Early Earth’s Magma Ocean, New Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • jan 17, 2022

  29. Archaeologists Detect Cereal-Specific Biomarkers in Neolithic Pottery from Scottish ‘Crannogs’

    0 scinews score • sep 20, 2022

  30. Huge Heat Wave Spotted in Upper Atmosphere of Jupiter

    0 scinews score • sep 24, 2022

  31. Dinosaur Biodiversity Was in Decline Millions of Years before End-Cretaceous Extinction: Study

    0 scinews score • sep 25, 2022

  32. New Plesiosaur Species Unearthed in Wyoming

    0 scinews score • sep 28, 2022

  33. Paleontologists Find 541-Million-Year-Old Green Alga Microfossils

    0 scinews score • oct 01, 2022

  34. Triassic Amphibian Had Bottom-Dwelling Lifestyle

    0 scinews score • oct 08, 2022

  35. SPHERE Helps Determine Surface Compositions of Europa and Ganymede

    0 scinews score • oct 14, 2022

  36. Astronomers Measure Change in Rotation Period of Near-Earth Asteroid Phaethon

    0 scinews score • oct 19, 2022

  37. Shallow Lakes in Europa’s Crust Could Erupt, Planetary Scientists Say

    0 scinews score • oct 22, 2022

  38. Acute Dermal Exposure to Thirdhand Smoke Can Trigger Skin Diseases, Study Says

    0 scinews score • oct 26, 2022

  39. Ancient Retroviruses Make Up 8% of Human Genome, Researchers Say

    0 scinews score • nov 04, 2022

  40. Lucy Captures Stunning New Images of the Moon

    0 scinews score • nov 10, 2022

  41. Hubble Spots Carbon-Chain-Rich Molecular Cloud

    0 scinews score • nov 18, 2022

  42. Evolution of Tree Roots Triggered Series of Devonian Mass Extinctions, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • nov 22, 2022

  43. Webb Focuses on Isolated Dwarf Galaxy

    0 scinews score • nov 25, 2022

  44. Asteroid Bennu’s Surface Regolith is Primarily Loose Rubble, Scientists Say

    0 scinews score • jul 15, 2022

  45. Fossils of New Salamander Species Found in Scotland

    0 scinews score • jul 21, 2022

  46. Marine Researchers Discover Deep-Sea Complex of Brine Pools in Red Sea

    0 scinews score • jul 30, 2022

  47. New Record-Setting Species of Millipede Has 1,306 Legs

    0 scinews score • jan 01, 2022

  48. NASA’s and ESA’s Sun-Studying Missions Observe Comet Leonard

    0 scinews score • jan 04, 2022

  49. New Research Sheds More Light on Liquid-Liquid Phase Transition in Deeply Supercooled Water

    0 scinews score • aug 27, 2022

  50. Earth and Other Terrestrial Planets Formed from Inner Solar System Material, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • jan 05, 2022

  51. Webb Sheds New Light on Stellar Properties of Earendel, Farthest Known Star

    0 scinews score • aug 28, 2022

  52. Study: Feral Horses Form Complex Multilevel Societies

    0 scinews score • jan 09, 2022

  53. Perseverance Provides Insights into History and Composition of Rocks in Martian Jezero Crater

    0 scinews score • sep 01, 2022

  54. Archaeologists Find Five Viking Longhouses in Norway

    0 scinews score • jan 13, 2022

  55. Perseverance Provides Insights into History and Composition of Rocks in Martian Jezero Crater

    0 scinews score • sep 05, 2022

  56. Giant Sauropod Dinosaur Skeleton Unearthed in Portugal

    0 scinews score • sep 08, 2022

  57. Hubble Space Telescope Observes Conjunction of Two Spiral Galaxies

    0 scinews score • jan 17, 2022

  58. Brasilodon is Earliest Known Mammal, New Research Shows

    0 scinews score • sep 20, 2022

  59. Settlements of Ancient Maya were Contaminated with Mercury, Scientists Say

    0 scinews score • sep 24, 2022

  60. VLT Observes Asteroid Didymos before DART Impact

    0 scinews score • sep 28, 2022

  61. Webb Focuses on Neptune, Its Moons and Ring System

    0 scinews score • oct 01, 2022

  62. Webb Sees Complex Structures in Spiral Galaxy IC 5332

    0 scinews score • oct 08, 2022

  63. Domestication History of Bananas is More Complex Than Previously Thought

    0 scinews score • oct 14, 2022

  64. Study Confirms High Level of Carnivory in Iberian Neanderthals

    0 scinews score • oct 19, 2022

  65. Acute Dermal Exposure to Thirdhand Smoke Can Trigger Skin Diseases, Study Says

    0 scinews score • oct 22, 2022

  66. Barium Detected in Atmospheres of Two Ultrahot Jupiters

    0 scinews score • oct 26, 2022

  67. Webb Observes Interacting Galaxy System IC 1623

    0 scinews score • nov 04, 2022

  68. Researchers Sequence Genome of Honeycrisp Apple Cultivar

    0 scinews score • nov 10, 2022

  69. Paleontologists Solve Mystery of Problematic Tubular Fossils from Cambrian Period

    0 scinews score • nov 18, 2022

  70. Pearl Oyster Genome Successfully Sequenced

    0 scinews score • nov 22, 2022

  71. Citizen Scientist Discovers 34 New Ultracool Brown Dwarfs

    0 scinews score • jul 15, 2022

  72. Webb Spots Cosmic Cliffs in Carina Nebula

    0 scinews score • jul 21, 2022

  73. Strong Gravitational Lens Shows Same Galaxy Two Times

    0 scinews score • jul 30, 2022

  74. Israeli Archaeologists Unearth 2,000-Year-Old Synagogue

    0 scinews score • jan 01, 2022

  75. Paleontologists Find Exceptionally Preserved Embryo inside 70-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Egg

    0 scinews score • jan 04, 2022

  76. Hubble Observes Magellanic-Type Dwarf Irregular Galaxy

    0 scinews score • aug 27, 2022

  77. ASIM Detects Huge Pulsating Flare from Extragalactic Magnetar

    0 scinews score • jan 05, 2022

  78. Study: Rapid Eye Movements during REM Sleep Mimic Gazes in Dream World

    0 scinews score • aug 28, 2022

  79. Chandra Spots Four Cavities in Center of Galaxy Cluster

    0 scinews score • jan 09, 2022

  80. New Research Tracks Evolution of Sea Cows

    0 scinews score • sep 01, 2022

  81. ALMA Investigates Nature of Water-Fountain Stellar Systems

    0 scinews score • jan 13, 2022

  82. New Research Tracks Evolution of Sea Cows

    0 scinews score • sep 05, 2022

  83. Tea, Even at Higher Levels of Intake, Can Be Part of Healthy Diet, New Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • sep 08, 2022

  84. Scientists Demonstrate Novel Method of Direct Hydrogen Production from Air

    0 scinews score • sep 20, 2022

  85. Asteroid Ryugu’s Parent Body Formed in Outer Solar System, New Analysis Suggests

    0 scinews score • sep 24, 2022

  86. New Species of Tiny Orchid Discovered in Peru

    0 scinews score • sep 28, 2022

  87. Silurian Jawless Fish Possessed Paired Fins, New Fossils Show

    0 scinews score • sep 29, 2022

  88. Newly-Developed Topical Gel Could Potentially Treat Periodontitis

    0 scinews score • oct 01, 2022

  89. Study: Dogs Can Detect when Humans are Experiencing Stress

    0 scinews score • oct 08, 2022

  90. Hubble Captures Brilliant New Image of Globular Cluster Terzan 1

    0 scinews score • oct 14, 2022

  91. New Research Sheds More Light on Formation and Evolution of Dwarf Planet Haumea

    0 scinews score • oct 19, 2022

  92. Barium Detected in Atmospheres of Two Ultrahot Jupiters

    0 scinews score • oct 22, 2022

  93. Bizarre New Species of Flowering Plant Discovered in Asia

    0 scinews score • oct 26, 2022

  94. Scientists Discover Several New Species of Sunbirds

    0 scinews score • nov 04, 2022

  95. Chances of Finding Ancient Bacteria on Mars are Better than Previously Expected: Study

    0 scinews score • nov 10, 2022

  96. Hubble Spots Carbon-Chain-Rich Molecular Cloud

    0 scinews score • nov 14, 2022

  97. 296,000-Year-Old Hominin Footprints Found in Spain

    0 scinews score • nov 18, 2022

  98. Octopuses Witnessed Throwing Silt, Shells and Algae around Themselves and at Each Other

    0 scinews score • nov 22, 2022

  99. New Giant Carnivorous Dinosaur Unearthed in Argentina

    0 scinews score • jul 15, 2022

  100. Planetary Scientists Identify Home Crater of Famous Martian Meteorite

    0 scinews score • jul 21, 2022