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scinews (Dec 2023)

  1. Climate Plays Role in Shaping Evolution of Human Languages, New Study Reveals

    0 scinews score • dec 09, 2023

  2. ALMA Detects Seismic Ripples in Disk of Ancient Barred Spiral Galaxy

    0 scinews score • dec 28, 2023

  3. Astronomers Find New Way to Detect Water Oceans and Alien Life on Rocky Exoplanets

    0 scinews score • dec 29, 2023

  4. Paleontologists Describe Ten New Species of Trilobites

    0 scinews score • dec 02, 2023

  5. Webb Observes Mysterious Dark Molecular Cloud in Milky Way’s Central Region

    0 scinews score • dec 06, 2023

  6. Scientists Map Family Tree of Pseudosuchia

    0 scinews score • dec 09, 2023

  7. New Study Reveals Unexpected Species Diversity in African Larks

    0 scinews score • dec 28, 2023

  8. Researchers Produce High-Quality Genome Assembly for North American Bison

    0 scinews score • dec 02, 2023

  9. Earliest-Known Fossil Mosquito Found in Lebanese Amber

    0 scinews score • dec 06, 2023

  10. Webb Observes Mysterious Dark Molecular Cloud in Milky Way’s Central Region

    0 scinews score • dec 09, 2023

  11. Hubble Spots Four Spiral Galaxies in Horologium

    0 scinews score • dec 28, 2023

  12. Rare Be-Type Stars are in Fact Triple Stellar Systems, Astronomers Say

    0 scinews score • dec 02, 2023

  13. Astronomers Find Group of Spider Pulsars in Omega Centauri

    0 scinews score • dec 06, 2023

  14. Earliest-Known Fossil Mosquito Found in Lebanese Amber

    0 scinews score • dec 09, 2023

  15. 407-Million-Years-Old Microfossils Reveal Earliest-Known Disease-Causing Fungus

    0 scinews score • dec 13, 2023

  16. New Species of Toothless Pterosaur Discovered in China

    0 scinews score • dec 28, 2023

  17. Scientists Reconstruct Face of La Chapelle-aux-Saints Neanderthal

    0 scinews score • dec 02, 2023

  18. New Research Sheds Light on Internal Structure of Dwarf Planet Eris

    0 scinews score • dec 06, 2023

  19. Astronomers Find Group of Spider Pulsars in Omega Centauri

    0 scinews score • dec 09, 2023

  20. Cretaceous-Period Mosasaur Had Enormous, Wing-Shaped Flippers

    0 scinews score • dec 13, 2023

  21. 72-Million-Year-Old Snail Fossil Uncovered in Romania

    0 scinews score • dec 28, 2023

  22. ALMA Detects Dust Grains in Gaps of HL Tauri’s Protoplanetary Disk

    0 scinews score • dec 02, 2023

  23. Hubble Observes Densely Packed Globular Cluster NGC 2210

    0 scinews score • dec 06, 2023

  24. NASA’s Psyche Spacecraft Beams Back Its First Images

    0 scinews score • dec 06, 2023

  25. New Research Sheds Light on Internal Structure of Dwarf Planet Eris

    0 scinews score • dec 09, 2023

  26. Fireworks on New Year’s Eve Trigger Strong Flight Responses in Bird Communities, Study Says

    0 scinews score • dec 13, 2023

  27. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Asteroids Predate Our Solar System, New Study Shows

    0 scinews score • dec 28, 2023

  28. Physicists Find New Way to Increase Power of Fiber Lasers

    0 scinews score • dec 02, 2023

  29. ESA Astronaut Captures Stunning Images of Rare Thunder Phenomenon

    0 scinews score • dec 06, 2023

  30. Hubble Observes Densely Packed Globular Cluster NGC 2210

    0 scinews score • dec 09, 2023

  31. New Seismic Phenomenon Discovered: Frostquakes

    0 scinews score • dec 13, 2023

  32. Webb Discovers Gravitationally-Lensed Supernova 10 Billion Light-Years from Earth

    0 scinews score • dec 28, 2023

  33. New Species of Triassic Dinosaur Relative Identified in Brazil

    0 scinews score • dec 02, 2023

  34. Webb Detects Various Molecules in Extremely Irradiated Protoplanetary Disk

    0 scinews score • dec 06, 2023

  35. ESA Astronaut Captures Stunning Images of Rare Thunder Phenomenon

    0 scinews score • dec 09, 2023

  36. Extremely Rare ‘Half Female, Half Male’ Honeycreeper Snapped in Colombia

    0 scinews score • dec 13, 2023

  37. Hubble Space Telescope Spots ‘Spokes’ in Saturn’s Rings

    0 scinews score • dec 28, 2023

  38. Webb Spots Huge Cluster of Protostars in Milky Way’s Center: Sagittarius C

    0 scinews score • dec 02, 2023

  39. Neptune-Mass Exoplanet around Ultracool Dwarf Star Challenges Current Theories of Planet Formation

    0 scinews score • dec 06, 2023

  40. Webb Detects Various Molecules in Extremely Irradiated Protoplanetary Disk

    0 scinews score • dec 09, 2023

  41. Cryptic New Species of Mole Discovered in Turkiye

    0 scinews score • dec 13, 2023

  42. OmegaCAM Snaps Best Ever Image of Running Chicken Nebula

    0 scinews score • dec 28, 2023

  43. Fossil of New Eagle Species Found in Australia

    0 scinews score • dec 02, 2023

  44. Astronomers Discover Resonant System of Six Sub-Neptune Exoplanets around HD 110067

    0 scinews score • dec 06, 2023

  45. Neptune-Mass Exoplanet around Ultracool Dwarf Star Challenges Current Theories of Planet Formation

    0 scinews score • dec 09, 2023

  46. Hubble Spies Interacting Galaxy System in Microscopium

    0 scinews score • dec 11, 2023

  47. Ancient Stars were Capable of Producing Elements with Atomic Masses Greater than 260, Scientists Say

    0 scinews score • dec 13, 2023

  48. New Species of Tiny Fanged Frog Discovered in Indonesia

    0 scinews score • dec 28, 2023

  49. Strawberry Consumption Reduces Risk of Dementia, New Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • dec 02, 2023

  50. 210-Million-Year-Old Bird-Like Footprints Found in Lesotho

    0 scinews score • dec 06, 2023

  51. Astronomers Discover Resonant System of Six Sub-Neptune Exoplanets around HD 110067

    0 scinews score • dec 09, 2023

  52. Webb Captures Stunning New Image of Cassiopeia A

    0 scinews score • dec 13, 2023

  53. Astronomers Detect Highly Active Repeating Fast Radio Burst

    0 scinews score • dec 28, 2023

  54. Hubble Sees Spectacular Irregular Galaxy

    0 scinews score • dec 02, 2023

  55. ALMA Spots Circumstellar Disk around Young Star in Large Magellanic Cloud

    0 scinews score • dec 06, 2023

  56. 210-Million-Year-Old Bird-Like Footprints Found in Lesotho

    0 scinews score • dec 09, 2023

  57. Lunar Anthropocene: Are We in New Epoch of Moon’s History?

    0 scinews score • dec 13, 2023

  58. Canine Teeth in Marsupial Carnivores Erupt Continuously Through Life, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • dec 13, 2023

  59. 72-Million-Year-Old Snail Fossil Uncovered in Romania

    0 scinews score • dec 23, 2023

  60. Enceladus’ Surface May Contain Relatively High Abundances of Pristine Organic Material

    0 scinews score • dec 28, 2023

  61. Powerful Gamma-Ray-Burst Caused Significant Disturbance in Earth’s Ionosphere, Astronomers Say

    0 scinews score • dec 02, 2023

  62. Hominins Hunted Beavers At Least 400,000 Years Ago, Ancient Bones Reveal

    0 scinews score • dec 06, 2023

  63. ALMA Spots Circumstellar Disk around Young Star in Large Magellanic Cloud

    0 scinews score • dec 09, 2023

  64. Hubble Spies Interacting Galaxy System in Microscopium

    0 scinews score • dec 13, 2023

  65. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Asteroids Predate Our Solar System, New Study Shows

    0 scinews score • dec 23, 2023

  66. Hubble Takes Close Look at UGC 8091

    0 scinews score • dec 28, 2023

  67. Extinct Insect from Baltic Amber Could Hear Ultrasounds, Bat Echolocation

    0 scinews score • dec 02, 2023

  68. Solar Activity Likely to Peak in 2024, Astronomers Say

    0 scinews score • dec 06, 2023

  69. Hominins Hunted Beavers At Least 400,000 Years Ago, Ancient Bones Reveal

    0 scinews score • dec 09, 2023

  70. Fossilized Stomach Contents Reveal What Young Tyrannosaurs Ate

    0 scinews score • dec 13, 2023

  71. Webb Discovers Gravitationally-Lensed Supernova 10 Billion Light-Years from Earth

    0 scinews score • dec 23, 2023

  72. Hubble Spots Four Spiral Galaxies in Horologium

    0 scinews score • dec 26, 2023

  73. NASA Streams Cat Video from Deep Space via Laser

    0 scinews score • dec 28, 2023

  74. Hubble Measures Size of Rocky Exoplanet LTT 1445Ac

    0 scinews score • dec 02, 2023

  75. Mars Odyssey Beams Back Magnificent Images of Martian Horizon

    0 scinews score • dec 06, 2023

  76. Solar Activity Likely to Peak in 2024, Astronomers Say

    0 scinews score • dec 09, 2023

  77. Australian Researchers Find 1,150 Species in Their Suburban Home and Its Backyard

    0 scinews score • dec 13, 2023

  78. Hubble Space Telescope Spots ‘Spokes’ in Saturn’s Rings

    0 scinews score • dec 23, 2023

  79. Up To Half Million People Once Lived on Now-Submerged Northwest Shelf of Sahul

    0 scinews score • dec 28, 2023

  80. New Radiocarbon Dates Provide Insights into Timing of Events in Ancient Levantine City of Gezer

    0 scinews score • dec 02, 2023

  81. Middle Paleolithic Human Diet was More Diverse than Previously Thought

    0 scinews score • dec 06, 2023

  82. Mars Odyssey Beams Back Magnificent Images of Martian Horizon

    0 scinews score • dec 09, 2023

  83. Lunar Anthropocene: Are We in New Epoch of Moon’s History?

    0 scinews score • dec 11, 2023

  84. Astronomers Find Three Young Stars in Milky Way’s Nuclear Star Cluster

    0 scinews score • dec 13, 2023

  85. OmegaCAM Snaps Best Ever Image of Running Chicken Nebula

    0 scinews score • dec 23, 2023

  86. Astronomers Release Stunning Image of ‘Christmas Tree’ Star Cluster

    0 scinews score • dec 28, 2023

  87. Astronomers Detect Repeating Luminous Fast Blue Optical Transient

    0 scinews score • dec 02, 2023

  88. Even in ‘Pristine’ Planetary Systems, Planets Exhibit Bit of Tilt

    0 scinews score • dec 06, 2023

  89. Middle Paleolithic Human Diet was More Diverse than Previously Thought

    0 scinews score • dec 09, 2023

  90. Honeyguide Birds Can Recognize Distinct Vocal Signals to Help People Locate Beehives: Study

    0 scinews score • dec 13, 2023

  91. New Species of Tiny Fanged Frog Discovered in Indonesia

    0 scinews score • dec 23, 2023

  92. Humans May Have Led to Extinction of At Least 1,300 Bird Species since Pleistocene: Study

    0 scinews score • dec 28, 2023

  93. Bird-Like Dinosaurs Slept Like Modern Birds, New Fossil Reveals

    0 scinews score • dec 02, 2023

  94. Mothra: Astronomers Spot Monster Binary Star in Distant Universe

    0 scinews score • dec 06, 2023

  95. Even in ‘Pristine’ Planetary Systems, Planets Exhibit Bit of Tilt

    0 scinews score • dec 09, 2023

  96. Straight-Tusked Elephant Exploitation Was Widespread among Neanderthals, Archaeologists Say

    0 scinews score • dec 13, 2023

  97. NASA Streams Cat Video from Deep Space via Laser

    0 scinews score • dec 20, 2023

  98. Astronomers Detect Highly Active Repeating Fast Radio Burst

    0 scinews score • dec 23, 2023

  99. New Herbivorous Dinosaur Species Identified in Canada

    0 scinews score • dec 28, 2023

  100. Euclid Images Irregular Dwarf Galaxy NGC 6822

    0 scinews score • dec 02, 2023