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scinews (Dec 2023)

  1. Earliest-Known Fossil Mosquito Found in Lebanese Amber

    0 scinews score • dec 16, 2023

  2. Canine Teeth in Marsupial Carnivores Erupt Continuously Through Life, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • dec 24, 2023

  3. Hubble Takes Close Look at UGC 8091

    0 scinews score • dec 25, 2023

  4. Neanderthals Were Early Risers, New Research Suggests

    0 scinews score • dec 29, 2023

  5. Researchers Sequence Genome of Giant Symbiotic Bacterium

    0 scinews score • dec 30, 2023

  6. Kepler-1625b and Kepler-1708b are Unlikely to Be Orbited by Large Exomoons, Astronomers Say

    0 scinews score • dec 31, 2023

  7. Deccan Traps Volcanism Alone Was Sufficient to Induce End-Cretaceous Extinction, AI Study Shows

    0 scinews score • dec 04, 2023

  8. Hominins Hunted Beavers At Least 400,000 Years Ago, Ancient Bones Reveal

    0 scinews score • dec 07, 2023

  9. Honeyguide Birds Can Recognize Distinct Vocal Signals to Help People Locate Beehives: Study

    0 scinews score • dec 14, 2023

  10. Astronomers Find Group of Spider Pulsars in Omega Centauri

    0 scinews score • dec 16, 2023

  11. Webb Finds Small Free-Floating Brown Dwarf in Star-Forming Cluster IC 348

    0 scinews score • dec 24, 2023

  12. NASA Streams Cat Video from Deep Space via Laser

    0 scinews score • dec 25, 2023

  13. Newly-Discovered Toad Species Lives on African Volcano

    0 scinews score • dec 26, 2023

  14. Canine Teeth in Marsupial Carnivores Erupt Continuously Through Life, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • dec 29, 2023

  15. Bonobos and Chimps Recognize Faces of Their Friends Even after Many Years of Separation

    0 scinews score • dec 30, 2023

  16. Scientists Discover New Species of Lizard in Asia

    0 scinews score • dec 31, 2023

  17. Webb Reveals Herbig-Haro Object in Unprecedented Detail

    0 scinews score • dec 04, 2023

  18. Solar Activity Likely to Peak in 2024, Astronomers Say

    0 scinews score • dec 07, 2023

  19. Straight-Tusked Elephant Exploitation Was Widespread among Neanderthals, Archaeologists Say

    0 scinews score • dec 14, 2023

  20. New Research Sheds Light on Internal Structure of Dwarf Planet Eris

    0 scinews score • dec 16, 2023

  21. Rare Canaanite Inscription Found on 3,000-Year-Old Jar Fragments

    0 scinews score • dec 24, 2023

  22. Up To Half Million People Once Lived on Now-Submerged Northwest Shelf of Sahul

    0 scinews score • dec 25, 2023

  23. Cuneiform-Inscribed Bricks Unveil Strength of Ancient Geomagnetic Field in Mesopotamia

    0 scinews score • dec 30, 2023

  24. New Research Sheds Light on Structure of Carbon Nucleus

    0 scinews score • dec 31, 2023

  25. 135-Million-Year-Old Footprints Reveal New Dinosaur Species

    0 scinews score • dec 04, 2023

  26. Mars Odyssey Beams Back Magnificent Images of Martian Horizon

    0 scinews score • dec 07, 2023

  27. Grinding Coffee with Addition of Water Reduces Static Electricity, Researchers Say

    0 scinews score • dec 14, 2023

  28. Hubble Observes Densely Packed Globular Cluster NGC 2210

    0 scinews score • dec 16, 2023

  29. SETI Scientists Test Interactive Bioacoustic Playback as Tool for Exploring Non-Human Intelligence

    0 scinews score • dec 24, 2023

  30. Astronomers Release Stunning Image of ‘Christmas Tree’ Star Cluster

    0 scinews score • dec 25, 2023

  31. Researchers Create Comprehensive Map of Mouse Brain

    0 scinews score • dec 30, 2023

  32. Five New Species of Soft-Furred Hedgehogs Discovered

    0 scinews score • dec 31, 2023

  33. Scientists Recreate Extraterrestrial Atmospheric Hazes in the Lab

    0 scinews score • dec 04, 2023

  34. Middle Paleolithic Human Diet was More Diverse than Previously Thought

    0 scinews score • dec 07, 2023

  35. Straight-Tusked Elephant Exploitation Was Widespread among Neanderthals, Archaeologists Say

    0 scinews score • dec 07, 2023

  36. Fossilized Stomach Contents Reveal What Young Tyrannosaurs Ate

    0 scinews score • dec 11, 2023

  37. NASA’s Psyche Spacecraft Beams Back Its First Images

    0 scinews score • dec 14, 2023

  38. ESA Astronaut Captures Stunning Images of Rare Thunder Phenomenon

    0 scinews score • dec 16, 2023

  39. 407-Million-Years-Old Microfossils Reveal Earliest-Known Disease-Causing Fungus

    0 scinews score • dec 24, 2023

  40. Humans May Have Led to Extinction of At Least 1,300 Bird Species since Pleistocene: Study

    0 scinews score • dec 25, 2023

  41. Webb Captures New Images of Uranus, Its Enigmatic Rings and Moons

    0 scinews score • dec 30, 2023

  42. Inadequate Sleep Impacts Our Daytime Emotional Lives, New Review Says

    0 scinews score • dec 31, 2023

  43. Eye Movements Can Be Decoded by Sounds They Generate in Ears, Study Shows

    0 scinews score • dec 04, 2023

  44. Even in ‘Pristine’ Planetary Systems, Planets Exhibit Bit of Tilt

    0 scinews score • dec 07, 2023

  45. Australian Researchers Find 1,150 Species in Their Suburban Home and Its Backyard

    0 scinews score • dec 11, 2023

  46. Study: Electric Discharges from Electric Eels Enhance DNA Transformation in Fish Larvae

    0 scinews score • dec 14, 2023

  47. Webb Detects Various Molecules in Extremely Irradiated Protoplanetary Disk

    0 scinews score • dec 16, 2023

  48. Cretaceous-Period Mosasaur Had Enormous, Wing-Shaped Flippers

    0 scinews score • dec 24, 2023

  49. New Herbivorous Dinosaur Species Identified in Canada

    0 scinews score • dec 25, 2023

  50. Physicists Observe Trilobite Rydberg Molecules

    0 scinews score • dec 30, 2023

  51. Newly-Discovered Toad Species Lives on African Volcano

    0 scinews score • dec 31, 2023

  52. Hubble Space Telescope Focuses on Abell 3192

    0 scinews score • dec 04, 2023

  53. Mothra: Astronomers Spot Monster Binary Star in Distant Universe

    0 scinews score • dec 07, 2023

  54. Astronomers Find Three Young Stars in Milky Way’s Nuclear Star Cluster

    0 scinews score • dec 11, 2023

  55. New Species of Forest Hedgehog Discovered in China

    0 scinews score • dec 14, 2023

  56. Neptune-Mass Exoplanet around Ultracool Dwarf Star Challenges Current Theories of Planet Formation

    0 scinews score • dec 16, 2023

  57. Fireworks on New Year’s Eve Trigger Strong Flight Responses in Bird Communities, Study Says

    0 scinews score • dec 24, 2023

  58. Webb Focuses on Gravitationally-Lensing Galaxy Cluster

    0 scinews score • dec 25, 2023

  59. Scientists Reveal Structure of Ancient Virus-Like Genetic Element

    0 scinews score • dec 30, 2023

  60. Baleen Whales First Evolved Large Body Size in Cold Southern Waters, New Fossil Shows

    0 scinews score • dec 31, 2023

  61. Study: Escherichia coli Bacteria Remember Their Swarming Experience for Several Generations

    0 scinews score • dec 04, 2023

  62. Deccan Traps Volcanism Alone Was Sufficient to Induce End-Cretaceous Extinction, AI Study Shows

    0 scinews score • dec 07, 2023

  63. Honeyguide Birds Can Recognize Distinct Vocal Signals to Help People Locate Beehives: Study

    0 scinews score • dec 11, 2023

  64. Extremely Rare ‘Half Female, Half Male’ Honeycreeper Snapped in Colombia

    0 scinews score • dec 12, 2023

  65. Ice Plumes of Saturn’s Icy Moon Enceladus May Hold Amino Acids, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • dec 14, 2023

  66. Astronomers Discover Resonant System of Six Sub-Neptune Exoplanets around HD 110067

    0 scinews score • dec 16, 2023

  67. 1,600-Year-Old Wooden Saddle Unearthed in Mongolia

    0 scinews score • dec 17, 2023

  68. New Seismic Phenomenon Discovered: Frostquakes

    0 scinews score • dec 24, 2023

  69. Researchers Sequence Genome of Giant Symbiotic Bacterium

    0 scinews score • dec 25, 2023

  70. Hubble Space Telescope Snaps Beautiful Image of Active Spiral Galaxy

    0 scinews score • dec 30, 2023

  71. ALMA Detects Seismic Ripples in Disk of Ancient Barred Spiral Galaxy

    0 scinews score • dec 31, 2023

  72. New Species of Mosasaur Identified in Mexico

    0 scinews score • dec 04, 2023

  73. Webb Reveals Herbig-Haro Object in Unprecedented Detail

    0 scinews score • dec 07, 2023

  74. Straight-Tusked Elephant Exploitation Was Widespread among Neanderthals, Archaeologists Say

    0 scinews score • dec 11, 2023

  75. Several Diprotodon Skeletons Discovered in Australia

    0 scinews score • dec 14, 2023

  76. 210-Million-Year-Old Bird-Like Footprints Found in Lesotho

    0 scinews score • dec 16, 2023

  77. Proxima b May Harbor Explosive Cryovolcanoes and Habitable Subsurface Ocean

    0 scinews score • dec 17, 2023

  78. Extremely Rare ‘Half Female, Half Male’ Honeycreeper Snapped in Colombia

    0 scinews score • dec 24, 2023

  79. Bonobos and Chimps Recognize Faces of Their Friends Even after Many Years of Separation

    0 scinews score • dec 25, 2023

  80. Planetary Researchers Detect Hydrogen Cyanide in Plume of Enceladus

    0 scinews score • dec 30, 2023

  81. New Study Reveals Unexpected Species Diversity in African Larks

    0 scinews score • dec 31, 2023

  82. Mesozoic Katydids Evolved Unexpectedly High Acoustic Diversity, New Study Shows

    0 scinews score • dec 04, 2023

  83. 135-Million-Year-Old Footprints Reveal New Dinosaur Species

    0 scinews score • dec 07, 2023

  84. Grinding Coffee with Addition of Water Reduces Static Electricity, Researchers Say

    0 scinews score • dec 11, 2023

  85. Climate Plays Role in Shaping Evolution of Human Languages, New Study Reveals

    0 scinews score • dec 14, 2023

  86. ALMA Spots Circumstellar Disk around Young Star in Large Magellanic Cloud

    0 scinews score • dec 16, 2023

  87. Astronomers Find Population of Stripped Helium Stars in Magellanic Clouds

    0 scinews score • dec 17, 2023

  88. Cryptic New Species of Mole Discovered in Turkiye

    0 scinews score • dec 24, 2023

  89. Cuneiform-Inscribed Bricks Unveil Strength of Ancient Geomagnetic Field in Mesopotamia

    0 scinews score • dec 25, 2023

  90. 1,600-Year-Old Wooden Saddle Unearthed in Mongolia

    0 scinews score • dec 30, 2023

  91. Hubble Spots Four Spiral Galaxies in Horologium

    0 scinews score • dec 31, 2023

  92. 30-Million-Year-Old Fossils Shed Light on Origin of Echolocation in Whales and Dolphins

    0 scinews score • dec 04, 2023

  93. Scientists Recreate Extraterrestrial Atmospheric Hazes in the Lab

    0 scinews score • dec 07, 2023

  94. NASA’s Psyche Spacecraft Beams Back Its First Images

    0 scinews score • dec 11, 2023

  95. Scientists Map Family Tree of Pseudosuchia

    0 scinews score • dec 14, 2023

  96. Hominins Hunted Beavers At Least 400,000 Years Ago, Ancient Bones Reveal

    0 scinews score • dec 16, 2023

  97. Researchers Sequence Chia Genome

    0 scinews score • dec 17, 2023

  98. Ancient Stars were Capable of Producing Elements with Atomic Masses Greater than 260, Scientists Say

    0 scinews score • dec 24, 2023

  99. Researchers Create Comprehensive Map of Mouse Brain

    0 scinews score • dec 25, 2023

  100. Proxima b May Harbor Explosive Cryovolcanoes and Habitable Subsurface Ocean

    0 scinews score • dec 30, 2023