Barkers' Crawler v3.2 

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Hacker News (Nov 2023)

  1. Discover plants, swap seeds, plan gardens, share knowledge

    60 points • 9 comments • nov 10, 2023

  2. The Great Inflation

    60 points • 83 comments • nov 04, 2023

  3. Scarlett Johansson hits AI app with legal action for cloning her voice in an ad

    60 points • 87 comments • nov 02, 2023

  4. Apple hunter Tom Brown finds and saves rare apple varieties

    60 points • 16 comments • nov 05, 2023

  5. Developing AI models or giant GPU clusters? Uncle Sam would like a word

    60 points • 42 comments • nov 05, 2023

  6. Powering cost-efficient AI inference at scale with Cloud TPU v5e on GKE

    60 points • 23 comments • nov 28, 2023

  7. LAPD considering stronger body camera policy in light of recent scandals

    60 points • 78 comments • nov 07, 2023

  8. Cortextual

    60 points • 12 comments • nov 05, 2023

  9. OpenAI releases Whisper v3, new generation open source ASR model

    60 points • 30 comments • nov 06, 2023

  10. To safely deploy generative AI in health care, models must be open source

    59 points • 23 comments • nov 30, 2023

  11. Colm on Constant Work (2019)

    59 points • 3 comments • nov 17, 2023

  12. Thiel's Unicorn Success Is Awkward for Colleges

    59 points • 96 comments • nov 09, 2023

  13. I've resigned from my role leading the Audio team at Stability AI

    59 points • 38 comments • nov 15, 2023

  14. AnimateArchive (old versions of Adobe Flash)

    59 points • 16 comments • nov 17, 2023

  15. AI Art Generators Can Be Fooled into Making NSFW Images

    59 points • 131 comments • nov 25, 2023

  16. Americans Are Pulling Cash from Their Retirement Savings to Pay Bills

    59 points • 43 comments • nov 29, 2023

  17. Court rules automakers can record and intercept owner text messages

    59 points • 13 comments • nov 08, 2023

  18. Postgres: Extensions Shape the Future [pdf]

    59 points • 5 comments • nov 25, 2023

  19. Show HN: EdgeDB Cloud and 4.0 with FTS and Auth

    59 points • 18 comments • nov 01, 2023

  20. U.S. Naval Institute Fleet Tracker

    59 points • 28 comments • nov 22, 2023

  21. Section 702 surveillance reauthorization may get slipped into ‘must-pass’ NDAA

    59 points • 21 comments • nov 28, 2023

  22. URL Explained – The Fundamentals

    59 points • 15 comments • nov 13, 2023

  23. Tuta (formerly Tutanota) denies claim it has intelligence ties

    59 points • 37 comments • nov 14, 2023

  24. Cosmological galaxy formation simulation software

    59 points • 8 comments • nov 13, 2023

  25. Strange Loops: journeys in declarative logic programming in genomics [video]

    59 points • 5 comments • nov 29, 2023

  26. US Confidence in Higher Education Institutions Continues Long Decline

    59 points • 119 comments • nov 14, 2023

  27. PixArt-α:A New Open-Source Text-to-Image Model Challenging SDXL and Dalle·3

    59 points • 20 comments • nov 13, 2023

  28. Talks from the TUG Conference 2023 in Bonn

    59 points • 14 comments • nov 27, 2023

  29. Starlink achieves cash-flow breakeven, says SpaceX CEO Musk

    59 points • 27 comments • nov 06, 2023

  30. Ask HN: How do you keep going without burning out?

    59 points • 39 comments • nov 19, 2023

  31. Trap and test AWS SES emails locally

    59 points • 27 comments • nov 20, 2023

  32. Google plans to disable legacy V2 browser extensions next June

    58 points • 12 comments • nov 18, 2023

  33. The housing market is starting to crack – Sellers are cutting prices

    58 points • 81 comments • nov 08, 2023

  34. Fluent Search

    58 points • 38 comments • nov 21, 2023

  35. NetBSD 10.0 RC1

    58 points • 33 comments • nov 12, 2023

  36. Google quietly open sourced a 1.6T parameter MOE model

    58 points • 12 comments • nov 20, 2023

  37. Oculi Mundi collection of rare and ancient maps

    58 points • 20 comments • nov 21, 2023

  38. It's the Job of My Dreams, but I'd Have to Write a Cover Letter, So Nevermind

    58 points • 34 comments • nov 08, 2023

  39. Federal Reserve is threatening to sue Bitcoin Mag over parody product

    58 points • 45 comments • nov 03, 2023

  40. Twitter's onion service is serving an invalid TLS certificate since 3/6/2023

    58 points • 40 comments • nov 11, 2023

  41. The Adventure Radio Protocol

    58 points • 23 comments • nov 06, 2023

  42. Show HN: OpenAI dev assistant GUI with local code interpreter

    58 points • 17 comments • nov 16, 2023

  43. Footsteps of pi

    58 points • 28 comments • nov 14, 2023

  44. Climb aboard Brazil's hurricane truck of happiness

    58 points • 18 comments • nov 02, 2023

  45. Like Clippy but for the CLI

    58 points • 32 comments • nov 08, 2023

  46. Show HN: Near-realtime cloud maps for weather visualisation, 3D models and more

    58 points • 12 comments • nov 16, 2023

  47. TrasHTTPandas – Trash Panda HTTP Responses

    58 points • 15 comments • nov 18, 2023

  48. Marissa Mayer admits Yahoo should have bought Netflix instead of Tumblr

    58 points • 70 comments • nov 07, 2023

  49. Computation of the n'th digit of pi in any base in O(n^2) (1997)

    57 points • 29 comments • nov 11, 2023

  50. The next power plant is on the roof and in the basement

    57 points • 54 comments • nov 21, 2023

  51. New Amazon AI initiative includes scholarships, free AI courses

    57 points • 10 comments • nov 21, 2023

  52. Microsoft support 'cracks' Windows for customer after activation fails

    57 points • 40 comments • nov 16, 2023

  53. ConvNetJS Deep Q Learning Demo (2013)

    57 points • 23 comments • nov 24, 2023

  54. Reasonable GPUs

    57 points • 30 comments • nov 26, 2023

  55. Millions of customers in Australia hit by mobile phone and internet outage

    57 points • 29 comments • nov 07, 2023

  56. "Never, ever, no matter what, go to a timeshare presentation"

    57 points • 44 comments • nov 11, 2023

  57. A robot in South Korea mistook a man for a box of vegetables and killed him

    57 points • 35 comments • nov 09, 2023

  58. Matplotlib

    57 points • 39 comments • nov 12, 2023

  59. Investigating the impact of cold plunges on brain activity

    57 points • 54 comments • nov 16, 2023

  60. Fixing bug 109595 makes MySQL almost 4X faster on the Insert Benchmark

    57 points • 17 comments • nov 15, 2023

  61. Historic strike called off after Klarna agrees collective bargaining agreement

    57 points • 40 comments • nov 04, 2023

  62. Berkshire Hathaway posts a 40% jump in operating earnings, cash pile of $157B

    57 points • 48 comments • nov 06, 2023

  63. Opal Tadpole – A webcam for laptops

    57 points • 91 comments • nov 14, 2023

  64. Beej's Guide to Network Concepts

    57 points • 7 comments • nov 09, 2023

  65. Show HN: Open-source model and scorecard for measuring hallucinations in LLMs

    57 points • 12 comments • nov 06, 2023

  66. Poor Charlie's Almanack: The Essential Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. Munger

    57 points • 64 comments • nov 22, 2023

  67. Tested: Black 4.0, the "blackest black" is a lot blacker. 0f1012 vs. 272928

    57 points • 61 comments • nov 09, 2023

  68. Alan Kay: Doing with Images Makes Symbols (1987) [video]

    57 points • 5 comments • nov 15, 2023

  69. Doing a Job (1982)

    57 points • 15 comments • nov 07, 2023

  70. Together AI raises a $102.5M Series A

    57 points • 16 comments • nov 29, 2023

  71. The first Spanish AI model earning up to €10k per month

    57 points • 29 comments • nov 23, 2023

  72. Reddit Sans

    57 points • 40 comments • nov 29, 2023

  73. Getting Started with Orca-2-13B

    56 points • 13 comments • nov 27, 2023

  74. The $1.5T Nuclear Weapons Program You've Never Heard Of

    56 points • 70 comments • nov 17, 2023

  75. Loading up on cheap cores with updated Milan Epycs

    56 points • 29 comments • nov 11, 2023

  76. Apple claims to have three distinct web browsers in the EU complaint

    56 points • 29 comments • nov 03, 2023

  77. U.N. Predicts Disaster If Global Warming Not Checked (1989)

    56 points • 45 comments • nov 28, 2023

  78. Despite spooky Consumer Reports' testing, metals in chocolates aren't scary

    56 points • 58 comments • nov 01, 2023

  79. Show HN: Ts-Chan – Go-Like Concurrency Primitives for TypeScript/JavaScript

    56 points • 41 comments • nov 05, 2023

  80. Streaming service prices have more than doubled since coming onto market

    56 points • 53 comments • nov 09, 2023

  81. Lovecraft and Me – How cosmic horror gave me hope (2020)

    56 points • 29 comments • nov 11, 2023

  82. Put some CLOS in your ECS

    56 points • 8 comments • nov 23, 2023

  83. 8GB vs. 16GB M3 Mac

    56 points • 69 comments • nov 10, 2023

  84. Defence against scientific fraud: a proposal for a new MSc course

    56 points • 48 comments • nov 19, 2023

  85. Workarounds to Computer Access in Healthcare: Password or a Dead Patient? (2015)

    56 points • 37 comments • nov 25, 2023

  86. Tumblr is reportedly on life support as its latest owner reassigns staff

    56 points • 22 comments • nov 09, 2023

  87. Kepler, Nvidia's Strong Start on 28 nm

    56 points • 49 comments • nov 24, 2023

  88. ‘Father of cell phone’ reflects on making first call and history 50 years ago

    56 points • 27 comments • nov 10, 2023

  89. Haiku Activity and Contract Report, October 2023

    56 points • 7 comments • nov 15, 2023

  90. Vector Packet Processing

    56 points • 32 comments • nov 21, 2023

  91. Contraceptive pills might impair fear-regulating regions in women's brains

    56 points • 49 comments • nov 07, 2023

  92. Some might not see how much work it was to maintain xorg server

    56 points • 44 comments • nov 28, 2023

  93. Arch: Remove Itanium (IA-64) architecture

    56 points • 35 comments • nov 02, 2023

  94. 'No one else is saving it': the fight to protect a historic music collection

    56 points • 25 comments • nov 16, 2023

  95. On Cultures That Build (2020)

    56 points • 39 comments • nov 15, 2023

  96. How Microsoft is making a mess of the news after replacing staff with AI

    56 points • 17 comments • nov 02, 2023

  97. Deferred scheduling for user-space critical sections

    55 points • 16 comments • nov 10, 2023

  98. The Weight of New York City: Subsidence from Anthropogenic Sources

    55 points • 25 comments • nov 26, 2023

  99. Your online order has been delivered and it’s teeny tiny

    55 points • 41 comments • nov 06, 2023

  100. Binance to terminate Russian ruble deposits

    55 points • 44 comments • nov 10, 2023