Barkers' Crawler v3.2 

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Hacker News (Nov 2023)

  1. The Failure of SPACs

    13 points • 5 comments • nov 27, 2023

  2. Mortgage giant Mr. Cooper says customer data exposed in breach

    13 points • 2 comments • nov 11, 2023

  3. Video: I Crossed the Deadliest Jungle: Darien Gap

    13 points • 2 comments • nov 11, 2023

  4. Graphite: 2D Raster and Vector Editor

    13 points • 2 comments • nov 06, 2023

  5. Google DeepMind's AI Weather Forecaster Handily Beats a Global Standard

    13 points • 2 comments • nov 15, 2023

  6. OpenAI board in discussions with Sam Altman to return as CEO

    13 points • 3 comments • nov 19, 2023

  7. Skaters glide across rare Alaska 'ice window' [video]

    13 points • 3 comments • nov 29, 2023

  8. OpenAI Chief Scientist Has Been Making Strange Spiritual Claims

    13 points • 8 comments • nov 21, 2023

  9. Show HN: Llama Running on a Microcontroller

    13 points • 0 comments • nov 15, 2023

  10. Show HN: GPT-4 Turbo with integrated DALL-E 3

    13 points • 2 comments • nov 16, 2023

  11. Cool Continuum: Make Your Mark in the Arts

    13 points • 10 comments • nov 06, 2023

  12. Improving the efficiency of your regular expressions

    13 points • 0 comments • nov 20, 2023

  13. Earth Just Received a Laser-Beamed Message from 16M Kilometers Away – IFLScience

    13 points • 2 comments • nov 21, 2023

  14. The Principle of Least Power (2007)

    13 points • 4 comments • nov 15, 2023

  15. Biden Uses War-Time Law to Fund Heat Pumps Citing Climate Crisis

    13 points • 3 comments • nov 18, 2023

  16. SysXCHG: Refining Privilege with Adaptive System Call Filters

    13 points • 0 comments • nov 26, 2023

  17. Show HN: A Sign In Space – simulating a message from ET

    13 points • 3 comments • nov 01, 2023

  18. Developer Conference Canceled, After Backlash Over Fake Female Speakers

    13 points • 4 comments • nov 28, 2023

  19. Show HN: Custom GPTs for Developers

    13 points • 8 comments • nov 29, 2023

  20. Fruit flies are invading Los Angeles. the solution? More fruit flies

    13 points • 5 comments • nov 02, 2023

  21. OpenAI's board approached Anthropic about a potential merger

    13 points • 3 comments • nov 21, 2023

  22. OpenAI Custom GPTs leak knowledge source files

    12 points • 4 comments • nov 10, 2023

  23. U.S. stops helping Big Tech spot foreign meddling amid GOP legal threats

    12 points • 1 comment • nov 30, 2023

  24. Dutch Political Parties Violating Privacy Laws with Tracking Cookies

    12 points • 0 comments • nov 08, 2023

  25. He Wanted Privacy. His College Gave Him None

    12 points • 0 comments • nov 30, 2023

  26. California prison guards are dying too young. How Norway (yes, Norway) can help

    12 points • 3 comments • nov 12, 2023

  27. Ask HN: Should websites on desktop have a default font larger than 16px/1rem?

    12 points • 36 comments • nov 18, 2023

  28. Some late-breaking FreeBSD 14 breakage

    12 points • 1 comment • nov 21, 2023

  29. Connection Tracking (Conntrack): Design and Implementation Inside Linux Kernel

    12 points • 0 comments • nov 12, 2023

  30. Tesla Investors Call for Elon Musk to Be Suspended, Apple Pulls Ads on X

    12 points • 0 comments • nov 18, 2023

  31. Google's Open Culture Collides with the Israel-Hamas War

    12 points • 1 comment • nov 08, 2023

  32. OpenAI's Q* model can solve grade-school math

    12 points • 1 comment • nov 29, 2023

  33. The Car Navigation System / 1981

    12 points • 13 comments • nov 03, 2023

  34. $25K Tesla EV Is Here at Last, According to Musk

    12 points • 12 comments • nov 04, 2023

  35. SpaceX's Second Starship Test Flight Ends in Another Explosion

    12 points • 6 comments • nov 18, 2023

  36. No-Bullshit Games: iOS Games

    12 points • 0 comments • nov 27, 2023

  37. Kai-Fu Li's Yi-34B uses exactly Llama's architecture except for 2 tensor renamed

    12 points • 2 comments • nov 14, 2023

  38. I am no longer working on Mercurial (2005)

    12 points • 0 comments • nov 03, 2023

  39. New Programming Jargon

    12 points • 3 comments • nov 11, 2023

  40. How to (and how not to) design REST APIs

    12 points • 4 comments • nov 23, 2023

  41. Panic: Small prank programs for kids and grownups

    12 points • 2 comments • nov 01, 2023

  42. What is the closest to Google Keep but self hosted?

    12 points • 10 comments • nov 19, 2023

  43. AOMedia Announces Royalty-Free IAMF Audio Container Specification

    12 points • 3 comments • nov 10, 2023

  44. OpenAI brings Sam Altman back as CEO

    12 points • 0 comments • nov 22, 2023

  45. Wireskip VPN

    12 points • 2 comments • nov 26, 2023

  46. Extremely large telescopes at risk

    12 points • 3 comments • nov 24, 2023

  47. 'Darwin's oak' to be felled

    12 points • 5 comments • nov 02, 2023

  48. GPT Baker lets you build your own open-source GPTs

    12 points • 0 comments • nov 23, 2023

  49. Nothing Phone says it will hack into iMessage, bring blue bubbles to Android

    12 points • 35 comments • nov 15, 2023

  50. Tuning the Linux kernel with AI, according to ByteDance

    12 points • 1 comment • nov 20, 2023

  51. Building a Small REPL in Python

    12 points • 0 comments • nov 28, 2023

  52. Uncertainty Reduction Theory

    12 points • 0 comments • nov 12, 2023

  53. The James Webb Telescope is a giant leap in the history of stargazing

    12 points • 3 comments • nov 07, 2023

  54. The Birth of the Chapter

    12 points • 6 comments • nov 28, 2023

  55. Gnome Recognized as Public Interest Infrastructure – The Gnome Foundation

    12 points • 1 comment • nov 10, 2023

  56. Rebooting an Abandoned Car Wash in the Ozarks

    12 points • 5 comments • nov 15, 2023

  57. The Youngest Daughter of the Sciences

    12 points • 2 comments • nov 01, 2023

  58. OpenAI board are now in talks about Sam Altman's possible return

    12 points • 0 comments • nov 21, 2023

  59. Microsoft's Altman 'acquisition' stokes fear AI control is consolidating

    12 points • 1 comment • nov 21, 2023

  60. Jeff Bezos Rowing Boat [video]

    12 points • 1 comment • nov 16, 2023

  61. AI threatens to automate away the clergy

    12 points • 6 comments • nov 29, 2023

  62. Berberine reduces arterial plaque in humans by decreasing TMAO in the gut

    12 points • 2 comments • nov 28, 2023

  63. Panama observes EST all year. Daylight Saving Time has never been used here

    12 points • 5 comments • nov 08, 2023

  64. Programming for Windows 3.11 with modern tools (emulation in IDE)

    12 points • 1 comment • nov 20, 2023

  65. AI Company Plans to Run Clusters of 10k Nvidia H100 GPUs in International Waters

    12 points • 7 comments • nov 04, 2023

  66. I Ran Away from Philosophy Because of Sam Bankman-Fried

    12 points • 5 comments • nov 05, 2023

  67. Shopify Storefronts Are Down

    12 points • 3 comments • nov 13, 2023

  68. Ask HN: Git hosting sites that do not require 2FA?

    12 points • 12 comments • nov 28, 2023

  69. A doctor tried to renew his passport. Now he's no longer a citizen

    12 points • 3 comments • nov 26, 2023

  70. Tangram Vision's AI-powered 3D sensor could transform robotic computer vision

    12 points • 8 comments • nov 14, 2023

  71. If you created a Bitcoin wallet before 2016, your money may be at risk

    12 points • 2 comments • nov 19, 2023

  72. Building a Distributed Data Warehouse Without Data Lakes

    12 points • 5 comments • nov 02, 2023

  73. Global warming might not happen quite as fast as we thought

    12 points • 11 comments • nov 23, 2023

  74. Modi's Internet - India is the future of the internet under authoritarians

    12 points • 1 comment • nov 17, 2023

  75. The European Space Agency may have a bullying problem

    11 points • 4 comments • nov 07, 2023

  76. New electric school bus has a 300-mile range

    11 points • 20 comments • nov 15, 2023

  77. TX AG Pax­ton Opens Inves­ti­ga­tion into Media Mat­ters

    11 points • 2 comments • nov 21, 2023

  78. Mozilla's first LLM, lets online shoppers research products via an AI chatbot

    11 points • 0 comments • nov 09, 2023

  79. Multi-phase computation as an applicative functor [video]

    11 points • 2 comments • nov 30, 2023

  80. The U.S. economy shrugged off the tech bust

    11 points • 24 comments • nov 04, 2023

  81. Switzerland agrees to export 25 Panzer 87 tanks to Germany

    11 points • 2 comments • nov 27, 2023

  82. Visual effects model design [video] (1980)

    11 points • 2 comments • nov 25, 2023

  83. New research suggests plants might be able to absorb more CO₂

    11 points • 1 comment • nov 19, 2023

  84. Google search ads abused to spread ransomware by ALPHV/BlackCat gang

    11 points • 0 comments • nov 16, 2023

  85. Mathematicians Have Found the Ninth Dedekind Number, After 32 Years of Searching

    11 points • 1 comment • nov 26, 2023

  86. Ask HN: Resources to brush up from 'Intro to ML' to current LLMs/generative AI?

    11 points • 9 comments • nov 18, 2023

  87. Open source is struggling and it's not big tech that is to blame

    11 points • 4 comments • nov 03, 2023

  88. How to Hijack a Quarter of a Million Dollars in Rare Japanese Kit Kats

    11 points • 4 comments • nov 08, 2023

  89. Dietary guidelines may soon warn against ultraprocessed foods

    11 points • 5 comments • nov 08, 2023

  90. Edmund of Abingdon's Dream Job

    11 points • 6 comments • nov 20, 2023

  91. Sam Altman: New version of GPT-4 Turbo now live in ChatGPT

    11 points • 11 comments • nov 12, 2023

  92. Dispute in the CNCF: Israelis cancel participation in Kubecon

    11 points • 9 comments • nov 08, 2023

  93. Don't let websites overwrite clipboard in Firefox

    11 points • 1 comment • nov 19, 2023

  94. Former Coal Towns Get Money for Clean-Energy Factories

    11 points • 1 comment • nov 27, 2023

  95. NYU and Human Rights Watch Accidentally Doxxed 8k People

    11 points • 0 comments • nov 18, 2023

  96. Sam Altman: we are all going to work together some way or other

    11 points • 1 comment • nov 20, 2023

  97. What do humans have that LLMs don't

    11 points • 2 comments • nov 26, 2023

  98. Microsoft briefly blocked employees from using ChatGPT over security concerns

    11 points • 2 comments • nov 10, 2023

  99. Fifth-Generation Warfare

    11 points • 1 comment • nov 08, 2023

  100. Epic vs. Google: a battle over Fortnite fees goes to court

    11 points • 2 comments • nov 07, 2023