Barkers' Crawler v3.2 

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Hacker News (Dec 2023)

  1. Multifaceted: The linguistic echo chambers of LLMs

    114 points • 67 comments • dec 02, 2023

  2. String pinsetters are upending bowling

    114 points • 142 comments • dec 20, 2023

  3. 'Glacier mice' baffle scientists

    114 points • 27 comments • dec 11, 2023

  4. What We Need Instead of "Web Components"

    114 points • 111 comments • dec 22, 2023

  5. Paying Netflix $0.53/H, etc.

    114 points • 115 comments • dec 18, 2023

  6. How many legs do ten elephants have, if two of them are legless?

    114 points • 72 comments • dec 25, 2023

  7. Problems on the Galaxy Store

    113 points • 77 comments • dec 08, 2023

  8. Hardware Intrinsics in .NET 8

    113 points • 35 comments • dec 19, 2023

  9. 2023 WebMD Wrapped

    113 points • 13 comments • dec 04, 2023

  10. Factors driving a productivity explosion

    113 points • 94 comments • dec 10, 2023

  11. Invisible Bunnies That Power World of Warcraft (2017)

    113 points • 76 comments • dec 09, 2023

  12. Database Isolation Is Broken and You Should Care

    113 points • 36 comments • dec 22, 2023

  13. 80% faster, 50% less memory, 0% accuracy loss Llama finetuning

    113 points • 6 comments • dec 01, 2023

  14. Rite Aid banned from using face recognition software after false ID shoplifters

    113 points • 56 comments • dec 20, 2023

  15. 1960s chatbot ELIZA beat OpenAI's GPT-3.5 in a recent Turing test study

    113 points • 38 comments • dec 03, 2023

  16. Croquet: Live, network-transparent 3D gaming

    113 points • 46 comments • dec 26, 2023

  17. Marmot: Multi-writer distributed SQLite based on NATS

    113 points • 36 comments • dec 11, 2023

  18. Everyday performance rules for Ruby on Rails developers

    113 points • 35 comments • dec 07, 2023

  19. Mistral-8x7B-Chat

    113 points • 59 comments • dec 10, 2023

  20. 2023: The Year of AI

    113 points • 61 comments • dec 25, 2023

  21. Was BASIC that horrible or better?

    112 points • 198 comments • dec 23, 2023

  22. Double-mirror illusion

    112 points • 42 comments • dec 15, 2023

  23. Galactic algorithm

    112 points • 19 comments • dec 02, 2023

  24. Watsonx: IBM's code assistant for turning COBOL into Java

    112 points • 168 comments • dec 03, 2023

  25. My doomed career as a North Korean novelist

    112 points • 56 comments • dec 13, 2023

  26. Chemical reactions fuel crises at LA County's two largest landfills

    112 points • 69 comments • dec 24, 2023

  27. A Personal History of APL (1982)

    111 points • 41 comments • dec 03, 2023

  28. Embeddings, vectors, and arithmetic

    111 points • 31 comments • dec 14, 2023

  29. The Limits to Growth (1972)

    111 points • 98 comments • dec 24, 2023

  30. Retinal cells that help stabilize our world view

    111 points • 28 comments • dec 02, 2023

  31. Inoculating soil with mycorrhizal fungi can increase plant yield: study

    111 points • 34 comments • dec 05, 2023

  32. Misra C++:2023

    111 points • 90 comments • dec 17, 2023

  33. High blood pressure may contribute to cognitive decline

    110 points • 37 comments • dec 04, 2023

  34. The Internet Enabled Mass Surveillance. A.I. Will Enable Mass Spying

    110 points • 36 comments • dec 05, 2023

  35. Nikon makes firmware for astronauts to block cosmic rays in photos

    110 points • 48 comments • dec 08, 2023

  36. Pluto, a Modern Lua Dialect

    110 points • 57 comments • dec 27, 2023

  37. How Many People? Ancient Demography

    110 points • 1 comment • dec 23, 2023

  38. Ask HN: Can we do better than Git for version control?

    110 points • 198 comments • dec 10, 2023

  39. Dark Visitors – A list of known AI agents on the internet

    110 points • 59 comments • dec 28, 2023

  40. Show HN: Weeks of Your Life

    110 points • 70 comments • dec 24, 2023

  41. The Sheep Incident (2008)

    110 points • 30 comments • dec 05, 2023

  42. A Nouveau graphics driver update

    109 points • 111 comments • dec 01, 2023

  43. Web Development History – Internet history for the technically curious

    109 points • 14 comments • dec 27, 2023

  44. "King of the Cannibals": How Sam Altman Took over Silicon Valley

    109 points • 90 comments • dec 23, 2023

  45. Mastering Nim, 2nd edition

    109 points • 60 comments • dec 06, 2023

  46. Adventures in reverse engineering Broadcom NIC firmware

    108 points • 16 comments • dec 26, 2023

  47. 30 years of Donald Knuth's 'Christmas Lectures' are online – including 2023's

    108 points • 10 comments • dec 26, 2023

  48. Thanks to Don Bateman, airplanes don't crash into mountains anymore (2016)

    108 points • 62 comments • dec 27, 2023

  49. Amazon Prime Video starts showing ads in January unless you pay $2.99/month xtra

    108 points • 95 comments • dec 26, 2023

  50. TU Berlin Scientists Hack Tesla Autopilot and Discover Secret Elon-Mode

    108 points • 39 comments • dec 27, 2023

  51. Endatabas: A SQLite-inspired, SQL document database with full history

    108 points • 17 comments • dec 01, 2023

  52. Show HN: FreshTube – show latest videos from YouTube channels

    108 points • 39 comments • dec 30, 2023

  53. Elite: "The game that couldn't be written" [video]

    108 points • 50 comments • dec 20, 2023

  54. Apple to move key iPad engineering resources to Vietnam

    108 points • 91 comments • dec 09, 2023

  55. 2,300-year-old mosaic made of shells and coral found under Rome

    108 points • 19 comments • dec 23, 2023

  56. VSCode LLVM Compiler Explorer

    108 points • 5 comments • dec 04, 2023

  57. The 8-bit era: Eight processor designs

    108 points • 69 comments • dec 04, 2023

  58. Show HN: TSDiagram – Diagrams as Code with TypeScript

    108 points • 23 comments • dec 05, 2023

  59. Software audio routers

    108 points • 40 comments • dec 21, 2023

  60. Light can be reflected not only in space but also in time

    108 points • 69 comments • dec 05, 2023

  61. A Decade of Have I Been Pwned

    108 points • 12 comments • dec 04, 2023

  62. High Court rules that Getty vs. Stability AI case can proceed

    107 points • 101 comments • dec 06, 2023

  63. Earthquakes make gold veins in an instant (2013)

    107 points • 32 comments • dec 22, 2023

  64. Why are we being DDoSed by Cloudflare?

    107 points • 33 comments • dec 02, 2023

  65. NASA’s tech demo streams first video from deep space via laser

    107 points • 46 comments • dec 19, 2023

  66. Cramming a tiny program into a tiny ELF file

    107 points • 15 comments • dec 10, 2023

  67. 2023 was the year that GPUs stood still

    107 points • 91 comments • dec 29, 2023

  68. More fun with Apple's internal tools: creating a PDS card

    107 points • 0 comments • dec 30, 2023

  69. A chess TUI implementation

    106 points • 44 comments • dec 05, 2023

  70. "If buying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing"

    106 points • 16 comments • dec 09, 2023

  71. Seraph Secure: anti-scam software co-founded by Kitboga

    106 points • 56 comments • dec 01, 2023

  72. Rep and Ren: A new approach to CLI find, replace, and renaming

    106 points • 18 comments • dec 27, 2023

  73. Let me repeat that back to you

    106 points • 55 comments • dec 23, 2023

  74. Flat lenses made of nanostructures transform tiny cameras and projectors

    106 points • 19 comments • dec 14, 2023

  75. Threestudio – Framework for 3D content generation

    106 points • 19 comments • dec 15, 2023

  76. A closer look at e/OS: Murena's privacy-first 'deGoogled' Android alternative

    106 points • 73 comments • dec 21, 2023

  77. Littlefs – a little fail-safe filesystem designed for microcontrollers

    106 points • 21 comments • dec 11, 2023

  78. WWII heroics of 'Bazooka Charlie' doubted until daughter sets record straight

    106 points • 24 comments • dec 31, 2023

  79. Wikimedia Russia has been dissolved

    105 points • 37 comments • dec 21, 2023

  80. Arch Linux bugtracker migration to Gitlab completed

    105 points • 51 comments • dec 08, 2023

  81. Comparing 6502 Multiply Routines

    105 points • 34 comments • dec 11, 2023

  82. Humans progressively feel agency over events triggered before their actions

    105 points • 61 comments • dec 19, 2023

  83. Apple wins bid to pause Apple Watch ban at US appeals court

    105 points • 92 comments • dec 27, 2023

  84. TuneNN: A transformer-based network model for pitch detection

    105 points • 37 comments • dec 19, 2023

  85. The Rise and Fall of the 'IBM Way'

    105 points • 128 comments • dec 14, 2023

  86. Potential of the Julia programming language for high energy physics computing

    105 points • 149 comments • dec 04, 2023

  87. An Easy Fix

    105 points • 21 comments • dec 31, 2023

  88. Show HN: Winglang – A new cloud-oriented programming language

    105 points • 59 comments • dec 06, 2023

  89. Rumble turns off access in Brazil because of government's censorship demands

    105 points • 172 comments • dec 23, 2023

  90. Mir: Strongly typed IR to implement fast and lightweight interpreters and JITs

    105 points • 30 comments • dec 26, 2023

  91. What is the point of a public key fingerprint?

    105 points • 135 comments • dec 16, 2023

  92. BASIC was not just a programming language

    105 points • 103 comments • dec 26, 2023

  93. Time is encoded in the weights of finetuned language models

    105 points • 45 comments • dec 24, 2023

  94. No star, No fix

    104 points • 51 comments • dec 19, 2023

  95. Desalination can beat batteries for excess energy

    104 points • 115 comments • dec 18, 2023

  96. A cartographer drew a freehand map of North America (2019)

    104 points • 45 comments • dec 22, 2023

  97. A Forth Vocabulary for Iteration

    104 points • 20 comments • dec 17, 2023

  98. Terraform module for scalable GitHub action runners on AWS

    104 points • 48 comments • dec 09, 2023

  99. ReconFusion: 3D Reconstruction with Diffusion Priors

    104 points • 13 comments • dec 08, 2023

  100. Counterfactual Regret Minimisation or How I won any money in Poker?

    104 points • 26 comments • dec 31, 2023