Barkers' Crawler v3.2 

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Hacker News (Dec 2023)

  1. The valve at the end of the world

    55 points • 22 comments • dec 08, 2023

  2. Sniffing women's tears reduces male aggression by 44%, study finds

    55 points • 44 comments • dec 23, 2023

  3. Cyborg cockroach could be the future of earthquake search and rescue

    55 points • 40 comments • dec 08, 2023

  4. Update tinsel bunting

    55 points • 27 comments • dec 20, 2023

  5. Pushing It Back

    55 points • 30 comments • dec 31, 2023

  6. Ask HN: Terrified I wont find another job

    55 points • 36 comments • dec 17, 2023

  7. Is Twitter/X Down

    55 points • 22 comments • dec 21, 2023

  8. Reminiscing CGI Scripts

    55 points • 48 comments • dec 27, 2023

  9. Efficient Transformer Knowledge Distillation: A Performance Review

    54 points • 5 comments • dec 07, 2023

  10. Enigmash Game

    54 points • 6 comments • dec 22, 2023

  11. History of Antarctica revealed in octopus DNA

    54 points • 25 comments • dec 22, 2023

  12. Ask HN: Best modern file transfer/synchronization protocol?

    54 points • 38 comments • dec 22, 2023

  13. Troubleshooting an intermittent failure in CI tests on ARM64

    54 points • 6 comments • dec 15, 2023

  14. Motile Living Biobots Self-Construct from Adult Human Somatic Progenitor Cells

    54 points • 9 comments • dec 01, 2023

  15. EfficientSAM

    54 points • 7 comments • dec 06, 2023

  16. Ask HN: Is React Native still popular?

    54 points • 78 comments • dec 02, 2023

  17. LLMs are a revolution in open source

    54 points • 60 comments • dec 02, 2023

  18. Winning over hearts and minds work: ADKAR my favorite change management approach

    54 points • 22 comments • dec 19, 2023

  19. 55% of workers say their pay isn't keeping up with inflation

    54 points • 41 comments • dec 07, 2023

  20. Fukuoka court rules ban on dual nationality is constitutional

    54 points • 42 comments • dec 06, 2023

  21. Commission opens formal proceedings against X under the Digital Services Act

    54 points • 21 comments • dec 18, 2023

  22. uBlock Origin rules for HN: removing MSM news sources reduces systemic stress

    54 points • 26 comments • dec 03, 2023

  23. US begins review that could eventually lead to PVC ban

    54 points • 58 comments • dec 16, 2023

  24. On Limited Editions (1998)

    54 points • 23 comments • dec 10, 2023

  25. Cory Doctorow: What Kind of Bubble Is AI?

    53 points • 33 comments • dec 19, 2023

  26. Increasing purchases at farmers markets using point‐of‐sale scanner data

    53 points • 42 comments • dec 29, 2023

  27. Google announces April 2024 shutdown date for Google Podcasts

    53 points • 37 comments • dec 08, 2023

  28. Fakes: Not an internet thing, a human thing

    53 points • 20 comments • dec 16, 2023

  29. Police Can Spy on Your iOS and Android Push Notifications

    53 points • 2 comments • dec 07, 2023

  30. Many prehistoric handprints show missing finger. What if this wasn't accidental?

    53 points • 58 comments • dec 24, 2023

  31. WyGPT: Minimal mature GPT model in C++

    53 points • 13 comments • dec 17, 2023

  32. Celebrated Cryptography Algorithm Gets an Upgrade

    53 points • 5 comments • dec 14, 2023

  33. macOS Sonoma is setting records for update size

    53 points • 66 comments • dec 04, 2023

  34. The Subscription Trap

    53 points • 52 comments • dec 30, 2023

  35. The Wizardry Frontier

    53 points • 7 comments • dec 08, 2023

  36. You don't need analytics on your blog

    53 points • 49 comments • dec 24, 2023

  37. Optimizing Raku Programs with Zig

    53 points • 13 comments • dec 27, 2023

  38. YouTube is trying to block Invidious

    53 points • 6 comments • dec 17, 2023

  39. USB-C Cures Mosquito Bites

    53 points • 47 comments • dec 18, 2023

  40. Discovering copy-on-write in R

    53 points • 21 comments • dec 19, 2023

  41. AzuraCast: A Simple, Self-Hosted Web Radio Management Suite

    52 points • 11 comments • dec 31, 2023

  42. Putting the "J" in the RPG, Part 2: Playstation for the Win

    52 points • 1 comment • dec 26, 2023

  43. I want to convince you to have an on-premise offering

    52 points • 66 comments • dec 05, 2023

  44. Slow Electricity: The Return of DC Power? (2016)

    52 points • 118 comments • dec 31, 2023

  45. I Just Need a Programmer

    52 points • 50 comments • dec 24, 2023

  46. Ask HN: What's the best hardware to run small/medium models locally?

    52 points • 74 comments • dec 10, 2023

  47. Why isn't the new year on the winter solstice? (2018)

    52 points • 31 comments • dec 24, 2023

  48. The Johnson Solids (2019)

    52 points • 20 comments • dec 23, 2023

  49. 10,000TB storage cartridges could become mainstream by 2030

    52 points • 56 comments • dec 02, 2023

  50. Show HN: I made a tool to turn a Spotify artist profile into a website

    52 points • 38 comments • dec 13, 2023

  51. The Borsuk-Ulam Explorer

    52 points • 11 comments • dec 14, 2023

  52. Flickypedia helps you put Flickr photos on Wikimedia Commons

    52 points • 11 comments • dec 06, 2023

  53. AN/PSQ-42

    52 points • 39 comments • dec 06, 2023

  54. Meta-Learning: the future for foundation models, and how to improve it

    52 points • 4 comments • dec 21, 2023

  55. Social media platform X suffers global outages

    52 points • 47 comments • dec 21, 2023

  56. The history of MSX computers [video]

    52 points • 16 comments • dec 30, 2023

  57. 99 Years of Charlie Munger Wisdom in 44 Minutes [video]

    52 points • 16 comments • dec 01, 2023

  58. Understanding Keyboard Events Better

    52 points • 24 comments • dec 04, 2023

  59. The Divorce Colony (2015)

    52 points • 32 comments • dec 17, 2023

  60. How the weak win wars: A theory of asymmetric conflict [pdf] (2001)

    52 points • 55 comments • dec 24, 2023

  61. Becoming a go-to person gets you promoted

    52 points • 68 comments • dec 17, 2023

  62. 3D-GPT: Procedural 3D Modeling with Large Language Models

    52 points • 7 comments • dec 22, 2023

  63. Stop Reading News (2013)

    52 points • 42 comments • dec 12, 2023

  64. Google Fiber - 20 Gig + Wi-Fi 7 will be available to select customers

    51 points • 64 comments • dec 11, 2023

  65. Qubes OS 4.2.0 has been released

    51 points • 6 comments • dec 19, 2023

  66. Tesla battle with Swedish unions spreads to Denmark

    51 points • 57 comments • dec 05, 2023

  67. Analyzing the historical rate of catastrophes

    51 points • 18 comments • dec 05, 2023

  68. Outrageously Large Neural Networks: The Sparsely-Gated Mixture-of-Experts (2017)

    51 points • 8 comments • dec 08, 2023

  69. US Visual Approaches: Lessons from the LH458 Incident

    51 points • 47 comments • dec 03, 2023

  70. Improving programming language performance

    51 points • 14 comments • dec 07, 2023

  71. Cdpath: Easily Navigate Directories in the Terminal

    51 points • 39 comments • dec 06, 2023

  72. Technological innovations that produced the shale revolution

    51 points • 5 comments • dec 28, 2023

  73. White Elephant is surprisingly effective

    51 points • 14 comments • dec 31, 2023

  74. A Cypherpunk's Manifesto (1993)

    51 points • 12 comments • dec 31, 2023

  75. The Great AI Weirding

    51 points • 35 comments • dec 21, 2023

  76. Capturing DNA in snow tracks of polar bear, Eurasian lynx and snow leopard

    51 points • 2 comments • dec 04, 2023

  77. EHTML Docs

    51 points • 12 comments • dec 05, 2023

  78. The Journey from WebSockets to HTTP Streams

    51 points • 15 comments • dec 10, 2023

  79. Electric light transmits data faster than Wi-Fi

    51 points • 50 comments • dec 30, 2023

  80. Applesauce lead poisoning cases in kids surge amid questions on FDA oversight

    51 points • 31 comments • dec 10, 2023

  81. The Shunting-Yard Algorithm (2011)

    51 points • 19 comments • dec 07, 2023

  82. KLM leaked data customers: private data easily collected

    51 points • 10 comments • dec 18, 2023

  83. Apple appeals US ban on Apple Watch

    51 points • 56 comments • dec 26, 2023

  84. Ask HN: How to figure out a good direction/goals for the year ahead?

    50 points • 36 comments • dec 17, 2023

  85. Data scientists need to learn about significant digits

    50 points • 45 comments • dec 25, 2023

  86. Evolving Reservoirs for Meta Reinforcement Learning

    50 points • 4 comments • dec 25, 2023

  87. The largest money-printing UI element ever made

    50 points • 38 comments • dec 17, 2023

  88. Show HN: Demo of Agent Based Model on GPU with CUDA and OpenGL (Windows/Linux)

    50 points • 20 comments • dec 04, 2023

  89. The Birth of Rock 'N' Roll Is Found at Sam Phillips's Sun Records (2016)

    50 points • 23 comments • dec 18, 2023

  90. Porn company makes millions by shaming porn consumers

    50 points • 29 comments • dec 12, 2023

  91. AMD's Response to Nvidia regarding H100 vs. MI300X on real world workloads

    50 points • 13 comments • dec 17, 2023

  92. 2023: A year of groundbreaking advances in AI and computing

    50 points • 36 comments • dec 22, 2023

  93. Over 20 nations, including Japan, call for tripling of nuclear energy

    50 points • 12 comments • dec 02, 2023

  94. Adolescent boys struggle with disorganization and distraction

    50 points • 35 comments • dec 09, 2023

  95. "CSS is dramatically more difficult than learning assembly language" [audio]

    50 points • 78 comments • dec 15, 2023

  96. CrayZee Eighty

    50 points • 2 comments • dec 25, 2023

  97. Operating systems, transit and cultural influences

    50 points • 20 comments • dec 05, 2023

  98. Kramdown-man: A Kramdown convert for converting Markdown files into man pages

    50 points • 14 comments • dec 04, 2023

  99. Thoughts on Threads and ActivityPub

    50 points • 44 comments • dec 15, 2023

  100. A circular 3D-printed concrete bridge

    50 points • 58 comments • dec 24, 2023