Barkers' Crawler v3.2 

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Hacker News (Dec 2023)

  1. World of Goo 2

    142 points • 38 comments • dec 08, 2023

  2. TextDiffuser-2: Unleashing the power of language models for text rendering

    141 points • 11 comments • dec 22, 2023

  3. Terrapin Attack for prefix truncation in SSH

    141 points • 43 comments • dec 18, 2023

  4. Reindeer sleep and eat simultaneously

    141 points • 57 comments • dec 27, 2023

  5. Reforming Unix

    141 points • 80 comments • dec 25, 2023

  6. Light-induced whole-molecule vibration can rupture melanoma cells’ membrane

    141 points • 40 comments • dec 27, 2023

  7. To be great, be good, repeatably (2019)

    140 points • 51 comments • dec 18, 2023

  8. Schedule 37th Chaos Communication Congress

    140 points • 12 comments • dec 26, 2023

  9. UK plan to digitise wills and destroy paper originals "insane" say experts

    140 points • 152 comments • dec 19, 2023

  10. VanJS – A no-JSX framework based on vanilla JavaScript

    140 points • 142 comments • dec 20, 2023

  11. Show HN: Anytype – local-first, P2P knowledge management

    140 points • 64 comments • dec 28, 2023

  12. Playstation is erasing 1,318 seasons of Discovery shows from customer libraries

    140 points • 87 comments • dec 05, 2023

  13. Photorealistic Video Generation with Diffusion Models

    140 points • 45 comments • dec 11, 2023

  14. A female albatross over 70 years old

    139 points • 41 comments • dec 16, 2023

  15. Cathedral, Mountain, Moon

    139 points • 17 comments • dec 26, 2023

  16. All the hominins made tools

    139 points • 39 comments • dec 03, 2023

  17. Dear ImGui: Graphical User Interface library for C++

    139 points • 105 comments • dec 20, 2023

  18. Magical Fibonacci Formulae

    139 points • 20 comments • dec 11, 2023

  19. Leonardo Da Vinci’s Self-Powered Cart (2021)

    139 points • 37 comments • dec 22, 2023

  20. Amazon allegedly resells damaged books

    139 points • 82 comments • dec 30, 2023

  21. Show HN: Emu2 – A Gemini-like open-source 37B Multimodal Model

    139 points • 20 comments • dec 22, 2023

  22. Chipsynth C64 is an emulation of the SID so good, it can replace hardware

    138 points • 49 comments • dec 07, 2023

  23. The changing face of post-pandemic New York City

    138 points • 290 comments • dec 19, 2023

  24. Large shares of consumers use social media out of a fear of missing out

    138 points • 109 comments • dec 04, 2023

  25. Tesla Recalls 2M Vehicles over Autopilot Software Issue

    138 points • 125 comments • dec 13, 2023

  26. Interesting double-poly latches inside AMD's vintage LANCE Ethernet chip

    138 points • 15 comments • dec 31, 2023

  27. Weak-to-Strong Generalization

    138 points • 186 comments • dec 14, 2023

  28. Risk management is not project management

    138 points • 72 comments • dec 15, 2023

  29. ASML and Samsung seal deal on 2nm chips

    138 points • 78 comments • dec 16, 2023

  30. US lawyer who put Big Tobacco on trial takes aim at sports betting

    138 points • 146 comments • dec 11, 2023

  31. Chisel: A Modern Hardware Design Language

    137 points • 66 comments • dec 27, 2023

  32. DIY ventilation heat exchanger (2010)

    137 points • 66 comments • dec 23, 2023

  33. Scrambling eggs for Spotify with Knuth's Fibonacci hashing

    137 points • 43 comments • dec 09, 2023

  34. Trying chDB, an embeddable ClickHouse engine

    137 points • 12 comments • dec 20, 2023

  35. Spomenik Database

    137 points • 16 comments • dec 30, 2023

  36. Why does sleep become more elusive as we age?

    137 points • 143 comments • dec 03, 2023

  37. Tesla blamed drivers for failures of parts it long knew were defective

    137 points • 24 comments • dec 20, 2023

  38. The subtleties of proper B+Tree implementation

    137 points • 34 comments • dec 10, 2023

  39. hackers increase attacks on customers

    137 points • 111 comments • dec 01, 2023

  40. Review: A Dive into Mikrotik's Weird SmartNIC (2022)

    136 points • 35 comments • dec 02, 2023

  41. The day I started believing in unit tests

    136 points • 220 comments • dec 19, 2023

  42. Untrusted Device Encryption

    136 points • 50 comments • dec 05, 2023

  43. Spotlight: Sentry for Development

    136 points • 77 comments • dec 06, 2023

  44. Rage: Fast web framework compatible with Rails

    136 points • 93 comments • dec 05, 2023

  45. The mysterious second parameter to the x86 ENTER instruction

    135 points • 40 comments • dec 12, 2023

  46. Helen Toner shares her side

    135 points • 208 comments • dec 07, 2023

  47. There's a Concorde Engine Complete with Afterburner for Sale on eBay

    135 points • 102 comments • dec 20, 2023

  48. Tell HN: Netflix doing mass layoffs today

    135 points • 107 comments • dec 13, 2023

  49. What This Country Needs is an 18¢ Piece (2002) [pdf]

    135 points • 259 comments • dec 16, 2023

  50. Apple introduces spatial video capture on iPhone 15 Pro

    135 points • 110 comments • dec 11, 2023

  51. Lab Notebooks (2020)

    135 points • 62 comments • dec 26, 2023

  52. A real case of Bobby Tables?

    135 points • 94 comments • dec 04, 2023

  53. National Engineering Handbook

    134 points • 53 comments • dec 19, 2023

  54. The Art and Science of PCB Design

    134 points • 54 comments • dec 30, 2023

  55. Vim users are encouraged to make a donation to ICCF

    134 points • 10 comments • dec 28, 2023

  56. A case for moving away from the cloud and embracing local storage solutions

    133 points • 116 comments • dec 04, 2023

  57. Parsing an Undocumented File Format

    133 points • 50 comments • dec 29, 2023

  58. Evaluating new software forges

    133 points • 116 comments • dec 17, 2023

  59. EU Cyber Resilience Act: What does it mean for open source?

    133 points • 69 comments • dec 30, 2023

  60. Do I need to get out the soldering iron again? (2018)

    132 points • 113 comments • dec 22, 2023

  61. Researchers have discovered magnetic monopole quasi-particles

    132 points • 65 comments • dec 06, 2023

  62. 3500 arrested in global cybercrime crackdown

    132 points • 69 comments • dec 22, 2023

  63. LLMLingua: Compressing Prompts for Faster Inferencing

    132 points • 38 comments • dec 18, 2023

  64. It's weird how design systems are so rote, yet so difficult

    132 points • 103 comments • dec 13, 2023

  65. Pilots hide mental health problems so they don't lose their licenses

    132 points • 119 comments • dec 18, 2023

  66. Ptext: A Nano-like text editor built with pure C

    132 points • 58 comments • dec 25, 2023

  67. My insulin pump controller has a bug

    132 points • 143 comments • dec 01, 2023

  68. Intel plans spinoff of FPGA unit

    131 points • 129 comments • dec 21, 2023

  69. How to (and how not to) fix color banding

    131 points • 24 comments • dec 27, 2023

  70. Could we stop Yellowstone from erupting with a geothermal power plant?

    131 points • 112 comments • dec 11, 2023

  71. Podman Desktop 1.6 released: Even more Kubernetes and Containers features

    131 points • 63 comments • dec 20, 2023

  72. Amazon Has an Honesty Issue

    131 points • 87 comments • dec 09, 2023

  73. Cisco to acquire Isovalent

    131 points • 61 comments • dec 21, 2023

  74. A closer look at the Tabula Peutingeriana

    130 points • 64 comments • dec 25, 2023

  75. Simultaneous cat and external keyboard input causing kernel panic (2011)

    130 points • 21 comments • dec 08, 2023

  76. Motorola's pioneering 8-bit 6800: Origins and architecture

    130 points • 78 comments • dec 12, 2023

  77. SVD Image Compression

    130 points • 19 comments • dec 19, 2023

  78. Most favorited articles by the top 10k most active HN members (2020)

    130 points • 21 comments • dec 29, 2023

  79. New UK record for wind power set today – 21.81 GW between 0900-0930 GMT

    130 points • 141 comments • dec 21, 2023

  80. California regulators vote to keep Diablo Canyon nuclear plant open 5 more years

    130 points • 123 comments • dec 20, 2023

  81. FFM (Foreign Function and Memory API) Goes Final

    130 points • 55 comments • dec 10, 2023

  82. The valley of the cheese of the dead

    130 points • 14 comments • dec 10, 2023

  83. Three Decades of HTML

    129 points • 35 comments • dec 07, 2023

  84. How to unit test code that depends on time

    129 points • 109 comments • dec 19, 2023

  85. 37C3: Fuzzing the TCP/IP Stack

    129 points • 6 comments • dec 30, 2023

  86. MLX: NumPy like framework for Apple Silicon by Apple

    129 points • 10 comments • dec 06, 2023

  87. Windows Protected Print Mode

    128 points • 81 comments • dec 15, 2023

  88. Simple Mobile Tools suite to be acquired by Israeli adware company

    128 points • 42 comments • dec 03, 2023

  89. Compressing Gaussian Splats

    128 points • 34 comments • dec 06, 2023

  90. Ask HN: Good examples of fault-tolerant Erlang code?

    128 points • 40 comments • dec 28, 2023

  91. Open Source Game Clones

    128 points • 21 comments • dec 27, 2023

  92. Sequential modeling enables scalable learning for large vision models

    127 points • 52 comments • dec 05, 2023

  93. Working more than 55 hours a week kills 750k people a year worldwide

    127 points • 67 comments • dec 05, 2023

  94. RAG to Riches

    127 points • 65 comments • dec 16, 2023

  95. Waveterm

    127 points • 80 comments • dec 10, 2023

  96. LXD now re-licensed and under a CLA

    127 points • 91 comments • dec 12, 2023

  97. Fuzzy Finding with Emacs Instead of Fzf

    127 points • 45 comments • dec 10, 2023

  98. Godot: A Collaboration with Google and the Forge

    127 points • 41 comments • dec 15, 2023

  99. MakeMake: Generate make files from C source code

    127 points • 68 comments • dec 03, 2023

  100. PC GEOS: the multitasking DOS-based GUI OS that evolved from a C64 desktop

    127 points • 48 comments • dec 10, 2023