Barkers' Crawler v3.2 

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Hacker News (Oct 2023)

  1. Researchers find link between plastic additive and autism, ADHD

    83 points • 16 comments • oct 07, 2023

  2. Dropbox handing over 25% of San Francisco HQ back to landlord

    83 points • 53 comments • oct 21, 2023

  3. Joining CSV Data Without SQL: An IP Geolocation Use Case

    83 points • 38 comments • oct 19, 2023

  4. NASA's Webb captures an ethereal view of NGC 346

    83 points • 21 comments • oct 16, 2023

  5. Charter Houses (2022)

    83 points • 45 comments • oct 28, 2023

  6. The IBM 5153's True CGA Palette and Color Output (2022)

    83 points • 14 comments • oct 26, 2023

  7. A Generation Lost in the Bazaar (2012)

    83 points • 49 comments • oct 18, 2023

  8. Trying out C++20's modules with Clang and Make

    83 points • 116 comments • oct 15, 2023

  9. Tesla is launching their developer APIs

    83 points • 102 comments • oct 13, 2023

  10. Flexport is laying off 20% of its workforce

    83 points • 68 comments • oct 12, 2023

  11. Insurance companies fill their networks with ‘ghost’ therapists

    82 points • 86 comments • oct 04, 2023

  12. Literate Documentation with Emacs and Org Mode

    82 points • 7 comments • oct 28, 2023

  13. Requiem for a stringref

    82 points • 89 comments • oct 19, 2023

  14. Stable Diffusion Gets a Major Boost with RTX Acceleration

    82 points • 20 comments • oct 17, 2023

  15. Evidence that albatrosses use infrasound to navigate long journeys

    82 points • 14 comments • oct 11, 2023

  16. WireHole is a combination of WireGuard, Pi-hole, and Unbound

    82 points • 35 comments • oct 28, 2023

  17. Google's 21-year deal with Apple is the "heart" of monopoly case, judge says

    82 points • 95 comments • oct 19, 2023

  18. Every member of Bandcamp United Union bargaining team was laid off

    82 points • 18 comments • oct 18, 2023

  19. Newsom vetoes a proposed ban on caste discrimination in California

    82 points • 99 comments • oct 08, 2023

  20. Unix Structured Concurrency

    82 points • 49 comments • oct 11, 2023

  21. Calorie restriction in humans builds strong muscle and stimulates healthy aging

    82 points • 31 comments • oct 14, 2023

  22. Great Pyramid of Cholula

    82 points • 39 comments • oct 04, 2023

  23. A California hedge fund bulldozed state labor laws, imposed harshest noncompetes

    82 points • 50 comments • oct 06, 2023

  24. Barnes and Noble Sets Itself Free

    82 points • 65 comments • oct 18, 2023

  25. Signs of undeclared ChatGPT use in papers mounting

    82 points • 74 comments • oct 06, 2023

  26. Archaeologists extract DNA of ancient Israelites

    81 points • 111 comments • oct 10, 2023

  27. The Hard Economics of Selling Web Data

    81 points • 23 comments • oct 11, 2023

  28. Show HN: Orbital – Dynamically unifying APIs and data with no glue code

    81 points • 12 comments • oct 25, 2023

  29. Dot

    81 points • 44 comments • oct 05, 2023

  30. Webb detects quartz crystals in clouds of hot gas giant

    81 points • 21 comments • oct 18, 2023

  31. ExecuTorch: Run PyTorch programs on mobile and edge devices

    81 points • 22 comments • oct 17, 2023

  32. Compiling Rust binaries for Windows 98 SE and more: a journey (2020)

    81 points • 11 comments • oct 06, 2023

  33. Council of Europe says 5 governments must investigate Pegasus spyware abuse

    81 points • 1 comment • oct 07, 2023

  34. A history of Ireland in 100 goodbyes

    81 points • 30 comments • oct 09, 2023

  35. Pubs replaced banks in Ireland for several months in 1970 (2016)

    81 points • 83 comments • oct 01, 2023

  36. What's new in C# 12: overview

    81 points • 64 comments • oct 20, 2023

  37. Craig Murray seeks UN protection in Switzerland against British persecution

    81 points • 44 comments • oct 28, 2023

  38. A tiny supercritical carbon dioxide turbine can power 10k homes

    81 points • 37 comments • oct 30, 2023

  39. Krita is now available on the macOS store

    81 points • 15 comments • oct 27, 2023

  40. FreeBSD 14.0-RC1 Now Available

    81 points • 15 comments • oct 14, 2023

  41. FFmpeg-online: ffpmeg running on the browser

    81 points • 24 comments • oct 15, 2023

  42. Lisp Badge

    81 points • 4 comments • oct 14, 2023

  43. Security Vulnerability of Switzerland's E-Voting System

    81 points • 64 comments • oct 17, 2023

  44. What is a "document"? (1997) [pdf]

    80 points • 12 comments • oct 08, 2023

  45. The Polaroid SX70's unusual shutter

    80 points • 11 comments • oct 21, 2023

  46. Decentralized Artificial Intelligence

    80 points • 37 comments • oct 01, 2023

  47. Qatar Airways flying near-empty planes in Australia to exploit legal loophole

    80 points • 90 comments • oct 02, 2023

  48. OpenBSD PF-based firewalls suffer differently from denial of service attacks

    80 points • 26 comments • oct 14, 2023

  49. Kenichi Shinohara's pixel art Ukiyo-e (1987)

    80 points • 17 comments • oct 13, 2023

  50. EPA fast-tracking of gene-altering pesticide sparks concerns

    80 points • 40 comments • oct 22, 2023

  51. The Quest to Recreate a Lost and 'Terrifying' Medieval Mead

    80 points • 33 comments • oct 13, 2023

  52. Study Finds Hybrid Work Improves Mental Health Compared to Remote or In-Office

    80 points • 85 comments • oct 03, 2023

  53. LinkedIn to lay off hundreds of people amid broader restructuring

    80 points • 29 comments • oct 16, 2023

  54. OCI container of OBS Studio with 50 plugins included

    80 points • 15 comments • oct 05, 2023

  55. The Magic Prioritization Trick

    79 points • 36 comments • oct 09, 2023

  56. Margaret Atwood Reviews a Margaret Atwood Story by AI

    79 points • 62 comments • oct 15, 2023

  57. India's banks are making $64B from free cashless payments

    79 points • 10 comments • oct 06, 2023

  58. Oldest footprints in North America push back human arrival

    79 points • 60 comments • oct 05, 2023

  59. Reimplementing git clone in Haskell from the bottom up (2013)

    79 points • 5 comments • oct 21, 2023

  60. Vercel employee used customer information to pursue a personal trademark matter

    79 points • 20 comments • oct 15, 2023

  61. Grammarly's OAuth Mistakes

    79 points • 20 comments • oct 27, 2023

  62. Humming-Birds

    79 points • 20 comments • oct 20, 2023

  63. Western Digital to spin off flash business

    79 points • 40 comments • oct 30, 2023

  64. A physics milestone: Miniature particle accelerator works

    79 points • 14 comments • oct 20, 2023

  65. SDRangel: Explore the electromagnetic spectrum with open source SDR software

    79 points • 8 comments • oct 27, 2023

  66. C++ Attribute: Likely, Unlikely

    79 points • 59 comments • oct 21, 2023

  67. Show HN: Feed Remover

    79 points • 45 comments • oct 20, 2023

  68. Stack Overflow announces 28% headcount reduction

    79 points • 124 comments • oct 16, 2023

  69. Can the language of proof assistants be used for general purpose programming?

    79 points • 46 comments • oct 27, 2023

  70. The OSI Deprogrammer

    79 points • 69 comments • oct 24, 2023

  71. Snmalloc: A Message Passing Allocator

    79 points • 25 comments • oct 11, 2023

  72. The Honeypot Diaries: Thousands of Daily Attacks on My Home Network

    79 points • 36 comments • oct 07, 2023

  73. Questions to ask a teenager to start an important conversation

    79 points • 48 comments • oct 08, 2023

  74. Nushell 0.86

    79 points • 29 comments • oct 18, 2023

  75. MGM expects $100M hit from hack that led to data breach

    79 points • 103 comments • oct 06, 2023

  76. Experts warn Letby inquiry of misreading stats to explain 'suspicious' deaths

    78 points • 76 comments • oct 08, 2023

  77. Ask HN: How do you tell if something has a keylogger implemented

    78 points • 60 comments • oct 10, 2023

  78. An antiquated law rules mining in the West

    78 points • 78 comments • oct 22, 2023

  79. New study confirms gulf stream weakening

    78 points • 45 comments • oct 08, 2023

  80. Polar Signals Cloud: Always-on, zero-instrumentation continuous profiling

    78 points • 27 comments • oct 10, 2023

  81. Plimpton 322 is Babylonian exact sexagesimal trigonometry

    78 points • 9 comments • oct 01, 2023

  82. Kyushu University released more than 1500 3D models of animals and plants (2022)

    78 points • 4 comments • oct 07, 2023

  83. Ask HN: Whats the modern day equivalent of 80s computer for kids to explore?

    78 points • 107 comments • oct 01, 2023

  84. Show HN: Netflix for AI-Generated Videos

    78 points • 50 comments • oct 11, 2023

  85. Why America doesn't build

    78 points • 74 comments • oct 27, 2023

  86. Cubic spline interpolation

    78 points • 25 comments • oct 20, 2023

  87. Reproducibility trial: Biologists get different results from same data sets

    78 points • 29 comments • oct 13, 2023

  88. Cats Are Perfect. An Evolutionary Biologist Explains Why

    77 points • 67 comments • oct 08, 2023

  89. The Return of a Small Universe?

    77 points • 84 comments • oct 05, 2023

  90. Astronauts and Area 51: the Skylab Incident (2006)

    77 points • 17 comments • oct 20, 2023

  91. NASA's Voyager Team Focuses on Software Patch, Thrusters

    77 points • 32 comments • oct 21, 2023

  92. Embarrassingly Simple Text Watermarks

    77 points • 50 comments • oct 23, 2023

  93. Next.js 14

    77 points • 81 comments • oct 26, 2023

  94. Hertz is scaling back its EV ambitions because its Teslas keep getting damaged

    77 points • 118 comments • oct 29, 2023

  95. OpenAI closes big lease deal at Uber's San Francisco headquarters

    77 points • 51 comments • oct 27, 2023

  96. The science of road ecology, or how roadways affect plants and animal life

    77 points • 34 comments • oct 14, 2023

  97. Useless Ruby sugar: Pattern matching

    77 points • 45 comments • oct 20, 2023

  98. The Long Boom: A History of the Future, 1980–2020 (1997)

    77 points • 41 comments • oct 17, 2023

  99. Workloads on Arm-based AWS instances

    77 points • 27 comments • oct 08, 2023

  100. Accounting prof testifies about FTX's misuse of customers' money

    77 points • 21 comments • oct 20, 2023