Barkers' Crawler v3.2 

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Hacker News (Oct 2023)

  1. My Left Kidney

    256 points • 262 comments • oct 27, 2023

  2. Europe's CSAM-scanning plan is tipping point for democratic rights, experts warn

    256 points • 135 comments • oct 24, 2023

  3. Passkeys are now enabled by default for Google users

    256 points • 528 comments • oct 10, 2023

  4. Just paying Figma because nothing else works

    255 points • 206 comments • oct 19, 2023

  5. Ron Patrick's Street-Legal Jet Powered Volkswagen Beetle (2006)

    255 points • 132 comments • oct 05, 2023

  6. I, Voyager: Open-Source Software Planetarium

    254 points • 19 comments • oct 19, 2023

  7. Nobel Prize in Physics Awarded to Agostini, Krausz, and L’Huillier

    254 points • 108 comments • oct 03, 2023

  8. Bare-metal Rust in Android

    253 points • 103 comments • oct 09, 2023

  9. Building a unikernel that runs WebAssembly – part 1

    253 points • 130 comments • oct 23, 2023

  10. Populating the page: how browsers work (2020)

    253 points • 36 comments • oct 13, 2023

  11. The Windows installer of ImageMagick will no longer be signed

    252 points • 300 comments • oct 29, 2023

  12. Who profits most from America's baffling health-care system?

    252 points • 343 comments • oct 22, 2023

  13. Amazon used algorithm to test how much it could raise prices: FTC

    252 points • 211 comments • oct 03, 2023

  14. Web components will outlive JavaScript frameworks

    251 points • 194 comments • oct 25, 2023

  15. DALL-E 3 is now publicly available inside Bing

    251 points • 145 comments • oct 01, 2023

  16. Berry is a ultra-lightweight dynamically typed embedded scripting language

    251 points • 91 comments • oct 07, 2023

  17. Email and Git = <3

    250 points • 218 comments • oct 12, 2023

  18. How to compete with Patreon

    250 points • 211 comments • oct 08, 2023

  19. Simulation Islands

    250 points • 13 comments • oct 10, 2023

  20. iSponsorBlockTV v2: SponsorBlock for TVs and game consoles

    250 points • 103 comments • oct 13, 2023

  21. Global CO2 Levels

    249 points • 251 comments • oct 30, 2023

  22. Nitrogen electroreduction with almost 100% current-to-ammonia efficiency (2022)

    249 points • 148 comments • oct 28, 2023

  23. USB inventor explains why the connector was not designed to be reversible (2019)

    249 points • 484 comments • oct 09, 2023

  24. How I stay motivated as a solo creator

    248 points • 90 comments • oct 05, 2023

  25. Show HN: Obligator – An OpenID Connect server for self-hosters

    248 points • 114 comments • oct 11, 2023

  26. 22-year-old builds chips in his parents' garage (2022)

    247 points • 173 comments • oct 20, 2023

  27. A student asked how I keep us innovative – I don't

    247 points • 101 comments • oct 10, 2023

  28. Show HN: ScratchDB – Open-Source Snowflake on ClickHouse

    247 points • 55 comments • oct 27, 2023

  29. The glass at McCormick Place in Chicago is a lethal obstacle for birds

    247 points • 105 comments • oct 07, 2023

  30. Austria rail operator OeBB unveils new night trains

    246 points • 211 comments • oct 05, 2023

  31. A 1990 experiment to test whether we could discern life on Earth remotely

    246 points • 137 comments • oct 18, 2023

  32. Open-source could finally get the world’s microscopes speaking the same language

    246 points • 62 comments • oct 02, 2023

  33. Now Supports ActivityPub

    246 points • 47 comments • oct 11, 2023

  34. Making CRDTs More Efficient

    245 points • 52 comments • oct 17, 2023

  35. Llemma: An Open Language Model for Mathematics

    245 points • 44 comments • oct 17, 2023

  36. What is in that .git directory?

    245 points • 37 comments • oct 06, 2023

  37. Algebra

    244 points • 74 comments • oct 27, 2023

  38. Mozilla's midlife crisis has taken it from pioneer to Google's weird neighbor

    244 points • 228 comments • oct 01, 2023

  39. Fixing the volume on my Bluetooth earbuds

    244 points • 75 comments • oct 28, 2023

  40. ZeroMQ – Relicense from LGPL3 and exceptions to MPL 2.0

    243 points • 125 comments • oct 09, 2023

  41. Floorp – A customisable Firefox fork from Japan

    243 points • 169 comments • oct 02, 2023

  42. U.S. GDP grew at a 4.9% annual pace in the third quarter, better than expected

    243 points • 597 comments • oct 26, 2023

  43. Mistral 7B

    243 points • 104 comments • oct 11, 2023

  44. M2 Ultra can run 128 streams of Llama 2 7B in parallel

    243 points • 160 comments • oct 11, 2023

  45. Apple's Blue Ocean

    243 points • 211 comments • oct 29, 2023

  46. Takeaways from hundreds of LLM finetuning experiments with LoRA

    242 points • 37 comments • oct 13, 2023

  47. Thread-per-core

    242 points • 152 comments • oct 06, 2023

  48. Calculus Made Easy by Silvanus P. Thompson (1910)

    241 points • 56 comments • oct 29, 2023

  49. Covid's damage lingers in the heart

    241 points • 232 comments • oct 24, 2023

  50. Tell HN: DNS record "" was gone

    240 points • 93 comments • oct 09, 2023

  51. Should you be scared of Unix signals? (2016)

    240 points • 141 comments • oct 16, 2023

  52. What happened to blogging for the hell of it?

    239 points • 172 comments • oct 17, 2023

  53. Daily energy expenditure through the human life course

    239 points • 218 comments • oct 14, 2023

  54. Adtech surveillance and government surveillance are often the same

    239 points • 39 comments • oct 21, 2023

  55. The shortest papers ever published (2016)

    239 points • 75 comments • oct 20, 2023

  56. Show HN: DotBigBang – Multiplayer game engine with 120fps and 2 second load time

    237 points • 100 comments • oct 06, 2023

  57. Web FM synthesizer made with HTML5

    236 points • 45 comments • oct 30, 2023

  58. K3s – Lightweight Kubernetes

    236 points • 172 comments • oct 11, 2023

  59. How to build a universe that doesn’t fall apart two days later (1978)

    236 points • 124 comments • oct 16, 2023

  60. Signal Identification Wiki

    236 points • 28 comments • oct 13, 2023

  61. Removal of Mazda Connected Services integration

    236 points • 72 comments • oct 13, 2023

  62. PicoCalc: A fully-functional clone of VisiCalc for the PICO-8

    235 points • 46 comments • oct 03, 2023

  63. Make your own pyramid salt crystals

    235 points • 23 comments • oct 09, 2023

  64. Flappy Bird implemented in TypeScript types

    235 points • 49 comments • oct 20, 2023

  65. 1.3B Worldcat scrape and data science mini-competition

    235 points • 71 comments • oct 04, 2023

  66. Linux ate my RAM (2009)

    234 points • 174 comments • oct 09, 2023

  67. iPhones have been exposing MAC addresses despite Apple’s promises otherwise

    234 points • 64 comments • oct 26, 2023

  68. One Revolution per Minute [video]

    234 points • 142 comments • oct 02, 2023

  69. Subtraction is functionally complete

    234 points • 68 comments • oct 07, 2023

  70. Pulsars, not dark matter, explain the Milky Way’s antimatter

    233 points • 120 comments • oct 01, 2023

  71. The deep link equating math proofs and computer programs

    233 points • 138 comments • oct 11, 2023

  72. EU "Chat Control" and Mandatory Client Side Scanning

    233 points • 82 comments • oct 12, 2023

  73. Windows 10 warns me to use a "Microsoft-verified" app

    233 points • 152 comments • oct 16, 2023

  74. Documented source code for Elite on the NES

    233 points • 64 comments • oct 07, 2023

  75. A Call for Developers – Jellyfin

    233 points • 86 comments • oct 02, 2023

  76. Bill to ban hidden fees in California signed into law

    233 points • 410 comments • oct 09, 2023

  77. Mark Twain at Stormfield (1909) [video]

    233 points • 102 comments • oct 15, 2023

  78. A Raspberry Pi 5 is better than two Pi 4S

    232 points • 164 comments • oct 08, 2023

  79. F-Droid: Android FOSS app store

    232 points • 58 comments • oct 20, 2023

  80. The fake browser update scam gets a makeover

    232 points • 174 comments • oct 18, 2023

  81. Daisugi, the Japanese technique of growing trees out of other trees (2020)

    232 points • 91 comments • oct 04, 2023

  82. Microsoft reveals IRS notice asking for $28.9B in back taxes

    232 points • 125 comments • oct 12, 2023

  83. Slack's Google Drive App can share your private Docs and Drive files

    232 points • 49 comments • oct 12, 2023

  84. Tainting the CSAM client-side scanning database

    232 points • 245 comments • oct 13, 2023

  85. Toyota adopts the North American charging standard

    232 points • 287 comments • oct 19, 2023

  86. Homebrew to deprecate and add caveat for HashiCorp

    231 points • 87 comments • oct 08, 2023

  87. Replacing WebRTC: real-time latency with WebTransport and WebCodecs

    231 points • 68 comments • oct 30, 2023

  88. Organizing multiple Git identities

    231 points • 83 comments • oct 15, 2023

  89. DKIM: Rotate and publish your keys

    230 points • 132 comments • oct 01, 2023

  90. Hexagonal Grids (2013)

    230 points • 53 comments • oct 20, 2023

  91. EU plan to scan private messages for child abuse meets fresh scandal

    228 points • 72 comments • oct 24, 2023

  92. New pill helps Covid smell and taste loss fade quickly

    228 points • 127 comments • oct 18, 2023

  93. My website is one binary (2022)

    228 points • 144 comments • oct 21, 2023

  94. Krita 5.2

    228 points • 52 comments • oct 11, 2023

  95. Large Balloon Reflector: a potentially game-changing antenna design

    228 points • 75 comments • oct 27, 2023

  96. EBCDIC Is Incompatible with GDPR

    228 points • 395 comments • oct 25, 2023

  97. BioNTech presents positive phase 1/2 data for CAR-T cell therapy candidate

    228 points • 92 comments • oct 24, 2023

  98. How does macOS manage virtual cores on Apple Silicon?

    227 points • 146 comments • oct 23, 2023

  99. Kidney stone procedure "has the potential to be game changing"

    227 points • 94 comments • oct 26, 2023

  100. The C4 model for visualising software architecture (2017)

    227 points • 84 comments • oct 22, 2023