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Hacker News (Oct 2023)

  1. Gas utilities used tobacco tactics to avoid gas stove regulations

    4 points • 1 comment • oct 17, 2023

  2. Kansas Courts Shift to Paper Operations for Two Weeks Amid Cyberattack Probe

    4 points • 3 comments • oct 17, 2023

  3. CSAM scanning in chat apps would echo communist surveillance

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 25, 2023

  4. JP Morgan confirms deal for methanol-powered chemical tankers

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 08, 2023

  5. Fastflix is detected as Trojan since today

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 06, 2023

  6. Self-Checkout Is a Failed Experiment

    4 points • 10 comments • oct 18, 2023

  7. OpenAI plans major updates to lure developers with lower costs

    4 points • 1 comment • oct 12, 2023

  8. Twitter glitch allows CIA informant channel to be hijacked

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 18, 2023

  9. The surprisingly subtle ways Microsoft Word has changed the way we use language

    4 points • 2 comments • oct 25, 2023

  10. Doing Things That Scale

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 29, 2023

  11. Sam Elsom's seaweed solution to tackle climate change

    4 points • 2 comments • oct 02, 2023

  12. Sam Bankman-Fried Set to Testify at His Fraud Trial

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 25, 2023

  13. Thunderbird still can't sort messages within a thread after 15 years.

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 11, 2023

  14. Flight from Qatar to Seattle, via the North Pole

    4 points • 1 comment • oct 12, 2023

  15. The successful campaign to convince people the USA and not the USSR beat Hitler

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 03, 2023

  16. Maxjourney: Pushing Discord's Limits with a Million+ Users in a Single Server

    4 points • 1 comment • oct 25, 2023

  17. Show HN: Where to Showcase Your Startup Project?

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 24, 2023

  18. US Government issues first-ever space debris penalty to Dish Network

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 03, 2023

  19. San Francisco Unicorn Startup Carta Hit with Multiple Lawsuits, Exposés

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 25, 2023

  20. Chocolate Consumption vs. Nobel Prizes (2014)

    4 points • 1 comment • oct 01, 2023

  21. Researchers find 23,000-year-old footprints in the United States

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 10, 2023

  22. Why the New York Times is looking to shorten stories

    4 points • 1 comment • oct 10, 2023

  23. Building Text Classifiers: A New Approach with Less Data

    4 points • 3 comments • oct 24, 2023

  24. Show HN: I am curating the best websites on the internet

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 26, 2023

  25. To Fix the U.S. Congress, Make It Bigger. Much Bigger. (2018)

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 25, 2023

  26. Malbolge

    4 points • 1 comment • oct 12, 2023

  27. Washington's cryptocurrency lobby is scrambling to contain their "Hamas problem"

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 14, 2023

  28. Playing nice hasn't worked

    4 points • 2 comments • oct 28, 2023

  29. TSP art on a CPU budget

    4 points • 1 comment • oct 09, 2023

  30. How Long Does It Take to Make a Video Game?

    4 points • 2 comments • oct 10, 2023

  31. Creator of Elratio language admits majority of compiler was written by ChatGPT

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 15, 2023

  32. AMD to Acquire

    4 points • 1 comment • oct 10, 2023

  33. Newly found rooms in Sahura's Pyramid challenge what we know of such structures

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 10, 2023

  34. In TDD Russia, developers write production code to cover their tests

    4 points • 1 comment • oct 04, 2023

  35. Deleted

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 14, 2023

  36. Men Overran a Job Fair for Women in Tech

    4 points • 2 comments • oct 05, 2023

  37. Outlier Weighed Layerwise Sparsity: A Missing Secret Sauce for Pruning LLMs

    4 points • 1 comment • oct 10, 2023

  38. Atrocity Propaganda

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 26, 2023

  39. Ask HN: How much have you made from your company's referral bonus program?

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 11, 2023

  40. Open Letter to the Harvard Community

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 10, 2023

  41. Show HN: Cheap Flights finder bot with Python

    4 points • 2 comments • oct 30, 2023

  42. Cities Foster Serendipity. But Can They Do It When Workers Are at Home?

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 20, 2023

  43. OpenAI leases office space in SF

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 27, 2023

  44. Micro-AGI-JS Artificial General Intelligence for JavaScript

    4 points • 2 comments • oct 11, 2023

  45. The Internet Is at Risk of Driving Women Away

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 03, 2023

  46. How to Do a Competitive Analysis (Quick and Easy) in 2024

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 20, 2023

  47. Highgate Vampire

    4 points • 2 comments • oct 01, 2023

  48. iPhone sales drop 4.5% in China

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 18, 2023

  49. UniSim: Learning Interactive Real-World Simulators

    4 points • 1 comment • oct 11, 2023

  50. Finding a Job in Tech Is Almost Becoming Impossible

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 26, 2023

  51. Deepwater Horizon

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 13, 2023

  52. Microsoft's CFO FIRE journey to retire at 44

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 28, 2023

  53. Cloud gaming firm Shadow says hackers stole customers' personal data

    4 points • 1 comment • oct 13, 2023

  54. Blue checks aren't protecting sex workers from X's porn crackdown

    4 points • 2 comments • oct 14, 2023

  55. You're not going to like what comes after Pax Americana

    4 points • 2 comments • oct 08, 2023

  56. Hey, Computer, Make Me a Font

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 02, 2023

  57. Mars: Multi Arcade and Retro System

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 22, 2023

  58. Hyperlinks are now available for Rio terminal

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 29, 2023

  59. Alien life might not be something science can ever discover

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 09, 2023

  60. Red Cross publishes rules of engagement for civilian hackers

    4 points • 5 comments • oct 04, 2023

  61. Lunar Lander and the Dec GT40 [video]

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 15, 2023

  62. Steve Bell sacked by Guardian in antisemitism row over Netanyahu cartoon

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 16, 2023

  63. Colonists Gave Infected Blankets to Native Americans as Biological Warfare

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 15, 2023

  64. All of One Piece in Hebrew (I know)

    4 points • 1 comment • oct 11, 2023

  65. Ask HN: Where Do You Sit?

    4 points • 27 comments • oct 21, 2023

  66. 3D-Printed Medical Equipment Makers Struggle to Save Lives in Gaza Under Siege

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 14, 2023

  67. Gboard wearable caps by Google Japan [video]

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 08, 2023

  68. Amazon's bestselling bitter lemon energy drink was bottled delivery driver piss

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 20, 2023

  69. Ukraine's creative fighters are changing the face of warfarer

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 08, 2023

  70. Fighting the Good Fight in an Age of Unreason – A New Dissident Guide

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 03, 2023

  71. Curl 8.4.0 will be released on October 11 – a fix for a severity HIGH CVE

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 04, 2023

  72. Microsoft Acquires Activision Blizzard for $69.7B

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 14, 2023

  73. The Creepy New Digital Afterlife Industry

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 30, 2023

  74. A flood of misinformation shapes views of Israel-Gaza conflict

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 17, 2023

  75. US Government Frames Bitcoin Privacy as “Criminal”

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 03, 2023

  76. r/bannedbooks: Anti-Semitic requests are not welcome here

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 15, 2023

  77. Open Source News Is the Future of Journalism

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 27, 2023

  78. Active Prompting: A Comprehensive Guide for the Future of Prompt Engineering

    4 points • 2 comments • oct 05, 2023

  79. Western Digital, Japan's Kioxia in talks on memory chip merger

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 13, 2023

  80. Universal Acceptance Issues with .TUBE, ASCII and IDN Domains

    4 points • 1 comment • oct 14, 2023

  81. Evaluating LLMs Is a Minefield

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 04, 2023

  82. Show HN: Instantly change the design of your web site, choose design in VS Code

    4 points • 1 comment • oct 09, 2023

  83. Ben Fry resigns from the Processing Foundation

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 04, 2023

  84. How Big Pharma Company Stalled Potentially Lifesaving Vaccine Pursuit Profits

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 07, 2023

  85. SpaceX Space Station

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 15, 2023

  86. Classical music audience members synchronize their heart rate and breathing

    4 points • 0 comments • oct 07, 2023

  87. US Real GPD Grows by Annual Rate of 4.9% in Third Quarter

    3 points • 0 comments • oct 27, 2023

  88. When is a PC an AI PC? Nobody seems to know or wants to tell

    3 points • 1 comment • oct 05, 2023

  89. Jumperless: Hackaday Prize 2023 [video]

    3 points • 0 comments • oct 12, 2023

  90. Is Postgres Partitioning That Hard? An Introduction to Hypertables

    3 points • 0 comments • oct 11, 2023

  91. Tell HN: Pet Projects vs. OSS Contribution

    3 points • 2 comments • oct 19, 2023

  92. Why do we eat grains? Thermodynamics (2013)

    3 points • 0 comments • oct 10, 2023

  93. Open Letter to the Linux World (2014)

    3 points • 1 comment • oct 08, 2023

  94. Enhance your calm: Demolition Man turns 30

    3 points • 1 comment • oct 09, 2023

  95. Mark Zuckerberg Is Coming for Sam Altman and OpenAI

    3 points • 0 comments • oct 28, 2023

  96. Western Digital boss most disliked tech CEO in survey

    3 points • 0 comments • oct 09, 2023

  97. Comcast Falls as NBC Owner Sheds Broadband, Cable Customers

    3 points • 0 comments • oct 30, 2023

  98. What's New in Final RC for .NET 8, .NET MAUI, Core and EF8

    3 points • 2 comments • oct 12, 2023

  99. Israel just bombed a hospital, at least 500 civilians are killed

    3 points • 0 comments • oct 17, 2023

  100. Every Software Business Has the Same Playbook

    3 points • 0 comments • oct 20, 2023