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scinews (2024)

  1. Researchers Discover Five New Hydrothermal Vents in Pacific Ocean

    0 scinews score • mar 28, 2024

  2. SOHO Observatory Discovers Its 5,000th Comet

    0 scinews score • apr 01, 2024

  3. Arrokoth and Other Kuiper Belt Objects Contain Pristine Ices, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • apr 07, 2024

  4. Hubble Space Telescope Focuses on Young Stars

    0 scinews score • apr 13, 2024

  5. Scientists Discuss Physics and Mathematics behind ‘3 Body Problem’

    0 scinews score • apr 17, 2024

  6. Echolocation Organs of Toothed Whales Evolved from Jaw Muscles, New Research Suggests

    0 scinews score • apr 24, 2024

  7. New Computer Simulations Support Dark Matter Theory

    0 scinews score • may 01, 2024

  8. Mars Express Spots ‘Spiders’ at Outskirts of Martian ‘Inca City’

    0 scinews score • may 02, 2024

  9. Uninhabitable Venus Offers Lessons about Potential for Extraterrestrial Life

    0 scinews score • may 03, 2024

  10. Webb Explores Stellar Population of NGC 6440

    0 scinews score • may 07, 2024

  11. New Species of Lily Discovered in Japan

    0 scinews score • may 14, 2024

  12. Webb Probably Didn’t Detect Biosignature Gas on K2-18b

    0 scinews score • may 18, 2024

  13. New Research Sheds Light on Origin of Chemical Differences in Giant Binary Stars

    0 scinews score • may 19, 2024

  14. Hubble Space Telescope Focuses on Center of NGC 4753

    0 scinews score • may 20, 2024

  15. Large Language Models and Other AI Systems are Already Capable of Deceiving Humans, Scientists Say

    0 scinews score • may 26, 2024

  16. Astronomers Discover New Cotton-Candy Exoplanet: WASP-193b

    0 scinews score • may 27, 2024

  17. Hubble Space Telescope Spots Triple-Star System in Taurus

    0 scinews score • may 28, 2024

  18. Pineapple Mint Genome Sequenced

    0 scinews score • may 29, 2024

  19. Caterpillars Can Detect Predatory Wasps by Static Electricity They Emit, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • jun 05, 2024

  20. Jurassic Pterosaur Had Wingspan of At Least Ten Feet

    0 scinews score • jun 12, 2024

  21. Tiny Hominid Species Once Lived in Germany

    0 scinews score • jun 13, 2024

  22. Biologists Find Giant Viruses in Samples from Greenland Ice Sheet

    0 scinews score • jun 20, 2024

  23. Astronomers Witness Awakening of Supermassive Black Hole

    0 scinews score • jun 29, 2024

  24. Astronomers Witness Awakening of Supermassive Black Hole

    0 scinews score • jun 30, 2024

  25. Astrobiologists Identify Five Greenhouse Gases that Would Be Giveaways of Terraformed Exoplanet

    0 scinews score • jul 01, 2024

  26. Five New Species of Soft-Furred Hedgehogs Discovered

    0 scinews score • jan 01, 2024

  27. Five New Species of Soft-Furred Hedgehogs Discovered

    0 scinews score • jan 05, 2024

  28. Astrobiologists Identify Five Greenhouse Gases that Would Be Giveaways of Terraformed Exoplanet

    0 scinews score • jul 09, 2024

  29. Physicists Capture Direct Images of Noble Gas Nanoclusters at Room Temperature

    0 scinews score • jan 12, 2024

  30. New Research Sheds Light on Structure of Carbon Nucleus

    0 scinews score • jan 15, 2024

  31. ‘Giant’ Predatory Worms Lived in Greenland Waters 518 Million Years Ago

    0 scinews score • jan 16, 2024

  32. Cassini Reveals Surface Properties of Titan’s Hydrocarbon Seas

    0 scinews score • jul 20, 2024

  33. Researchers Sequence Genome of Ginseng

    0 scinews score • jul 21, 2024

  34. Biologists Find Ancient Giant Virus Insertions in Genome of Unicellular Parasite

    0 scinews score • jul 22, 2024

  35. Water Molecules at Salt Water’s Surface Organized Differently than Previously Thought: Study

    0 scinews score • jan 19, 2024

  36. Uranus and Neptune Are in Fact Similar Shade of Greenish Blue, New Color-Corrected Images Reveal

    0 scinews score • jan 25, 2024

  37. Webb Detects Oldest Black Hole Yet Known

    0 scinews score • jan 27, 2024

  38. Scientists Discover New Antidote for Cobra Bites: Heparin

    0 scinews score • jul 31, 2024

  39. New Tyrannosaur Species Discovered in China

    0 scinews score • aug 01, 2024

  40. Kiwifruit Consumption Can Improve Vitality and Mood in As Little As Four Days, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • jan 31, 2024

  41. Astronomers See Decoupling of Dark and Normal Matter in Collision of Two Galaxy Clusters

    0 scinews score • aug 15, 2024

  42. Large Language Models Pose No Existential Threat to Humanity, Scientists Say

    0 scinews score • aug 16, 2024

  43. NASA Announces End of Ingenuity Mission

    0 scinews score • feb 10, 2024

  44. Small Feathered Dinosaurs Flapped Their Proto-Wings to Scare Hiding Prey: Study

    0 scinews score • feb 13, 2024

  45. Mid-Crust of Mars May Contain ‘Oceans of Liquid Water’

    0 scinews score • aug 28, 2024

  46. Locomotor Advances in Early Dinosaurs Aided Their Survival and Success, Scientists Say

    0 scinews score • feb 21, 2024

  47. Planetary Reseachers Create 3D Radiation Map of Jovian System

    0 scinews score • aug 29, 2024

  48. Astronomers Detect Mega-Eruption from Supermassive Black Hole in Distant Galaxy Cluster

    0 scinews score • feb 24, 2024

  49. Hubble Spots Dwarf Spiral Galaxy in Coma Berenices

    0 scinews score • feb 26, 2024

  50. Study: 100% Orange Juice Intake Results in Lower Daily Blood Glucose Compared to Orange Drink

    0 scinews score • feb 29, 2024

  51. CERN Physicists Observes New Decay Mode of Charmed Beauty Meson

    0 scinews score • mar 11, 2024

  52. Cretaceous Enantiornithine Bird Was First of Its Kind with Toothless Beak

    0 scinews score • mar 16, 2024

  53. Marine Biologists Discover Remarkable New Species of Deep-Sea Worm

    0 scinews score • mar 19, 2024

  54. Sea Buckthorn Berries are Rich Source of Natural Antioxidants, New Study Shows

    0 scinews score • mar 24, 2024

  55. Study: Introduced Tardigrade Proteins Slow Metabolism in Human Cells

    0 scinews score • mar 28, 2024

  56. Scientists Sequence Genome, Reconstruct Face of Chinese Emperor Wu

    0 scinews score • apr 01, 2024

  57. ALMA Detects Over One Hundred Molecular Species in Nearby Starburst Galaxy

    0 scinews score • apr 07, 2024

  58. New Titanosaur Species Uncovered in Uruguay

    0 scinews score • apr 13, 2024

  59. Early Aboriginal Pottery Unearthed in Australia

    0 scinews score • apr 17, 2024

  60. Interspecific Competition Played Key Role in Rise and Fall of Hominins, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • apr 17, 2024

  61. Astronomers Detect Unusual Radio Pulses from Nearby Magnetar

    0 scinews score • apr 24, 2024

  62. Researchers Construct New Family Tree for Flowering Plants

    0 scinews score • apr 26, 2024

  63. Webb Captures Best Ever Images of Horsehead Nebula

    0 scinews score • may 01, 2024

  64. Hubble Celebrates 34th Birthday with Brilliant Image of Messier 76

    0 scinews score • may 02, 2024

  65. Scientists Create Single-Atom-Thick Gold: Goldene

    0 scinews score • may 03, 2024

  66. Researchers Focus on Potential ‘Cosmic Glitch’ in Gravity

    0 scinews score • may 07, 2024

  67. Saber-Toothed Tigers Held onto Their Milk Teeth to Stabilize Their Sabers, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • may 14, 2024

  68. Manganese-Rich Sandstones Point to Earth-Like Environment on Ancient Mars

    0 scinews score • may 18, 2024

  69. Near-Collapse of Geomagnetic Field May Have Contributed to Diversification of Life on Earth

    0 scinews score • may 20, 2024

  70. Astronomers Discover New Cotton-Candy Exoplanet: WASP-193b

    0 scinews score • may 26, 2024

  71. South America’s Giant Hummingbird is Actually Two Species

    0 scinews score • may 27, 2024

  72. Killer Whales Take Single Breath between Dives, Marine Scientists Confirm

    0 scinews score • may 28, 2024

  73. Venus is Currently Volcanically Active, New Study Confirms

    0 scinews score • may 29, 2024

  74. Potentially Habitable Earth-Sized Exoplanet Discovered around Gliese 12

    0 scinews score • jun 05, 2024

  75. Ancient Humans Played Role in Demise of Woolly Rhinoceros, New Research Suggests

    0 scinews score • jun 12, 2024

  76. Asteroid Dinkinesh’s Moon is Contact Binary, Astronomers Say

    0 scinews score • jun 13, 2024

  77. Paleontologists Reconstruct Enigmatic ‘Elgin Marvel’ Fossil

    0 scinews score • jun 29, 2024

  78. Paleontologists Reconstruct Enigmatic ‘Elgin Marvel’ Fossil

    0 scinews score • jun 30, 2024

  79. IXPE Discovers New Ultra-Luminous X-ray Source in Milky Way

    0 scinews score • jul 01, 2024

  80. Inadequate Sleep Impacts Our Daytime Emotional Lives, New Review Says

    0 scinews score • jan 01, 2024

  81. Scientists Identify Mechanism that Governs Interaction between Perceptual and Memory Neural Systems

    0 scinews score • jan 02, 2024

  82. Inadequate Sleep Impacts Our Daytime Emotional Lives, New Review Says

    0 scinews score • jan 05, 2024

  83. IXPE Discovers New Ultra-Luminous X-ray Source in Milky Way

    0 scinews score • jul 09, 2024

  84. New Research Reveals How UV Light Inactivates Coronavirus Particles

    0 scinews score • jan 12, 2024

  85. Five New Species of Soft-Furred Hedgehogs Discovered

    0 scinews score • jan 15, 2024

  86. Photosynthesis Evolved as Early as 1.75 Billion Years Ago, Microfossils Suggest

    0 scinews score • jan 16, 2024

  87. Astronomers Study Motion of Gas in Extremely Rare Hyperluminous Infrared Galaxy

    0 scinews score • jul 20, 2024

  88. Astronomers Propose New Definition of Planet

    0 scinews score • jul 21, 2024

  89. Cassini Reveals Surface Properties of Titan’s Hydrocarbon Seas

    0 scinews score • jul 22, 2024

  90. Fermi Spots Strange Extragalactic Gamma-Ray Feature

    0 scinews score • jan 19, 2024

  91. Chandra Marks 25 Years in Space with Collection of 25 Stunning Images

    0 scinews score • jul 23, 2024

  92. Paleontologists Find 315-Million-Year-Old Sponge Fossil in Ireland

    0 scinews score • jan 25, 2024

  93. New Prehistoric Cat Species Discovered in Spain

    0 scinews score • jan 27, 2024

  94. New Archaeological Evidence from Tanimbar Islands Shows Human Occupation 42,000 Years Ago

    0 scinews score • jul 31, 2024

  95. Fossil of Cambrian Long-Headed Chordate Unearthed in Utah

    0 scinews score • aug 01, 2024

  96. Paleontologists Discover New Species of Oviraptorosaur in South Dakota

    0 scinews score • jan 31, 2024

  97. Ancient Tiny Penguin Unearthed in New Zealand: Pakudyptes hakataramea

    0 scinews score • aug 15, 2024

  98. Mid-Crust of Mars May Contain ‘Oceans of Liquid Water’

    0 scinews score • aug 16, 2024

  99. Hubble Looks at Little-Known Spiral Galaxy

    0 scinews score • feb 10, 2024

  100. Unique Fossil Site Discovered in France Provides Insights into Ordovician Polar Ecosystems

    0 scinews score • feb 11, 2024