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scinews (2024)

  1. Large Language Models Pose No Existential Threat to Humanity, Scientists Say

    0 scinews score • aug 24, 2024

  2. Paleontologists Discover New Species of Extinct Walrus

    0 scinews score • aug 25, 2024

  3. VLBA Discovers New Insights about Fastest-Spinning Magnetar

    0 scinews score • aug 26, 2024

  4. Webb Discovers Massive Quiescent Galaxy with Old Stellar Population in Early Universe

    0 scinews score • feb 20, 2024

  5. Webb Finds Evidence of Hydrothermal Processes in Interiors of Eris and Makemake

    0 scinews score • feb 27, 2024

  6. Astronomers Spot Hundreds of Massive Gas Clouds Escaping Milky Way’s Center

    0 scinews score • mar 03, 2024

  7. Physicists Take First Look at Electrons Moving in Real-Time in Liquid Water

    0 scinews score • mar 05, 2024

  8. Study: Green Walls Can Strip Pollution from Air, Some Plants Do It Better than Others

    0 scinews score • mar 10, 2024

  9. Giant Fossil Whale Perucetus Did Not Exceed Body Mass of Today’s Blue Whales: Study

    0 scinews score • mar 14, 2024

  10. Paleontologists Find Flaws in Research Supporting Aquatic Pursuit Hunting in Spinosaurus

    0 scinews score • mar 20, 2024

  11. Mars Drives Deep-Ocean Circulation in Earth’s Oceans, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • mar 21, 2024

  12. Nanushuk Formation’s Dinosaur Tracks Provide New Information about Mid-Cretaceous Paleoclimate

    0 scinews score • mar 25, 2024

  13. New Species of Plesiosaur Unearthed in Germany

    0 scinews score • mar 30, 2024

  14. Giant Freshwater Dolphins Once Lived in Proto-Amazonia

    0 scinews score • apr 04, 2024

  15. SOHO Observatory Discovers Its 5,000th Comet

    0 scinews score • apr 08, 2024

  16. 8,600-Year-Old Bread Found in Türkiye

    0 scinews score • apr 19, 2024

  17. Astronomers Discover 454 New Asteroids in Main Belt

    0 scinews score • apr 19, 2024

  18. Biologists Find Mutated and Genetically Distinct Strains of Multi-Drug Resistant Bacterium on ISS

    0 scinews score • apr 25, 2024

  19. Uninhabitable Venus Offers Lessons about Potential for Extraterrestrial Life

    0 scinews score • apr 26, 2024

  20. Purple is the New Green: Purple Bacteria Could Dominate Wide Range of Exoplanetary Environments

    0 scinews score • apr 27, 2024

  21. Manganese-Rich Sandstones Point to Earth-Like Environment on Ancient Mars

    0 scinews score • may 04, 2024

  22. Researchers Find Traces of Psychoactive and Other Ceremonial Plants beneath Ancient Maya Ballcourt

    0 scinews score • may 11, 2024

  23. How Smart Were Tyrannosaurus rex and Other Large Theropod Dinosaurs?

    0 scinews score • may 12, 2024

  24. Scientists Discover New Property of Light

    0 scinews score • may 13, 2024

  25. 7,000-Year-Old Settlement Discovered in Serbia

    0 scinews score • may 17, 2024

  26. Australian Marsupials Fear Humans Far More Than Any Other Predator, New Study Shows

    0 scinews score • may 24, 2024

  27. Norwegian Archaeologists Unveil Face of Stone Age Hitra Man

    0 scinews score • jun 03, 2024

  28. Freshwater Appeared on Earth About 4 Billion Years Ago, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • jun 11, 2024

  29. 3,600-Year-Old Purple-Dye Workshop Unearthed on Greek Island of Aegina

    0 scinews score • jun 12, 2024

  30. Nearby Warm Neptune Has Sulfurous Atmosphere, Astronomers Say

    0 scinews score • jun 27, 2024

  31. Newly-Discovered Toad Species Lives on African Volcano

    0 scinews score • jan 04, 2024

  32. 3,300-Year-Old Shipwreck Loaded with Canaanite Amphorae Discovered in Mediterranean Sea

    0 scinews score • jul 06, 2024

  33. Fermi Produces Unique Time-Lapse Tour of Gamma-Ray Sky

    0 scinews score • jan 14, 2024

  34. T. rex’s Distant Relative Lived in Thailand 145 Million Years Ago

    0 scinews score • jul 17, 2024

  35. Astronomers Find New Way to Detect Water Oceans and Alien Life on Rocky Exoplanets

    0 scinews score • jan 18, 2024

  36. Webb Detects Oldest Black Hole Yet Known

    0 scinews score • jan 22, 2024

  37. Extremely Rare Amazon Weasel Captured on Video in Bolivia

    0 scinews score • jul 27, 2024

  38. ATCA Detects Compact Radio Source in Center of 47 Tucanae

    0 scinews score • jan 24, 2024

  39. Study: Biological Amino Acids Could Survive in Near-Surface Ices of Europa and Enceladus

    0 scinews score • jul 28, 2024

  40. Scientists Use Astronomy Techniques to Detect Deepfakes

    0 scinews score • jul 29, 2024

  41. Webb Looks at Massive Star-Forming Complex in Large Magellanic Cloud

    0 scinews score • jan 26, 2024

  42. Physicists Capture Direct Images of Noble Gas Nanoclusters at Room Temperature

    0 scinews score • jan 30, 2024

  43. XMM-Newton Detects Ultra-Fast Black Hole Wind in Markarian 817

    0 scinews score • feb 02, 2024

  44. New Research Sheds Light on Processes that Shaped Hominin Evolution in Eastern Africa

    0 scinews score • aug 09, 2024

  45. Astronomers See Decoupling of Dark and Normal Matter in Collision of Two Galaxy Clusters

    0 scinews score • aug 10, 2024

  46. Study: Dinosaur-Killing Mass Extinction Triggered Rapid Evolution of Bird Genomes

    0 scinews score • aug 11, 2024

  47. Hubble Space Telescope Snaps Close-Up of Arp 140

    0 scinews score • feb 06, 2024

  48. Milky Way’s Thin Disk Formed Less Than One Billion Years from Big Bang, New Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • aug 12, 2024

  49. New Cretaceous-Era Titanosaur Species Discovered in Argentina

    0 scinews score • feb 06, 2024

  50. ESA’s Gaia Mission Discovers 352 New Binary Asteroid Candidates

    0 scinews score • aug 13, 2024

  51. Daily Consumption of Kimchi May Reduce Men’s Obesity Risk

    0 scinews score • feb 09, 2024

  52. Mid-Crust of Mars May Contain ‘Oceans of Liquid Water’

    0 scinews score • aug 24, 2024

  53. AMS Detector Reveals Surprising Surplus of Cosmic Rays Made of Deuterons

    0 scinews score • aug 25, 2024

  54. Biologists Find Diverse Bacterial Communities in Microwave Ovens

    0 scinews score • aug 26, 2024

  55. Physicists Take First Look at Electrons Moving in Real-Time in Liquid Water

    0 scinews score • feb 20, 2024

  56. New Species of Small Duckbilled Dinosaur Identified in Morocco

    0 scinews score • feb 27, 2024

  57. Paleontologists Discover New Stegosaur Species

    0 scinews score • mar 03, 2024

  58. VLT Finds Protoplanetary Disks around 86 Young Stars

    0 scinews score • mar 10, 2024

  59. Mars Express Spots Sand Dunes and Ice Layers at Martian North Pole

    0 scinews score • mar 14, 2024

  60. Earth’s Oldest Known Fossil Forest Discovered in England

    0 scinews score • mar 20, 2024

  61. Study: Cheetahs’ Intermediate Size Explains Their Unrivalled Speed

    0 scinews score • mar 21, 2024

  62. Mars Drives Deep-Ocean Circulation in Earth’s Oceans, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • mar 25, 2024

  63. Hubble Space Telescope Captures Beautiful New Images of Jupiter

    0 scinews score • mar 30, 2024

  64. New Titanosaur Species Uncovered in Uruguay

    0 scinews score • apr 02, 2024

  65. New Species of Fluffy Beetle Discovered in Australia

    0 scinews score • apr 04, 2024

  66. Scientists Sequence Genome, Reconstruct Face of Chinese Emperor Wu

    0 scinews score • apr 08, 2024

  67. Three New Species of Fossil Kangaroos Discovered in Australia and New Guinea

    0 scinews score • apr 19, 2024

  68. Uninhabitable Venus Offers Lessons about Potential for Extraterrestrial Life

    0 scinews score • apr 25, 2024

  69. Scientists Create Single-Atom-Thick Gold: Goldene

    0 scinews score • apr 26, 2024

  70. CERN Physicists Release Higgs Boson Discovery Data

    0 scinews score • apr 27, 2024

  71. Webb Explores Stellar Population of NGC 6440

    0 scinews score • may 04, 2024

  72. Hubble Space Telescope Finds ‘Complex’ Galaxy in Virgo Cluster

    0 scinews score • may 11, 2024

  73. Researchers Construct New Family Tree for Flowering Plants

    0 scinews score • may 12, 2024

  74. New Study Explains Why Venus is Extremely Dry

    0 scinews score • may 13, 2024

  75. Sumatran Orangutan Spotted Treating Wound with Medicinal Plant

    0 scinews score • may 17, 2024

  76. 12,500-Year-Old Settlement Discovered in Chile

    0 scinews score • may 24, 2024

  77. Why is Cotton-Candy Exoplanet WASP-107b So Puffy?

    0 scinews score • jun 03, 2024

  78. New Fossil Expands Geographic Footprint of Scimitar-Toothed Cat Homotherium

    0 scinews score • jun 11, 2024

  79. Citizen Scientists Discover Hypervelocity L-Subdwarf Star in Solar Neighborhood

    0 scinews score • jun 12, 2024

  80. Paleontologists Debunk Popular Claim that Protoceratops Fossils Inspired Legend of Griffin

    0 scinews score • jun 21, 2024

  81. Are Plants Really Intelligent?

    0 scinews score • jun 27, 2024

  82. Baleen Whales First Evolved Large Body Size in Cold Southern Waters, New Fossil Shows

    0 scinews score • jan 04, 2024

  83. Hubble Space Telescope Views NGC 5253

    0 scinews score • jul 06, 2024

  84. Massive Neutron Stars Could Contain Cores Made of Deconfined Quark Matter

    0 scinews score • jan 14, 2024

  85. Webb Detects Hydrogen Sulfide in Atmosphere of Hot Jupiter

    0 scinews score • jul 17, 2024

  86. New Animal Study Sheds Light on ‘Visual Masking’ Phenomenon

    0 scinews score • jan 18, 2024

  87. New Prehistoric Cat Species Discovered in Spain

    0 scinews score • jan 22, 2024

  88. Archaeologists Find Stone Tool Marks on 21,000-Year-Old Glyptodont Bones in Argentina

    0 scinews score • jul 27, 2024

  89. Water Molecules at Salt Water’s Surface Organized Differently than Previously Thought: Study

    0 scinews score • jan 24, 2024

  90. Intermediate-Mass Black Hole Detected Close to Milky Way’s Center

    0 scinews score • jul 28, 2024

  91. Curiosity Finds Pure Sulfur on Mars

    0 scinews score • jul 29, 2024

  92. New Observations of Messier 87’s Black Hole Support Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity

    0 scinews score • jan 26, 2024

  93. New Research Reveals How UV Light Inactivates Coronavirus Particles

    0 scinews score • jan 30, 2024

  94. Four New Deep-Sea Octopus Species Discovered in Pacific Ocean

    0 scinews score • feb 02, 2024

  95. Chandra Marks 25 Years in Space with Collection of 25 Stunning Images

    0 scinews score • aug 09, 2024

  96. Ancient Tiny Penguin Unearthed in New Zealand: Pakudyptes hakataramea

    0 scinews score • aug 10, 2024

  97. 150-Million-Year-Old Fossil Fills Important Gap in Evolution of Pterosaurs

    0 scinews score • aug 11, 2024

  98. Early Carboniferous Tree Species Had Unique Crown Shape

    0 scinews score • feb 06, 2024

  99. Warp Drive Collapse Should Generate Gravitational Waves, Theoretical Astrophysicists Claim

    0 scinews score • aug 12, 2024

  100. Hubble Snaps Striking Barred Spiral Galaxy Image

    0 scinews score • aug 13, 2024