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scinews (2024)

  1. Astronomers Detect Enormous Bipolar Outflow from NGC 4383

    0 scinews score • apr 24, 2024

  2. Schools of Fish Can Make Less Noise than Solitary Swimmer, Study Shows

    0 scinews score • apr 25, 2024

  3. Scientists Discuss Physics and Mathematics behind ‘3 Body Problem’

    0 scinews score • apr 26, 2024

  4. Hubble Snaps Stunning Image of Small Spiral Galaxy

    0 scinews score • may 04, 2024

  5. Hubble Celebrates 34th Birthday with Brilliant Image of Messier 76

    0 scinews score • may 13, 2024

  6. Milky Way’s Center is Venting, Astronomers Say

    0 scinews score • may 18, 2024

  7. Study: Warm-Bloodedness in Theropod and Ornithischian Dinosaurs Evolved by Early Jurassic

    0 scinews score • may 19, 2024

  8. Planetary Scientists Create Map of Ceres’ Cold Traps

    0 scinews score • may 24, 2024

  9. Majority of Egyptian Pyramids Was Built along Long-Lost Branch of Nile, Archaeologists Say

    0 scinews score • may 25, 2024

  10. Researchers Sequence Genome of Extinct Little Bush Moa

    0 scinews score • jun 04, 2024

  11. Solar System Passed Through Cold Interstellar Cloud About 2 Million Years Ago, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • jun 19, 2024

  12. Solid Wood Surfaces Have Natural Antiviral Properties, Study Shows

    0 scinews score • jun 20, 2024

  13. Hoard of Silver and Bronze Coins from Gallus Revolt Found in Israel

    0 scinews score • jun 28, 2024

  14. Study: Active, Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems on Small Ocean Worlds Could Support Life

    0 scinews score • jul 07, 2024

  15. Researchers Sequence Genomes of Greater and Lesser Bilbies

    0 scinews score • jul 08, 2024

  16. Webb Detects Hydrogen Sulfide in Atmosphere of Hot Jupiter

    0 scinews score • jul 18, 2024

  17. Face of Homo longi Reconstructed

    0 scinews score • jan 15, 2024

  18. Archaeologists Find Stone Tool Marks on 21,000-Year-Old Glyptodont Bones in Argentina

    0 scinews score • jul 19, 2024

  19. Nanotyrannus is Distinct Species of Small Tyrannosaur, Paleontologists Say

    0 scinews score • jan 22, 2024

  20. New Aetosaur Species Unearthed in Texas

    0 scinews score • jan 23, 2024

  21. Physicists Determine Distribution of Strong Force inside Proton

    0 scinews score • jan 25, 2024

  22. First Dinosaur Bones May Have Been Discovered in Africa Almost 1,000 Years Ago

    0 scinews score • jan 26, 2024

  23. Astronomers Propose New Definition of Planet

    0 scinews score • jul 30, 2024

  24. 150-Million-Year-Old Fossil Fills Important Gap in Evolution of Pterosaurs

    0 scinews score • aug 01, 2024

  25. Archaeologists Discover 2,500-Year-Old System of Urban Centers in Amazonian Ecuador

    0 scinews score • feb 02, 2024

  26. Webb Looks at Massive Star-Forming Complex in Large Magellanic Cloud

    0 scinews score • feb 06, 2024

  27. Ice 0: New Research Sheds More Light on Unusual Form of Ice

    0 scinews score • aug 13, 2024

  28. Egypt’s Pyramid of Djoser May Have Been Built with Help of Unique Hydraulic Lift System: Study

    0 scinews score • aug 14, 2024

  29. Early Carboniferous Tree Species Had Unique Crown Shape

    0 scinews score • feb 12, 2024

  30. Sagittarius C Region Contains Hundreds of Thousands of Solar Masses of Young Stars: Study

    0 scinews score • feb 13, 2024

  31. Astronomers Employ Novel Technique for Searching for Alien Technosignatures

    0 scinews score • feb 16, 2024

  32. AMS Detector Reveals Surprising Surplus of Cosmic Rays Made of Deuterons

    0 scinews score • aug 27, 2024

  33. 380-Million-Year-Old Fossils of Air-Breathing Tetrapod Fish Found in Australia

    0 scinews score • feb 20, 2024

  34. Fossils of Giant Crab Unearthed in New Zealand

    0 scinews score • mar 07, 2024

  35. Study: Sea Lamprey’s Brain Development is Remarkably Similar to That of Humans

    0 scinews score • mar 10, 2024

  36. Photons from Dwarf Galaxies Reionized Early Universe, New Research Suggests

    0 scinews score • mar 12, 2024

  37. Mars Drives Deep-Ocean Circulation in Earth’s Oceans, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • mar 15, 2024

  38. Clouds of Venus Could Be Hospitable for Some Forms of Life, New Research Suggests

    0 scinews score • mar 29, 2024

  39. Cacao May Have Spread from Amazonia to Other South and Central American Regions 5,000 Years Ago

    0 scinews score • apr 02, 2024

  40. Giant Terror Birds Were Apex Predators of Eocene-Period Antarctica

    0 scinews score • apr 03, 2024

  41. Physicists Find Evidence of New Subatomic Particle

    0 scinews score • apr 13, 2024

  42. Scientists Discuss Physics and Mathematics behind ‘3 Body Problem’

    0 scinews score • apr 18, 2024

  43. CERN Physicists Measure One of Key Parameters of Standard Model

    0 scinews score • apr 19, 2024

  44. Purple is the New Green: Purple Bacteria Could Dominate Wide Range of Exoplanetary Environments

    0 scinews score • apr 23, 2024

  45. Uninhabitable Venus Offers Lessons about Potential for Extraterrestrial Life

    0 scinews score • apr 23, 2024

  46. Biologists Find Mutated and Genetically Distinct Strains of Multi-Drug Resistant Bacterium on ISS

    0 scinews score • apr 24, 2024

  47. Scientists Discuss Physics and Mathematics behind ‘3 Body Problem’

    0 scinews score • apr 25, 2024

  48. Early Aboriginal Pottery Unearthed in Australia

    0 scinews score • apr 26, 2024

  49. NASA’s Juno Mission Provides Close-Ups of Intriguing Features on Io

    0 scinews score • may 04, 2024

  50. Rapidly Spreading Virus Threatens Health of Cacao Trees, Researchers Say

    0 scinews score • may 13, 2024

  51. Hubble Space Telescope Spots Triple-Star System in Taurus

    0 scinews score • may 18, 2024

  52. New Research Provides Insights into Evolutionary History of Baobabs

    0 scinews score • may 19, 2024

  53. Very Large Telescope Spots Pink Nebula: Gum 46

    0 scinews score • may 24, 2024

  54. New Study Uncovers Secrets of Saber-Tooth Evolution

    0 scinews score • may 25, 2024

  55. Hubble Focuses on Spectacular Spiral Galaxy: NGC 4731

    0 scinews score • jun 04, 2024

  56. Jupiter’s Polar Cyclones are Fueled by Processes Similar to Those Acting on Earth: Study

    0 scinews score • jun 19, 2024

  57. Astronomers Discover Most Distant Pair of Merging Quasars Yet

    0 scinews score • jun 20, 2024

  58. New Study Sheds More Light on Genetics of Coffee Consumption

    0 scinews score • jun 28, 2024

  59. Astrobiologists Identify Five Greenhouse Gases that Would Be Giveaways of Terraformed Exoplanet

    0 scinews score • jul 07, 2024

  60. Hubble Captures Stunning Image of NGC 4951

    0 scinews score • jul 08, 2024

  61. Webb Sees Four Images of Same Gravitationally Lensed Quasar

    0 scinews score • jul 18, 2024

  62. Astronomers Find Young Hot Jupiter on Super-Eccentric, Retrograde Orbit

    0 scinews score • jul 19, 2024

  63. Scientists Sequence Genome of Hydrothermal Vent-Dwelling Sea Cucumber

    0 scinews score • jan 22, 2024

  64. Tun Formation in Tardigrades is Mediated by Reactive Oxygen Species, Study Shows

    0 scinews score • jan 23, 2024

  65. Scientists Produce Chromosome-Scale Genome Sequence for Arabica Coffee

    0 scinews score • jan 25, 2024

  66. New Species of Sauropod Dinosaur Discovered in Argentina

    0 scinews score • jan 26, 2024

  67. New Bird-Like Dinosaur Unearthed in Mongolia

    0 scinews score • jul 30, 2024

  68. Mars Express Finds New Evidence for Ice-Rich Layered Deposits in Medusae Fossae

    0 scinews score • feb 02, 2024

  69. New Observations of Messier 87’s Black Hole Support Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity

    0 scinews score • feb 06, 2024

  70. Extinct Long-Snouted Dolphins Already Possessed Narrow-Band High-Frequency Hearing: Study

    0 scinews score • aug 13, 2024

  71. New Species of Troodontid Dinosaur Identified in Japan

    0 scinews score • aug 14, 2024

  72. Hubble Observes Irregular Galaxy LEDA 6430

    0 scinews score • feb 12, 2024

  73. Early Mars was Tectonically and Volcanically Active, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • feb 13, 2024

  74. South American Lungfish Has Largest Animal Genome Sequenced So Far

    0 scinews score • aug 19, 2024

  75. Five New Species of Eyelash Pitvipers Discovered in South America

    0 scinews score • feb 16, 2024

  76. Study: Asteroid Psyche Originated beyond Solar System’s Snow Line and Later Migrated to Main Belt

    0 scinews score • aug 27, 2024

  77. Gemini South Telescope Focuses on Peculiar Lenticular Galaxy NGC 4753

    0 scinews score • feb 20, 2024

  78. New Abelisaurid Dinosaur Species Discovered in France

    0 scinews score • aug 28, 2024

  79. Europa Produces Less Oxygen than Previously Thought

    0 scinews score • mar 07, 2024

  80. Ornithologists Capture First-Ever Photos of Elusive Yellow-Crested Helmetshrike

    0 scinews score • mar 10, 2024

  81. ALMA Detects Water Vapor in Protoplanetary Disk around Young Star

    0 scinews score • mar 12, 2024

  82. Study: Cheetahs’ Intermediate Size Explains Their Unrivalled Speed

    0 scinews score • mar 15, 2024

  83. Cacao May Have Spread from Amazonia to Other South and Central American Regions 5,000 Years Ago

    0 scinews score • mar 29, 2024

  84. Scientists Decode Etruscan Shrew Genome

    0 scinews score • apr 02, 2024

  85. AI’s Future is Similar to that of Star Trek’s Borg, Scientists Say

    0 scinews score • apr 03, 2024

  86. Webb Observes Hidden Depths of Messier 82

    0 scinews score • apr 03, 2024

  87. Astronomers Observe Result of Violent Stellar Merger

    0 scinews score • apr 13, 2024

  88. Early Aboriginal Pottery Unearthed in Australia

    0 scinews score • apr 18, 2024

  89. Astronomers Detect Rainbow-Like ‘Glory’ in Atmosphere of WASP-76b

    0 scinews score • apr 19, 2024

  90. CERN Physicists Release Higgs Boson Discovery Data

    0 scinews score • apr 23, 2024

  91. Uninhabitable Venus Offers Lessons about Potential for Extraterrestrial Life

    0 scinews score • apr 24, 2024

  92. Early Aboriginal Pottery Unearthed in Australia

    0 scinews score • apr 25, 2024

  93. New Study Finds No Evidence for Bergmann’s Rule in Mesozoic Dinosaurs or Mammaliaforms

    0 scinews score • apr 26, 2024

  94. Astronomers Discover 454 New Asteroids in Main Belt

    0 scinews score • may 04, 2024

  95. Study: Jupiter’s Moon Io Has Been Volcanically Active for All of Its History

    0 scinews score • may 13, 2024

  96. Killer Whales Take Single Breath between Dives, Marine Scientists Confirm

    0 scinews score • may 18, 2024

  97. Researchers Demonstrate Thermal Trapping of Solar Radiation at 1,922 Degrees Fahrenheit

    0 scinews score • may 19, 2024

  98. Paleontologists Find New Fossil Bovids at Cradle of Humankind Site

    0 scinews score • may 24, 2024

  99. Mediterranean Diet Reduces Anxiety and Lessens Stress, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • may 25, 2024

  100. Three New Species of Fossil Monotremes Found in Australia

    0 scinews score • jun 04, 2024