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scinews (2024)

  1. Physicists Find Evidence of New Subatomic Particle

    0 scinews score • apr 27, 2024

  2. Researchers Find Traces of Psychoactive and Other Ceremonial Plants beneath Ancient Maya Ballcourt

    0 scinews score • may 04, 2024

  3. New Species of Lily Discovered in Japan

    0 scinews score • may 13, 2024

  4. Norwegian Archaeologists Unveil Face of Stone Age Hitra Man

    0 scinews score • may 20, 2024

  5. Hubble Snaps Incredible Image of NGC 4689

    0 scinews score • may 24, 2024

  6. Large Binocular Telescope Spots Volcanic Event on Jupiter’s Moon Io

    0 scinews score • jun 04, 2024

  7. Extraordinary Fossil of Giant Short-Faced Kangaroo Found in Australia

    0 scinews score • jun 11, 2024

  8. Are Plants Really Intelligent?

    0 scinews score • jun 19, 2024

  9. Hubble Space Telescope Views NGC 5253

    0 scinews score • jun 24, 2024

  10. Astrophysicists Offer Explanation for Origin of One of Milky Way’s Largest Satellites

    0 scinews score • jun 27, 2024

  11. Researchers Identify Cryptic New Species of Armadillo

    0 scinews score • jun 28, 2024

  12. Enceladus’ Surface May Contain Relatively High Abundances of Pristine Organic Material

    0 scinews score • jan 04, 2024

  13. Humans Played Key Role in Megafauna Extinctions, New Research Confirms

    0 scinews score • jul 07, 2024

  14. New Species of Toothless Pterosaur Discovered in China

    0 scinews score • jan 14, 2024

  15. Scientists Revise Famous Drake Equation

    0 scinews score • jul 17, 2024

  16. Webb Captures Stunning New Image of Arp 142

    0 scinews score • jul 18, 2024

  17. New Research Reveals How UV Light Inactivates Coronavirus Particles

    0 scinews score • jan 22, 2024

  18. Miocene Giraffid Species Had Two Pairs of Ossicones

    0 scinews score • jul 27, 2024

  19. Gigantopithecus Went Extinct between 295,000 and 215,000 Years Ago, New Study Says

    0 scinews score • jan 24, 2024

  20. Paleontologists Discover New Species of Ancient Crocodile

    0 scinews score • jul 28, 2024

  21. Biologists Find Ancient Giant Virus Insertions in Genome of Unicellular Parasite

    0 scinews score • jul 29, 2024

  22. Wild 2 Comet Contains High Fraction of Dust from Young Solar System, Study Shows

    0 scinews score • jan 26, 2024

  23. Extinct Moa’s Refugia Continue to Serve as Sanctuaries for New Zealand’s Remaining Flightless Birds

    0 scinews score • jul 30, 2024

  24. Earth’s Moon is Shrinking, New Modeling Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • feb 02, 2024

  25. New Tyrannosaur Species Discovered in China

    0 scinews score • aug 10, 2024

  26. SARS-CoV-2 Virus is Widespread among Wildlife Species, Study Shows

    0 scinews score • aug 11, 2024

  27. Astronomers Discover 18 New Tidal Disruption Events

    0 scinews score • feb 06, 2024

  28. Taco-Shaped Mandibulate Lived in Cambrian Burgess Shale

    0 scinews score • aug 12, 2024

  29. Egypt’s Pyramid of Djoser May Have Been Built with Help of Unique Hydraulic Lift System: Study

    0 scinews score • aug 13, 2024

  30. Large Language Models Pose No Existential Threat to Humanity, Scientists Say

    0 scinews score • aug 14, 2024

  31. Hubble Looks at Little-Known Spiral Galaxy

    0 scinews score • feb 09, 2024

  32. Researchers Capture First Two-Dimensional Spectral Images of Aurorae

    0 scinews score • aug 16, 2024

  33. Unique Fossil Site Discovered in France Provides Insights into Ordovician Polar Ecosystems

    0 scinews score • feb 12, 2024

  34. Pterosaurs Used All Four Limbs to Propel Themselves in Air, New Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • aug 24, 2024

  35. ‘Nanoparticle Warming’ Have Potential to Warm Mars, Planetary Scientists Say

    0 scinews score • aug 25, 2024

  36. Hubble Space Telescope Snaps New Image of UGC 4879

    0 scinews score • aug 27, 2024

  37. Sagittarius C Region Contains Hundreds of Thousands of Solar Masses of Young Stars: Study

    0 scinews score • feb 20, 2024

  38. Milky Way’s Supermassive Black Hole is Spinning Very Rapidly, New Research Shows

    0 scinews score • feb 27, 2024

  39. ALMA Detects Water Vapor in Protoplanetary Disk around Young Star

    0 scinews score • mar 10, 2024

  40. 1.4-Million-Year-Old Stone Tools Found in Ukraine Document Earliest Hominin Occupation of Europe

    0 scinews score • mar 12, 2024

  41. Brain Waves Help Flush Waste Out of Brain During Sleep, Say Neuroscientists

    0 scinews score • mar 20, 2024

  42. Gray Seal Spits Jet of Water at White-Tailed Eagle in Never Seen Before Encounter

    0 scinews score • mar 21, 2024

  43. Earth’s Oldest Known Fossil Forest Discovered in England

    0 scinews score • mar 25, 2024

  44. Giant Terror Birds Were Apex Predators of Eocene-Period Antarctica

    0 scinews score • mar 25, 2024

  45. Event Horizon Telescope Observes Twisted Magnetic Field around Milky Way’s Central Black Hole

    0 scinews score • mar 29, 2024

  46. Researchers Discover Five New Hydrothermal Vents in Pacific Ocean

    0 scinews score • apr 02, 2024

  47. New Species of Ant-Mimic Spider Found Preserved in Colombian Copal

    0 scinews score • apr 03, 2024

  48. Hubble Spots Large Globular Cluster in Large Magellanic Cloud

    0 scinews score • apr 08, 2024

  49. Tardigrades Have Unusual Response to Ionizing Radiation, Study Reveals

    0 scinews score • apr 18, 2024

  50. Scientists Discuss Physics and Mathematics behind ‘3 Body Problem’

    0 scinews score • apr 19, 2024

  51. Tardigrades Have Unusual Response to Ionizing Radiation, Study Reveals

    0 scinews score • apr 25, 2024

  52. Arabica Coffee Originated More Than 600,000 Years Ago in Ethiopia: Study

    0 scinews score • apr 26, 2024

  53. Astronomers Observe Result of Violent Stellar Merger

    0 scinews score • apr 27, 2024

  54. Hubble Space Telescope Finds ‘Complex’ Galaxy in Virgo Cluster

    0 scinews score • may 04, 2024

  55. Saber-Toothed Tigers Held onto Their Milk Teeth to Stabilize Their Sabers, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • may 13, 2024

  56. Milky Way’s Center is Venting, Astronomers Say

    0 scinews score • may 24, 2024

  57. Well-Preserved Skull Fossil of Extinct Giant Bird Found in Australia

    0 scinews score • jun 04, 2024

  58. Spock’s Home Planet Probably Doesn’t Exist, New Study Argues

    0 scinews score • jun 11, 2024

  59. Hubble Finds Massive Binary Protostar in RCW 7 Nebula

    0 scinews score • jun 19, 2024

  60. Tiny Hominid Species Once Lived in Germany

    0 scinews score • jun 27, 2024

  61. Astronomers Observe Starburst Galaxy NGC 4449

    0 scinews score • jun 28, 2024

  62. Hubble Takes Close Look at UGC 8091

    0 scinews score • jan 04, 2024

  63. Scientists Revise Famous Drake Equation

    0 scinews score • jul 07, 2024

  64. 72-Million-Year-Old Snail Fossil Uncovered in Romania

    0 scinews score • jan 14, 2024

  65. Fruit Bats Possess Episodic Memory and Ability of Mental Time Travel, Study Shows

    0 scinews score • jul 17, 2024

  66. Pseudosuchian Archosaurs Inhabited Coast of Panthalassan Ocean

    0 scinews score • jul 18, 2024

  67. Record-Breaking Fast Radio Burst Localized to Extremely Distant Galaxy Group

    0 scinews score • jan 22, 2024

  68. Last Universal Common Ancestor Lived 4.2 Billion Years Ago: Study

    0 scinews score • jul 27, 2024

  69. Hubble Detects Massive Cyclones in Atmosphere of WASP-121b

    0 scinews score • jan 24, 2024

  70. Early Hominins First Arrived in Southern Europe around 1.3 Million Years Ago

    0 scinews score • jul 28, 2024

  71. Cassini Reveals Surface Properties of Titan’s Hydrocarbon Seas

    0 scinews score • jul 29, 2024

  72. ATCA Detects Compact Radio Source in Center of 47 Tucanae

    0 scinews score • jan 26, 2024

  73. Komodo Dragons Have Iron-Coated Teeth, New Study Reveals

    0 scinews score • jul 30, 2024

  74. Small Feathered Dinosaurs Flapped Their Proto-Wings to Scare Hiding Prey: Study

    0 scinews score • feb 02, 2024

  75. Fossil of Cambrian Long-Headed Chordate Unearthed in Utah

    0 scinews score • aug 10, 2024

  76. Hubble Space Telescope Spies IC 3430

    0 scinews score • aug 11, 2024

  77. New Research Sheds Light on Evolutionary History of Tardigrade Extremotolerance

    0 scinews score • feb 06, 2024

  78. Study Shows Previously Unknown Link between Saharan Dust Plumes and Tropical Cyclone Rainfall

    0 scinews score • aug 12, 2024

  79. New Species of Troodontid Dinosaur Identified in Japan

    0 scinews score • aug 13, 2024

  80. Mid-Crust of Mars May Contain ‘Oceans of Liquid Water’

    0 scinews score • aug 14, 2024

  81. Fossil of Giant Triassic Amphibian Unearthed in Brazil

    0 scinews score • feb 09, 2024

  82. NASA’s Juno Orbiter Captures Stunning Images of Jupiter’s Moon Io

    0 scinews score • feb 12, 2024

  83. Mars Once Hosted Lake Larger than Any on Earth: Lake Eridania

    0 scinews score • aug 24, 2024

  84. Paleontologists Reveal Big Differences in Growth Patterns between Jurassic and Modern Mammals

    0 scinews score • aug 25, 2024

  85. Ancient mtDNA Reveals Presence of Indigenous Dogs at Jamestown Colony in Early 17th Century

    0 scinews score • aug 27, 2024

  86. Early Mars was Tectonically and Volcanically Active, Study Suggests

    0 scinews score • feb 20, 2024

  87. Extinct Shark’s Teeth Had Their Own Needle-Like Fangs

    0 scinews score • feb 27, 2024

  88. Asteroid Moonlet Dimorphos May Have Been Reshaped Following Impact from NASA’s DART Mission

    0 scinews score • mar 10, 2024

  89. Floating Crystals Halt Cooling of Some High-Mass White Dwarfs, Astronomers Say

    0 scinews score • mar 12, 2024

  90. Hubble Space Telescope Spies Small Spiral Galaxy Edge-on

    0 scinews score • mar 20, 2024

  91. 1.4-Million-Year-Old Stone Tools Found in Ukraine Document Earliest Hominin Occupation of Europe

    0 scinews score • mar 21, 2024

  92. Gray Seal Spits Jet of Water at White-Tailed Eagle in Never Seen Before Encounter

    0 scinews score • mar 25, 2024

  93. Researchers Discover Five New Hydrothermal Vents in Pacific Ocean

    0 scinews score • mar 29, 2024

  94. Study: Introduced Tardigrade Proteins Slow Metabolism in Human Cells

    0 scinews score • apr 02, 2024

  95. Hubble Captures Star-Forming and Interacting Galaxy Pair

    0 scinews score • apr 03, 2024

  96. Giant Terror Birds Were Apex Predators of Eocene-Period Antarctica

    0 scinews score • apr 08, 2024

  97. Arabica Coffee Originated More Than 600,000 Years Ago in Ethiopia: Study

    0 scinews score • apr 18, 2024

  98. Early Aboriginal Pottery Unearthed in Australia

    0 scinews score • apr 19, 2024

  99. Arabica Coffee Originated More Than 600,000 Years Ago in Ethiopia: Study

    0 scinews score • apr 25, 2024

  100. Surprisingly Massive Stellar-Mass Black Hole Detected in Nearby Binary System

    0 scinews score • apr 26, 2024