Barkers' Crawler v3.2 

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Hacker News (2021)

  1. FBI, Homeland Security Int. Didn’t Issue Risk Assessment for ProTrump Protests

    95 points • 92 comments • jan 09, 2021

  2. Analog Devices AD1139

    95 points • 38 comments • nov 20, 2021

  3. An analysis of Bitcoin's throughput bottlenecks

    95 points • 191 comments • may 12, 2021

  4. Introduction to WebAssembly Components

    95 points • 46 comments • dec 17, 2021

  5. Tesla Wanted $22,500 to Replace a Battery. An Independent Shop Fixed It for $5k

    95 points • 98 comments • sep 13, 2021

  6. Lua's Development Style (2008)

    95 points • 14 comments • dec 28, 2021

  7. Single Family Zoning is now banned in California

    95 points • 48 comments • sep 19, 2021

  8. Ikea France on trial for snooping on staff and customers

    95 points • 17 comments • mar 23, 2021

  9. “My Octopus Teacher” defied convention

    95 points • 87 comments • apr 15, 2021

  10. Predictors of Nonseroconversion after SARS-CoV-2 Infection

    95 points • 52 comments • aug 31, 2021

  11. My Favorite Software Subreddits

    95 points • 49 comments • dec 05, 2021

  12. Deconstructing the Postgres planner to find indexing opportunities

    95 points • 16 comments • nov 03, 2021

  13. LeVar Burton: 'Jeopardy ' host gig began 'scary,' ended fun

    95 points • 24 comments • jul 24, 2021

  14. Jsc: My New Best Friend

    95 points • 37 comments • aug 25, 2021

  15. Habits I've developed for fast and efficient programming

    95 points • 85 comments • oct 24, 2021

  16. The Duke Mansion Mystery

    95 points • 18 comments • aug 15, 2021

  17. The Golden Age of Compiler Design in an Era of HW/SW Co-Design [video]

    95 points • 6 comments • dec 16, 2021

  18. Evervault

    95 points • 50 comments • dec 17, 2021

  19. The Pyra Handheld Linux PC is Shipping

    95 points • 77 comments • jan 24, 2021

  20. China Launches First Crew to Live on New Space Station

    95 points • 62 comments • jun 17, 2021

  21. White Collar Holler – Stan Rogers

    95 points • 40 comments • nov 10, 2021

  22. The Interactive Fiction Archive (2019)

    95 points • 23 comments • nov 25, 2021

  23. The Czech Play That Gave Us the Word ‘Robot’

    95 points • 43 comments • oct 27, 2021

  24. Pink Floyd's Young Lust – explained and demystified

    95 points • 35 comments • oct 13, 2021

  25. Artificial Neural Nets Finally Yield Clues to How Brains Learn

    95 points • 32 comments • feb 20, 2021

  26. El Salvador's Bitcoin use grows but headaches persist

    95 points • 141 comments • oct 07, 2021

  27. SBA executives ‘beyond doubt’ that teleworking employees are more productive

    95 points • 100 comments • apr 16, 2021

  28. Standard Ruby 1.0

    95 points • 63 comments • mar 05, 2021

  29. Alpine Linux 3.13

    95 points • 42 comments • jan 14, 2021

  30. Robinhood’s big gamble

    95 points • 138 comments • may 19, 2021

  31. Gay men earn undergraduate and graduate degrees at the highest rate in the US

    95 points • 108 comments • nov 20, 2021

  32. The Syslog Hell

    95 points • 73 comments • may 10, 2021

  33. Importance of Conceptual Integrity in System Design

    95 points • 24 comments • feb 21, 2021

  34. Resurrecting Fortran

    95 points • 28 comments • mar 13, 2021

  35. Ask HN: State of PHP at Facebook?

    95 points • 58 comments • oct 27, 2021

  36. Underproduction: An Approach for Measuring Risk in Open Source Software

    95 points • 17 comments • mar 30, 2021

  37. South America's second-largest river retreats to lowest levels in 77 years

    95 points • 38 comments • oct 28, 2021

  38. Taking digital X-ray shots for cheap

    95 points • 24 comments • nov 21, 2021

  39. Texas Electric Bills Were $28B Higher Under Deregulation

    95 points • 53 comments • feb 24, 2021

  40. Intel Hardware allows activation of test or debug logic at runtime

    95 points • 23 comments • nov 09, 2021

  41. The Food Timeline

    95 points • 16 comments • oct 17, 2021

  42. Facial recognition technology: How to opt out at the airport

    95 points • 112 comments • sep 11, 2021

  43. How to build a custom data connector in 2 hours

    95 points • 31 comments • may 19, 2021

  44. Fasting lowers blood pressure by reshaping the gut microbiota

    95 points • 94 comments • jul 17, 2021

  45. Tiger Global: How to Win

    95 points • 24 comments • nov 21, 2021

  46. Tools to measure software energy consumption from your computer

    95 points • 66 comments • sep 28, 2021

  47. Inline and Sideline Approaches for Low-Cost Memory Safety in C

    95 points • 21 comments • feb 17, 2021

  48. Afghan President Ghani relinquishes power, Taliban form interim gov't

    95 points • 88 comments • aug 15, 2021

  49. Critical Thinking Isn't Just a Process

    95 points • 26 comments • feb 17, 2021

  50. Captcha Patent Is an All-American Nightmare

    95 points • 24 comments • aug 07, 2021

  51. Tesla bows to pressure, stops allowing drivers to play video games while driving

    95 points • 86 comments • dec 24, 2021

  52. PowerTOP – diagnose issues with power consumption and power management on Linux

    95 points • 43 comments • jul 04, 2021

  53. How Early Megacities Emerged from the Jungles of Cambodia

    95 points • 11 comments • feb 13, 2021

  54. Show HN: A browser extension to use picture-in-picture with any website

    95 points • 40 comments • feb 20, 2021

  55. Where should the debugger set a breakpoint?

    95 points • 14 comments • nov 11, 2021

  56. CSS Container Queries in Web Components

    95 points • 69 comments • may 16, 2021

  57. Uber, DoorDash and similar firms can’t defy the laws of capitalism after all

    95 points • 120 comments • nov 10, 2021

  58. HN: The Good Parts (2017)

    95 points • 62 comments • may 05, 2021

  59. I Want a New Duck (2020)

    95 points • 93 comments • mar 17, 2021

  60. Cognitive distortions predict safetyism-inspired beliefs in college students

    95 points • 73 comments • nov 27, 2021

  61. Practical advice for analysis of large, complex data sets (2016)

    95 points • 18 comments • apr 30, 2021

  62. The Ambiguity of Real Work

    95 points • 9 comments • dec 28, 2021

  63. Abstraction, intuition, and the “monad tutorial fallacy” (2009)

    95 points • 56 comments • sep 29, 2021

  64. The wrong way to switch operating systems on your server

    95 points • 64 comments • jun 19, 2021

  65. Let’s Encrypt DST Root CA X3 Expiration – September 2021

    95 points • 65 comments • may 17, 2021

  66. Anatomy of a Catastrophic Boiler Accident (1997)

    95 points • 40 comments • sep 07, 2021

  67. Launch HN: Revery.AI (YC S21) Scalable deep learning-based virtual dressing room

    95 points • 50 comments • jun 14, 2021

  68. Supreme Court sides with Facebook in narrowing the federal robocall ban

    95 points • 86 comments • apr 02, 2021

  69. In JS functions, the ‘last’ return wins

    95 points • 69 comments • jul 03, 2021

  70. Identical twins are not so identical, study suggests

    95 points • 82 comments • jan 08, 2021

  71. How the IBM PC Won, Then Lost, the Personal Computer Market

    95 points • 81 comments • jul 21, 2021

  72. Linux kernel incorrect computation of branch displacements in BPF JIT compiler

    95 points • 17 comments • apr 10, 2021

  73. The Girl in the Kent State Photo

    95 points • 67 comments • apr 21, 2021

  74. Disintermediating friends: Online dating displaces other ways of meeting (2019) [pdf]

    95 points • 122 comments • jun 22, 2021

  75. Any Encoding, Ever – ztd.text and Unicode for C++

    95 points • 69 comments • jul 01, 2021

  76. FSL: A programming language to make complex finite state machines easy to create

    95 points • 61 comments • mar 25, 2021

  77. Kolmogorov Complexity: Extensions and Applications

    95 points • 33 comments • may 04, 2021

  78. US states brace for ‘avalanche’ of evictions as federal moratorium ends

    95 points • 122 comments • jul 29, 2021

  79. Apple and Google investigated by UK competition body

    95 points • 43 comments • jun 15, 2021

  80. Why are there so many unfinished buildings in Africa?

    95 points • 153 comments • may 02, 2021

  81. To protect against weaponized drones, we must understand their key strengths

    95 points • 185 comments • jun 08, 2021

  82. Minesweeper automates root cause analysis as a first-line defense against bugs

    95 points • 24 comments • feb 09, 2021

  83. “The infringer is my alt account”

    95 points • 29 comments • sep 17, 2021

  84. A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages (2009)

    95 points • 28 comments • jun 19, 2021

  85. Latino Programming Language

    95 points • 218 comments • apr 14, 2021

  86. GPT Code Clippy, the Open Source Version of GitHub Copilot

    95 points • 9 comments • oct 22, 2021

  87. Error stack traces in Go with x/xerror

    95 points • 90 comments • aug 23, 2021

  88. Linux on the Desktop: Part Two

    95 points • 61 comments • sep 19, 2021

  89. Reflow, a language for distributed, incremental data processing in the cloud

    95 points • 10 comments • may 18, 2021

  90. MicroFPGA – A coming revolution in small electronics (2019) [video]

    94 points • 45 comments • may 15, 2021

  91. Investing in Startups by Passing the Series 65

    94 points • 75 comments • oct 13, 2021

  92. Microsoft .NET Devs Anonymously Responds to Microsoft .NET Leadership

    94 points • 15 comments • oct 25, 2021

  93. Ask HN: What are you predictions for 2022?

    94 points • 154 comments • dec 31, 2021

  94. 4.6B-year-old meteorite found

    94 points • 35 comments • jul 22, 2021

  95. Neuro Evolution of Augmented Topologies

    94 points • 6 comments • nov 21, 2021

  96. I Can Tolerate Anything Except the Outgroup (2014)

    94 points • 17 comments • jan 11, 2021

  97. Run Bhyve in FreeBSD jails – The view from inside the forest (2020)

    94 points • 14 comments • apr 08, 2021

  98. Honeycomb LX2 ARM Workstation: An Alternative to x86

    94 points • 83 comments • aug 25, 2021

  99. 70% of San Francisco residents say quality of life has declined: poll

    94 points • 81 comments • jul 03, 2021

  100. People Now Spend More at Amazon Than at Walmart

    94 points • 73 comments • aug 17, 2021