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Hacker News (2021)

  1. Chaff Bugs: Deterring Attackers by Making Software Buggier

    6 points • 1 comment • jan 10, 2021

  2. Algorithms of Reinforcement Learning

    6 points • 0 comments • oct 10, 2021

  3. What is randomart produced by SSH-keygen? (2009)

    6 points • 0 comments • apr 19, 2021

  4. Facebook risks meta flop, metaverse developers say

    6 points • 2 comments • dec 01, 2021

  5. Software Tools in C++

    6 points • 1 comment • dec 02, 2021

  6. The Internet’s biggest players are all affected by critical Log4Shell 0-day

    6 points • 0 comments • dec 10, 2021

  7. Why large firms fail to live up to the lean dream (2014)

    6 points • 2 comments • jul 29, 2021

  8. FAA - Emergency Airworthiness Directive for Boeing 777 with PW4000 engines

    6 points • 1 comment • feb 21, 2021

  9. We analyzed 80M ransomware samples

    6 points • 1 comment • oct 17, 2021

  10. Covid: Half of UK has antibodies from vaccination or infection

    6 points • 0 comments • mar 30, 2021

  11. Show HN: Curated Moon site to learn why explore the Moon as we send humans again

    6 points • 1 comment • apr 20, 2021

  12. Algebra of the Standard Model

    6 points • 0 comments • dec 05, 2021

  13. Unisys Icon

    6 points • 0 comments • aug 29, 2021

  14. The American Car Dealership Is for Sale

    6 points • 1 comment • sep 11, 2021

  15. Watch 1k illegal Bitcoin PCs get literally steamrolled, experience justice

    6 points • 2 comments • jul 19, 2021

  16. NSA doesn't think quantum computers can break public key encryption

    6 points • 2 comments • sep 04, 2021

  17. Tesla’s CV Approach to Autonomous Driving Built an Unassailable Lead in FSD

    6 points • 2 comments • mar 29, 2021

  18. Off-Season: The New Jersey Photographs of Tyler Haughey

    6 points • 0 comments • apr 04, 2021

  19. Cassette Tape

    6 points • 1 comment • jun 14, 2021

  20. Ohio State study: 30% of student athletes have heart damage linked to Covid-19

    6 points • 0 comments • jan 01, 2021

  21. The Robots Are Coming for Phil in Accounting

    6 points • 0 comments • mar 10, 2021

  22. A brief history of the numeric keypad (2018)

    6 points • 0 comments • apr 08, 2021

  23. Pacman fork that download in ascending size order, skip a 404 error

    6 points • 1 comment • nov 09, 2021

  24. IAM Policies: Good, Bad and Ugly

    6 points • 2 comments • apr 13, 2021

  25. Radial analysis and scaling of urban land use

    6 points • 1 comment • nov 14, 2021

  26. Fragments of Olympian Gossip

    6 points • 0 comments • nov 28, 2021

  27. Apple's Tim Cook signed $275 bln deal with Chinese officials to placate China

    6 points • 0 comments • dec 07, 2021

  28. NIMBYs Are Not Selfish

    6 points • 5 comments • jul 04, 2021

  29. Lucien Freud and the Truth of the Body

    6 points • 2 comments • feb 07, 2021

  30. Binary GCD

    6 points • 0 comments • oct 10, 2021

  31. Ask HN: Where can I learn about programming SIMD and branchless programming?

    6 points • 1 comment • dec 01, 2021

  32. Redis at the Edge with Cloudflare Workers

    6 points • 2 comments • jun 16, 2021

  33. About Removing Medium from (2019)

    6 points • 0 comments • jan 08, 2021

  34. Computers Affect Your Health

    6 points • 1 comment • oct 05, 2021

  35. Softstop Barrier System – Tunnel Warning System

    6 points • 0 comments • nov 09, 2021

  36. The Only Floating Zip Code in the U.S. Delivers Mail to Ships in the Great Lakes

    6 points • 0 comments • apr 14, 2021

  37. Wealth Inequality in Cryptocurrencies

    6 points • 3 comments • may 05, 2021

  38. Up to Six Million People - the Unrecorded Fatalities of the ‘War on Terror’

    6 points • 0 comments • dec 27, 2021

  39. Ask HN: What do you use to pay out multiple people (Stripe/Wise/PayPal, others?)

    6 points • 7 comments • jun 04, 2021

  40. Ask HN: Is There an F-Droid for iOS?

    6 points • 3 comments • jun 19, 2021

  41. Breaking Things at Work – The Luddites Are Right About Why You Hate Your Job

    6 points • 0 comments • apr 02, 2021

  42. The FBI is remotely hacking hundreds of computers to protect them from Hafnium

    6 points • 0 comments • apr 14, 2021

  43. Apple Event – April 20 [Live]

    6 points • 0 comments • apr 20, 2021

  44. Halloween Documents

    6 points • 0 comments • dec 13, 2021

  45. Killed by a pill bought on social media: counterfeit drugs poisoning US teens

    6 points • 0 comments • dec 25, 2021

  46. Stanford's Sapolsky on Depression in U.S. (Full Lecture)

    6 points • 0 comments • jun 02, 2021

  47. Gassed (1919)

    6 points • 1 comment • jul 08, 2021

  48. How Plug.Cowboy works under the hood

    6 points • 1 comment • mar 09, 2021

  49. Stacking our way to more general robots

    6 points • 1 comment • oct 12, 2021

  50. 3D Photography Using Context-Aware Layered Depth Inpainting

    6 points • 0 comments • oct 17, 2021

  51. James Webb Space Telescope launch scheduled 22 December

    6 points • 0 comments • dec 08, 2021

  52. A Roadmap for Molecular Thermoelectricity

    6 points • 2 comments • dec 29, 2021

  53. Security Training for Engineers

    6 points • 0 comments • apr 03, 2021

  54. CDC scientists were “diminished” and “muzzled” under Trump, new director says

    6 points • 0 comments • jan 20, 2021

  55. Stripe invests in TrueLayer, now valued at $1B+

    6 points • 0 comments • sep 21, 2021

  56. NASA Releases Audio of Haunting Wind and Laser Strikes on Mars

    6 points • 0 comments • mar 11, 2021

  57. Triple-A: Open Source Axis and Allies

    6 points • 0 comments • oct 19, 2021

  58. The new abnormal is warming up the US government’s new climate norms

    6 points • 0 comments • may 06, 2021

  59. The Empress of Ice Cream (1996)

    6 points • 4 comments • jun 18, 2021

  60. Pango Lineage C.1.2 Covid Variant in South Africa Europe, Asia, & Oceania

    6 points • 0 comments • aug 30, 2021

  61. Growing Crops Under Solar Panels? Now There’s a Bright Idea

    6 points • 1 comment • oct 15, 2021

  62. Tell HN: Google tells users with telephony issues to rollback and factory rest

    6 points • 1 comment • dec 31, 2021

  63. Industry Julia Users Contributhon

    6 points • 0 comments • jan 21, 2021

  64. How to Build a Society for All to Enjoy

    6 points • 0 comments • oct 11, 2021

  65. A Neuroscientist Prepares for Death

    6 points • 0 comments • dec 31, 2021

  66. Roberta and Ken Williams announce their first game in over 20 years

    6 points • 1 comment • jun 06, 2021

  67. Twitter removing Fleets on August 3

    6 points • 1 comment • jul 14, 2021

  68. Are the hyper-specialist shops of Berlin the future of retail?

    6 points • 0 comments • jul 26, 2021

  69. Wood-inspired cement with high strength and multifunctionality

    6 points • 0 comments • jan 05, 2021

  70. Lockdown was based on faith, not evidence

    6 points • 0 comments • aug 14, 2021

  71. Elections Have Tax Consequences [pdf]

    6 points • 1 comment • jan 13, 2021

  72. Russia's Secretive Space Cannon, the Only Gun Ever Fired in Space

    6 points • 1 comment • feb 17, 2021

  73. 1B TikTok Users Understand What Congress Doesn’t

    6 points • 2 comments • oct 11, 2021

  74. Show HN: Built a GitHub star ranking app for public repositories

    6 points • 0 comments • dec 03, 2021

  75. Why countries with 'loose', rule-breaking cultures have been hit harder by Covid

    6 points • 5 comments • feb 01, 2021

  76. Rewatch: Get more from video meetings, All-hands, customer calls, onboarding

    6 points • 0 comments • may 26, 2021

  77. How Much Will It Cost to Prevent Deaths by Climate-Driven Heat?

    6 points • 1 comment • jul 31, 2021

  78. Open source is stifling progress

    6 points • 3 comments • jan 03, 2021

  79. Show HN: PlanckForth: Bootstrapping an Interpreter from Handwritten 1KB Binary

    6 points • 0 comments • jan 13, 2021

  80. Harmonic Transformer for the Classroom (2013)

    6 points • 0 comments • mar 20, 2021

  81. Feds Told to Better Manage Facial Recognition, Amid Privacy Concerns

    6 points • 0 comments • jun 30, 2021

  82. Walgreens to Close 5 Stores in San Francisco, Citing ‘Organized’ Shoplifting

    6 points • 0 comments • oct 14, 2021

  83. Novel method of 3D geometry visualization

    6 points • 1 comment • jun 09, 2021

  84. You can’t stream most of the biggest Wall Street films now

    6 points • 2 comments • feb 01, 2021

  85. How gig workers and creators are starting to push back

    6 points • 0 comments • sep 24, 2021

  86. A young wild chimpanzee used a plastic bottle as a sex toy at Bulindi, Uganda

    6 points • 0 comments • oct 28, 2021

  87. FBI acts to remove backdoors from hacked Microsoft Exchange servers

    6 points • 3 comments • apr 15, 2021

  88. The metabolism myth – and why exercise won’t make you thinner

    6 points • 3 comments • dec 12, 2021

  89. Remote Authentication Landscape and Authentication Methods [pdf]

    6 points • 0 comments • jul 18, 2021

  90. A Recent Megaflare Shows That Proxima Centauri Is Not a Nice Place to Live

    6 points • 2 comments • apr 26, 2021

  91. Researchers Defeat Randomness to Create Ideal Code

    6 points • 2 comments • nov 26, 2021

  92. History as Literature, by Theodore Roosevelt (1912)

    6 points • 1 comment • may 06, 2021

  93. The Victims of Agent Orange the U.S. Has Never Acknowledged

    6 points • 0 comments • mar 17, 2021

  94. Join the Fediverse

    6 points • 0 comments • dec 24, 2021

  95. Congress is set to make a down-payment on innovation in America

    6 points • 7 comments • jun 04, 2021

  96. The top% of Americans have about 16 times more wealth than the bottom 50%

    6 points • 1 comment • jul 22, 2021

  97. 6.2M Burmese could go hungry by October

    6 points • 1 comment • aug 11, 2021

  98. SQLite replication tool hit over 1K write tx/SEC on a $15/mo box

    6 points • 0 comments • jan 19, 2021

  99. 2020 Annual Letter from Chamath’s Social Capital

    6 points • 0 comments • may 26, 2021

  100. America’s cultural revolution is just like Mao’s (2020)

    6 points • 0 comments • may 29, 2021